17master - Nothing is true Everything is permitted TALK - Vittoria Agli Assassini! ~ {{{time}}}
The usual rules guys:
- No spamming
- no cursing
- No l33t talk
- I happen to suck at grammars, but still, try and use a good grammar if you suck like me ;)
Requests? Helps? just ask! I'll try to help you the best way i can :D
Congrats!! :DTransparent images
The images you uploaded today appear to have lost color fidelity. I'm going to investigate whether this is just an error on my end, though."We're werewolves, not swearwolves." (KrytenKoro) 22:00, 19 September 2011 (UTC)
- I'm not image editing pro, I just know how to get them. So Erry or As if! may be of better help. Anyway, I use Gimp only rarly (most of the time I use Paint.net, because it's really easy to use), but the problem could be that the white was substracted from the image after you declared it as transparent, if you can follow me. --ShardofTruth 21:00, 2 October 2011 (UTC)
UxieLover1994 Cuando la vida te da las herramientas, a construir motos libración — 11:16, 4 October 2011 (UTC)
I'm just doing the walkthroughs for some of the Disney Worlds. We work as a team, of course, but I can be a big help, since I, kinda, overplay KHII and BbS. I'll especially be working with the walkthroughs for Space Paranoids and Halloween Town. Just give me some hints and rules, and we should have them done by Christmas. :)
Walkthrough Difficulty Stuff.Walkthrough Update
UxieLover1994 Tiempo de morder de nuevo con el poder! El tema de hoy: su sorpresa! — 15:04, 24 November 2011 (UTC)
We've currently got ourselves a Deadlock with the walkthrough.
Hey 17M! :D Yes i know, i'm just used to The Keyholes policy, i've already been informed... I will move them onto photobucket/imageshack. Luxris (talk)
Luxris Talk — "My friends are my power!" Kairi, remember what you said before? I'll come back to you, I promise! -- 21:28, 8 January 2012 (UTC)
Yeah, well i wanted to get myself sorted out and settled, i guess :P
Luxris Talk to Me! — "My friends are my power!" I am who I am, because of them. -- 17:16, 9 January 2012 (UTC)
Hey 17M, i just had a question. I don't really know what images i can/can't upload, so i was wondering if i can upload this image? It's for my request page which i will probably be making shortly. Thanks.
Luxris Talk to Me! — "My friends are my power!" I am who I am, because of them. -- 17:02, 10 January 2012 (UTC)
Sweet! I'll upload it now :D
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