Uh, hey. Decided to come to this wiki after all. :/
Anyhoo, the reason I'm using this bubble is cuz the Tidus sprite you uploaded won't work. I was wondering, if it's not to much of a hassle, if you could re-upload it or something? There doesn't seem to be a category for talk bubble sprites like at the keyhole. Thanks!
Your annoying friend,
(Yes, I'm really that bad, I can't even upload my own image. ^_^')
EDIT: Haha, I figured it out! No work for you! Never mind uploading it, I'll do it. Sorry, for wasting your time. xD
EDIT2: *sigh* This is getting ridiculous. I've uploaded it about three times on image shack, tried every link/code, and they ARE NOT WORKING. If it was mine, I probably wouldn't bother, but then that would've been a waste of your time, eh? If you have a solution, it would be oh-so-much appreciated. Thanks.