User:Pea14733/Draft/BbS Walkthrough

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KHBbS Walkthrough [Aqua]


  • In this walkthrough, if it is not that important, I’ll not tell you to go level up or get better commands or stuffs like that. They’re just UP. TO. YOU.

Land of Departure

Starting Commands


  • Quick Blitz – Attached with Scan. Mastered.
  • Thunder
  • Blizzard


  • Finish

Boss– Orbs of Light

  • Just attack with your regular attack. Sometimes the orb will emit spike-like rays of light. It is damaging! Beware! Use Cartwheel [Square + Analog] or Reflect Barrier [Square] to avoid getting damaged. Dying right at the beginning is not a good omen!


  • “Spellweaver” Command Style. Activates by filling the command gauge with magic commands.
  • An increase in Maximum HP.

World completion rewards

  • Ventus Dimension Link
  • Terra Dimension Link
  • Land of Departure Command Board

Castle of Dreams

  • You’ll arrive at the Foyer. At this time, no Unversed will appear so it’s good to collect all the treasures here!
  • From the starting spot, go to the left. You’ll find a chest with a Fleeting Crystal. Then go to the opposite side of the stair, you’ll find a chest with a Barrier Surge command
  • NOTE: Barrier Surge is a good command! Be sure not to meld it. Because while using it, the barrier produced will also protect you from all blockable attacks! Very useful in boss battles.
  • Then, go up the stairs, on the left corridor, you’ll find a chest with a Potion. After that, go back to the stairs, you’ll see a sticker. Jump to catch it. You’ll receive Fireworks Sticker. Then go to the right corridor, at the end of it, you’ll see a chest. It contains Thunderstorm shotlock.
  • After taking all the treasures, go to the Ballroom at the center of the second floor. You’ll receive a Map. There’re no treasures here so go back to the Foyer.
  • You’ll meet the Unversed for the first time here. Quick Blitz is already mastered so you can switch with Barrier Surge. It’s also better to start leveling from here so clear all the Unversed and go down the stair to the Corridor. Also, beware the Bruiser. Since Aqua has low defense, all of its attacks are highly damaging if you’re too careless.
  • Again, the Corridor is full of Unversed. Defeat them all and then go straight to the Palace Courtyard.
  • At the Palace Courtyard, go down the stairs and turn left, just under the stairs is a chest with a Hi-Potion. Far to the left at the wall is another chest with Slow.
  • You’ll see a sticker. But guess what? You can’t reach it with your Jump. Return later when you’ve received “a better jump”. You’ll also see a save point! Whee, the first save point!
  • Go to the gates. But before going through it, you’ll see a chest at your far left. It contains a Potion.
  • Now, go through the gate to the Forest. There’re many Unversed here so you can do some leveling here if you like. Go straight through the pathway, you’ll reach The Chateau.
  • Now, you’ll see a save point and a Moogle Shop. At this point, you should grind some more levels for the later boss fight. In this place, go to another side of the house. You’ll see a large chest with a Magic Recipe. Walk to the door to trigger a cutscene.
  • After the cutscene, talk to Fairy Godmother to shrink yourself and proceed.

Mission –Escort Jaq

  • You’ll meet Jaq. He’s carrying the key that can unlock Cinderella’s room. However, Unversed are in the way. You’ll have to protect Jaq from them. While also making your way to the mouse hole. The command “Avenger Save” will occasionally appear when Jaq is in danger.


  • “Thunderbolt” Command Style. Fill the command gauge with Thunder-based commands. NOTE: The computer will favor this Command Style over Spellweaver. So, even if you fill the command gauge with Thunder spell, from now on, it won’t turn you into Spellweaver. However, if you used another magic command and that increased the gauge by the same amount of that Thunder spell, it will turn you into Spellweaver.
  • After the battle, you’ll see that Cinderella got her slippers and is going to the castle. However, you’ll hear a scream. And the duke tells you that Cindy got attacked by a monster. Go to the Forest and prepare for a boss fight!

Boss – Cursed Carriage

  • Recommended Level – 7
  • You’ll see that Cindy’s evil stepmother and sisters laughs at her. However, they got bombed instead…
  • In this battle, as the “information” says, guarding is the key. Not only it protects you from damage, it also relinquishes HP balls too. After you guarded its attacks, a command “Turnover” will appear. Use it to turn the Unversed over and make it unable to move for a while. Beware of its inhaling attack as it causes a lot of damage. Tap O to reduce the time of being damaged. This boss likes to move around so using long-ranged commands is also recommended. Shotlock is also very effective.


  • An increase in Maximum HP.
  • An increase in Deck Command slot.
  • Whee, Cindy now meets the Prince. And the Happy Ending occurs.

World completion rewards

  • Cinderella Dimension Link.
  • “Stroke of Midnight” Keyblade “A Keyblade that makes it easier to land critical hits”.
  • Castle of Dreams Command Board.

Dwarf Woodlands

  • Okay, you’ll see a cutscene in which Snow White ate a poisoned apple and collapse.
  • Aqua will arrive while the seven dwarves were mourning over her death. They will tell Aqua everything.
  • In this area, go to the back of the dwarves’ house. You’ll see a chest. Open it to get a Payback Surge. This command is EXTREMELY similar to the Barrier Surge you obtained earlier. Then, Go to the small creek on your left. There will be a junction. Follow the separated creek and you’ll see a chest. Open it to get a Poison command. Then, enter the dwarves’ house. You’ll see a big chest. Open it to get the Attack Recipe.
  • Go to the Moogle Shop, you’ll see that the “Cure” command is available for purchase! Buy and equip it to increase your survivability.
  • After getting the treasures, exit the house, save, then go to the left to the Deep Forest.
  • Once you’re in the Deep Forest, you’ll see a chest to your immediate left. And another one in front of you. Open them to get a Potion and Ether. Proceed further and you’ll see a chest very far away. It contains a Hi-Potion. Proceed to the next area.
  • Now, you’re in the Flower Glade. Look at the right side, you’ll see a chest. It contains a Hungry Crystal. Now, proceed to the next area.
  • You’re now in the Courtyard. Aqua will meet the Prince who came here looking for Snow White. Aqua tells him that Snow White was poisoned. The Prince is shocked and rushed to Snow White.
  • Once you regain controls, go up the stairs and you’ll see a chest. Open it to get a Fleeting Crystal. Then, under the stairs, you’ll find a large chest. Open it to get a Map. Then go further to the left. You’ll see a super high platform with a chest. You can’t reach it right now. Just grab a sticker, which is the Basket sticker and go to the right side of the area. Save, and then go straight through. Before you enter the new area, look at your right, you’ll see another chest. Open it to get a Potion.
  • Now, you’re in the Underground Waterway. Go to the left path. You’ll reach a big area with an access to another area. But, we should get all the treasures here first. Now, hit the wheel-like switch. It will then open the gate on the left. Go through it then go up the stairs. You’ll see a chest and a wheel-like switch again. Open the chest to get a Shimmering Crystal. Now, before you hit this switch, be aware that this switch opens TWO gates. The opened gates will be at your left when you face the wall opening. Okay, hit the switch, and try to get pass the second gate. You’ll see a chest. Open it to get Fire command. On your way, you’ll see a chest which behind the second gate. Don’t worry; just do the same things again. That chest contains a Fleeting Crystal. Once you’ve got all the treasures, proceed to the next area.
  • You’re now in the Vault. Be aware that all of the big chests here are disguised Unversed. Go to a small staircase on the left. You’ll see a chest. It contains a Shimmering Crystal. Like I said, the next big chest is Unversed. Now, drop down from the platform. Go to your right and you’ll see a chest. Open it to get a Balloon Letter. Now, you’ll also see something that can be targeted. Equip the Fire command and use it on the target. It will make bubbles so you can reach the platform up there. Once you’re up there, look at the right side for a chest. It contains a Magnet command. Also, look up high, you’ll see a sticker. But you can’t reach it. Now drop down to the ground floor in front of the door to the next area. Then go to a corner on your immediate right. You’ll see a chest and a disguised big chest. The real chest contains a Potion. Now, proceed through the door and prepare for a boss battle!

Boss – Spirit of the Magic Mirror

  • Recommended Level – 10
  • For an unknown reason, the Magic Mirror sucks Aqua in a realm and fights her.
  • This battle has many tricks to deal with. Only when the spirit glows blue you can attack it. If it disappear and surrounds you with two rows of its copies, quickly chain Cartwheel further until they disappear to avoid the projectiles. If it fires a white projectile at you, that projectile cannot be blocked so you’ll have to Cartwheel away to avoid getting inflicted by Confused status. If it surrounds you in a circle, right before they’re about to fire the projectiles, try to lock-on. You’ll see the real spirit. Quickly go to attack! If it connects, it will stop its attack.


  • An increase in Deck Command slot.
  • Okay, now Aqua has got out of the Mirror who says that the Queen is gone. Then, Aqua goes back to the Dwarves’ house and sees the Prince kisses Snow White who then opens her eyes. Whee, now, the Happy Ending occurs again.

World completion rewards

  • Snow White Dimension Link
  • “Treasure Trove” Keyblade. “A Keyblade that makes up for its short reach with a balanced boost in Strength and Magic.

Enchanted Dominion

  • You’ll arrive at the Forbidden Mountains. Now, look behind, you’ll spot a chest. It contains a Hi-Potion. Go up to the castle.
  • You’ll be in