- "You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imagination—next stop, the Twilight Zone!"
- —Rod Serling
UnknownChaser 不明チェイサー Fumei Cheisā
Forgotten Chaser
Wasure rareta Cheisā
Date of birth
May 9th, 1995
Maryland, United States
Greetings all! Welcome to my userpage, enjoy your time here looking at stuff. Name's UnknownChaser, although I have been known to go be UC, Chaser, Cheisā, and on rare moments The Editor Formerly Known as UnknownChaser. I'm a simple working editor here, while a retired moderator at the The Keyhole.
I'm a pretty chill guy really, if you have any question, comment, and/or concern, feel free to ask them on my talk page.
Journal entry
- A mysterious and silent editor. He watches the wiki from the shadow.
I'm pretty much a chill-lax cool guy really. I get bored very easily of nearly anything that doesn't spark any interests to me. I have a dislike of mainstream pop-culture, no I'm not a hipster or any other thing like that, I just dislike mainstream pop-culture in general, I find it to be idiotic really. There nothing else much to say from that point.
I'm of medium hight, have messy non-messy black hair that reaches down to my eye, kept straight down with a few spikes in the front. In general I mainly wear jeans, a t-shirt, a black jacket at anytime, no matter the season or weather, and a streampunk key necklace.
To-do list
Mostly missing information for the games, characters, etc. Also other stuff too.
Created and work on all Kingdom Hearts Re:coded commands.
Created a treasure list for Terra, Ventus, and Aqua.
Created a list on all the Unversed Battle, explaining them, reward from them, battle description on them, etc.
Resizing and out hosting all Userbox images.
- Finish this Element lists I have lying around.
Finish the BBS version of the moogle shop.
- Transparentness of all and any nontransparent images.
Working On
Update, rework, and re-edit all the Deck commands in Birth by Sleep to the proper format.
Attack Commands
Magic Commands
Friendship Commands
Movement Commands
Defense Commands
Reprisal Commands
Update and rework on all the Commands in Re:coded.
Attack Command
Magic Command
BbSFM recoloration for the Unversed.
- Missing boss stats for BbS.
- Missing stats for Unversed.
Replace "360-degree" with "360°" for all Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days weapons.
- Work on the Experience's page
Get a userbox.
Get a info box.
Get a profile picture for my info box.
Get a talk bubble.
Get a signature thing.
Get a "this user is friend with UnknownChaser" box-thingy.
- Edited
10, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000 times.
- Edited mainstreamly
10, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000, 1500, 1750, 2000, 3000 times
- Memorize/learn the coding (probably never gonna finish this.....(I swear these things are mortal enemy)).
Be a feature user one day (give me a few years for this ha-ha).
Userpage redone.
- Talk bubbles redone to all Noctis-based talk bubbles.
- Other goals....
- That is all.
- also shenanigans....
- also I control the horizontal, the vertical.
Talk Bubbles
My talkbubbles are either based off of a certain character from a series or a series of reoccurring characters from a series.
Jin Kisaragi
UnknownChaser - Why do you even bother wasting my time? TALK - 04:04, 29 December 2011 (UTC)
My standard Jin Kisaragi talk bubble.
UnknownChaser - You had potential at the academy. What a waste.... But I have no business with weaklings or puppets. TALK - 04:04, 29 December 2011 (UTC)
My talk/forum/welcome Jin talk bubble.
UnknownChaser - You've got good determination, I'll give you that. TALK - 04:04, 29 December 2011 (UTC)
My sad/depress/disappointed Jin talk bubble.
UnknownChaser - Just who...the hell are you? TALK - 04:04, 29 December 2011 (UTC)
My angry/mad/annoy Jin talk bubble.
Doctor Who
6th Senshi
Kamen Rider
This user is 16 years old.
This user is a fan of Disney movies.
This user contributes using Safari.
This user battled their way through the End of the World to reach FinalRest.
This user forged a D-Link with Luxris.
This user fights Hollows alongside Shadow.
"This world has been disconnected. Severed from the darkness. As of now, no longer eclipsed."
As of today, June 11th, 2011, the audit resulting from the declared independence of the Kingdom Hearts Wiki from Wikia has been successfully completed! Thanks to work from users like you, all articles, images, templates, and other pages are now fully synced with the wiki, which has restored content that could have been lost forever during the move. Thanks to you, this wiki is now completely free from Wikia, as well as all of its forced skins, policies, and content that shunned encyclopedic content for contests and irrelevant material. Your invaluable work has forever separated the Kingdom Hearts Wiki, allowing us to reach higher, transcend the stars, pierce the heavens, and ultimately conquer the darkness, and shall never be forgotten. From the hearts of truly every user on this wiki: thank you.