This page contains a list of quotes said by Xigbar during the course of Kingdom Hearts II and Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days.
Cutscene Quotes
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
- "Hey, Roxas. Welcome to the program, as they say."
— welcoming Roxas to the Organization. - "Get practicing so you can make yourself useful."
— talking to Roxas in the Grey Area. - "It's nice in here with the loudmouths gone."
— during a conversation in Day 22. - "Xion, of course. Who else, kiddo?"
— introducing Xion to Roxas. - "We sent a total of six members over to Castle Oblivion. That's about half our number."
— explaining some of the members going to Castle Oblivion. - "Okay? As if. Word has it at least one of the folks we sent to Castle Oblivion has been terminated."
— saying that one of the members has been killed. - "No buts. There's work to be done. Get yourself ready."
— preparing Roxas for his next mission. - "Well, good morning, sunshine. During your beauty nap, we found out the whole Castle Oblivion team is toast."
— saying that all of the members in Castle Oblivion are annihilated. - "If they're gone, they're gone. No point in crying over split milk."
— talking to Roxas about the fallen members. - "You gotta admit, the castle's a lot quieter. Half as loud, you might say. But I could get used to a smaller, more tightly knit group, how 'bout you?"
— talking about the lack of members in the headquarters. - "Lucky you. Heh heh, now you get to double your hours to help pick up the slack."
— saying that Demyx has to pick up the slack. - "There it is, right out that window: Kingdom Hearts. What do you make of it?"
— talking about Kingdom Hearts. - "Today you get to work with me, tiger."
— saying that Roxas needs to help him in the next mission. - "Heh! You like "kiddo" better? Or maybe you're mad because Poppet got the best nickname?"
— talking about Roxas's nickname. - "Bingo. You know somebody turns into a Heartless if the darkness gets their heart, right? Well, say this person's heart is strong--real strong. Sometimes, you wind up with a sort of byproduct: a Nobody. Take the strongest of those--the real cream of the crop--stick 'em in a room, and you've got us: the Organization."
— explaining how Nobodies are made to Roxas. - "As if, I just don't want to get in the way of your valuable training. I care about your future, Roxas."
— before bailing on Roxas in one of the missions. - "I sure hope Poppet pulls through. That was one tough mission she got stuck with."
— talking about Xion's mission. - "Good to have Poppet back, eh?"
— when Xion returns back to the Organization. - "Of all the faces... Why do I look at her and see yours? Do you always have to stare at me like I just drowned your goldfish?"
— while talking about how Xion looks like Ventus. - "Sora is having a powerful effect on her."
— talking to the remaining members in the Round Room. - "As if. Your friend sat there sucking his thumb while Xion walked right off. ... I'm going back to my room."
— talking about Roxas to Axel. - "The Replica Program was one of our little pet projects."
— talking about the Replica Program. - "So now we just sweep it all up? Heh... As if."
— his final words in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days.
Kingdom Hearts II
- "Oopsy-daisy!"
— talking to Sora in Hollow Bastion. - "As if! You can talk all you want, but that won't change a thing."
— talking to Sora in Hollow Bastion. - "As if! Why don't I remind you how tough the crowd you're dealing with really is?"
— during a conversation with Sora. - "Gee... I just don't know."
— spreading his arms open and falsely challenging to strike Sora. - "That's RIGHT, he used to give me that same exact look."
— when Sora gave him the look. - "Be a good boy now!"
— before leaving Hollow Bastion. - "No. Never heard of him."
— revealing himself in The Land of Dragons. - "Have you been a good boy?"
— upon meeting Sora and company in The World That Never Was. - "Oh, it sounds like you haven't. Sora! Roxas!"
— arguing with Sora in The World That Never Was. - " You've really put Organization XIII in a pickle. I guess that must be why the Keyblade chose you. But MAN, did it pick a dud this time. You don't look like you're half the hero the others were."
— insulting Sora. - "Rambling? As if! All I'm trying to tell you, traitor, is that your time is up!"
— before fighting Sora. - "Wouldn't you like to know..."
— his final words before he fades away.
Battle Quotes
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
- "Hey, not bad!"
— using his Limit Break. - "You had your fun?"
— using his Final Limit.
Kingdom Hearts II
- "You really shouldn't have betrayed us."
— start of the fight. - "So what you think?"
— after changing the shape of the battlefield. - "New background!"
— after changing the shape of the battlefield. - "Take this!"
— after firing the charged projectile. - "Head's up!"
— firing his guns through portals of darkness. - "Oh, yeah?"
— after recovering from stun. - "Gotcha now!"
— starting his "sniper" attack. - "Clever little sneak!"
— after being hit 3 times with the "Warp Snipe" Reaction command. - "Sora!"
— said at random. - "Roxas!"
— said at random. - "R for Reload!"
— reloading his arrowguns. - "Okay, now we're talking!"
— after losing a percentage of his HP. - "Take this!"
— firing his big projectile. - "Look what I've saved for ya!"
— starting his Desperation Attack. - "Let's see how you dance?"
— starting the last part of his Desperation Attack. - "I lost? ME?"
— upon defeat.
Removed Quotes
- "Movin' out!!"
- "You're putting me to sleep, slacker!"