You enter this world after going through Merlin's door. This is the first of five worlds where Sora and his friends change form, since the party are given 1920s-style designs, with Donald and Goofy looking similar to their early shows. Sora's attire resembles his appearance from the first game, but now he is drawn in similar style to that of Osamu Tezuka's manga characters (such as Astro Boy) and is pre-1940s style.
You'll encounter the past version of Pete (who was still a captain of his own steamboat), who asks the trio if they have seen any bad guys around here. The trio point at him, much to Captain Pete's shock. He then runs off towards the Pier. There is a Moogle Shop and a save point here, so save your game and follow Captain Pete. You'll find him on a jetty. Select "Punish" reaction command to trigger a boss battle.
Boss Fight
After defeating Captain Pete, Goofy will suspect that Captain Pete may not be the same as the Pete they know, since he has not called up any Heartless. Goofy says sorry, but Captain Pete then demands that the trio find the thief that stole his boat if they really were sorry. Sora agrees, and they help Captain Pete (who hurts his back in the battle).
Later on, they find a window that shows four groups of Heartless (along with some jumping flames) go into windows just moments before the trio entered this world. Your main goal now is to flush out the Heartless from all four windows.
- Building Site: Defeat all the Heartless before the structure colapess. When the balcony is shacking, use to spin the Keyblade around, doing major damage.
- Lilliput: Defeat all the Heartless before the town is flattened. Use the cannons to send the Heartless flying.
- Scene of the Fire: Defeat the Heartless before the fires consume the whole building. Use magic on the Hot Rods to easily dispatch them.
- Mickey's House: Defeat the Heartless before the room is destroyed. Attacking the black hole will stop the suction.
Each time Sora and his friends defeated the Heartless in a window, the past version of King Mickey appears and happily shakes Sora's hand, thanking him, before waving his hand to say good bye.
In the first window, you'll see Malificent scolding somebody. In the second window, the mistreated peoson will mope and wish that he could return to the past, creating a door that's shaped like Merlin's as a result. In the third window, it's revealed that the fellow shows the door to Malificent, saying that it connects to the past, and can now use it to her advantage. Because of this, the trio relise that they are in the past. In the fouth window, Malificent sends her lackey into the past to destroy the Cornerstone of Light; the lackey being revealed as Pete.
Soon, Present Pete will appear, laugh, then run off towards the river. Just as Sora is about to go after him, Past Pete soon appears, claiming that he's already found the fool that stole his boat. Because he cannot tell which Pete is which, Sora is confused.
Now head towards the river. You'll find the two Petes arguing over the steamboat, with Present Pete throwing Past Pete away. Now you must break open the box containing the Cornerstone.
After defeating Pete, you'll find him running to a Harbor. Team up with Past Pete to send this Pete back to the future/
Past Pete
After defeating him, Present Pete will reveal his door and go through it; Sora will then seal the door shut. Past Pete then allows the trio to use his steamboat; besides, his first mate is late anyway. After that, you will return to Disney Castle, where you will watch a cutscene and open the gates for Atlantica and Port Royal.
Click here to visit Atlantica >>>>
Click here to visit Port Royal >>>>