Walkthrough:Kingdom Hearts II/Hollow Bastion

Radiant Garden

First Visit

Hollow Bastion will serve as your homebase in this game. When you first appear Sora, Donald and Goofy will run up to a stone wall and will regonise this place as Hollow Bastion, with Goofy comenting on that this world is different, somehow. He'll then spot some Soldiers on the rooftops of the shops, and will comment that they might have to do some fighting.

Once you regain control of the party, head down the stairs and you'll notice some shops, along with a Moogle shop, which can be used to cash in your Synthises items. You should also speak with Scrooge McDuck, who is trying to remember an ice cream flavour, but is having trouble with it. Goofy also reveals to Sora that Scrooge is Donald's uncle, and that he is very rich.

Second Visit

Third Visit