Agrabah Logo KH.png


Once you land here, you will be in the Plaza, save and then go talk to The Peddler. He will ask you to buy something from his wares, buy something cheap and leave as you only need to buy one thing. Now go to the Main Street, here you will encounter Bandit Heartless, defeat them. Now climb up the Metal Blox and break the Prize Blox. Get down and go to the Alley straight ahead if you're facing the left of where you came.

Now break any Blox in this area then go through the arch to the right from when you came in here, it's on the top level. Now jump across to get to the Rare Prize Blox on the other side with the awnings. Then go back to the platform you were on and go through the arch, you should be lead to the Palace Gates, now attempt to get all Blox in this area, including a Pair Blox. After that, go Talk to Aladdin, after the cutscene leave the area. Wait! Aladdin wants you to find Jasmine, after that leave the area once more and defeat the Bandits that stand in your way, then go to the Alley to your right.

Boss: Jafar I

Jafar will just teleport around the Alley and shoot Fire at you, make sure you have Lady Luck equipped as a block is going to heal you. Just follow him around, block his attacks and he'll be down in no time. An easy way of doing this is equipping Firaga or Blizzaga and using them against him as they're long-range attacks.

Agrabah/Cave of Wonders

File:Cave of Wonders.png
The Cave of Wonders

Watch the cutscenes to come and after they're all gone go out of the Alley and to the Plaza and talk to Aladdin. Jafar will come and effectively cast Infinite Stopga on the whole city but only you, Iago and Jafar can move and soon the Genie. Catch Iago three times and he'll give you the lamp. Now you'll have a cutscene where you'll go to the Cave of Wonders. This time, you'll have a Backdoor, first save and then go to the left side of the Cave, it should be there. Enter it and defeat all Heartless inside.

After you finish with the Backdoor, save and then go in the Cave of Wonders. In this world, the Blox Bug enemy will appear. Now go in and get to the other side, the Waterfall of Sand is a glitch, the Backdoor is in the rolling-ball maze. After that go through the doorway where the Waterfall of Sand was once.

This is the last spot before you battle Jafar. Get to the other end and save. Now go through to the big platform of Metal Blox as that will lead you to Jafar, however you will also battle while on the big platform. Once you reach the bottom, you'll meet Jafar once more.

Boss: Jafar II

Jafar will teleport around the chamber with 2 phantoms that are translucent, he is the one that is opaque so attack him. Be aware of the Blox Bugs that sprawl around, and make sure to chain commands as they are very effective.

After the fight, you'll need to find the Keyhole, it's in one of the piles of Blox.

Boss: Genie Jafar I

The first form is easy, he just throws fire-ridden balls at you and then shoots a "Slow" spell out of his head, for the first you have to dodge roll, for the latter you need to block and he'll be stunned and Iago will get the Slow spell on him, so run and attack him.

Boss: Genie Jafar II

Do the same as you did last time but there is no slow spell and there is a new move where he will throw a large ball up and it'll become small balls that will drop down. Iago will pause for moments on the Metal Blox above. Chain commands in time to get maximum damage, and also have at least once Cure/Cura/Curaga command as you will definitely get hit at least once. After this, you'll have finished Agrabah.