Forum:Image naming policy

Revision as of 12:41, 21 September 2011 by 17master (talk | contribs)
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Forums: Index > The World that Never was > Image naming policy

KrytenKoro - And when you see me standing there, you'll know you've got a friend with a rock, I mean a big-ass rock.
Like the Keyblade and World images, all character, item, or other images should be named of the format "title (optional identifier if several images for same title) gameid.filetype".

So, "Leon KHII.jpg", or "Data Sora (profile) KHII.png"

17master - Nothing is true un2.png Everything is permitted
TALK - Vittoria Agli Assassini! ~ {{{time}}}
What about uploaded images which name doesn't follow the format? Will it be deleted? And images like "Leon Kingdom Hearts II.png is also good, right?
KrytenKoro - "An education was a bit like a communicable sexual disease. It made you unsuitable for a lot of jobs and then you had the urge to pass it on."
They should be moved to a correct name. And no, that name is not good.

17master - Nothing is true un2.png Everything is permitted
TALK - Vittoria Agli Assassini! ~ {{{time}}}
I see. Can I help with changing the names, then?

Remind me: The abbreviations are KH, KHII, KH:COM, KHBBS, KHD, KHc? --Neumannz, The Dark Falcon 15:33, December 3, 2010 (UTC)

17master - Nothing is true un2.png Everything is permitted
TALK - Vittoria Agli Assassini! ~ {{{time}}}
shouldn't it be KHBbS? And what about remakes and Final Mixes? Will it be like KHRECoM and KHBbSFM?
KrytenKoro - Click
All caps are used for these for simplicity, but yeah.

Lapidothtill - Marluxia (card).png What sound does an Arctic Tern make, Col?
Graceful Dahlia KHD.png Are you renaming real world items as well?

17master - Nothing is true un2.png Everything is permitted
TALK - Vittoria Agli Assassini! ~ {{{time}}}
this may sound stupid, but, uh... How do we move pictures?
KrytenKoro - "Hurricane beats all housing or apartments. This sucker is a Cat-6!"
Any KH image will get renamed (barring screenshots, probably).

Pictures are moved the same way that pages are. If you don't have the tab, then you don't have the permissions to move the image.

Instead, use Template:Bad Name, so that a mod or admin can just move the image to the correct title.

Sora Limit CT Sprite KHIIFM.png
17master Jingle! — Santa Claus is coming to town!

Snow! Lights! Snowmans! Bells! Hot chocolate! Presents!

D: Allright I'll put the templates, then. EDIT: Someone should put up how the bad name template is used.

Marluxia KHD.png
Lapidothtill Marluxia (card).png "As lightless oblivion devours you, drown in the ever-blooming darkness!".
Graceful Dahlia KHD.png All the Hot Topic merchandise is KHII, so you won't have to go looking for what game they're from. Also, I know this doesn't go here, and I apologize in advance, but the titles of the strategy guide pages are different. Some say Official and some say Signature Series. Example: Kingdom Hearts II Official Strategy Guide VS Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Signature Series Strategy Guide. What should they be named?
KrytenKoro - "Because I knew something he didn't. I knew that I was lying. Seriously, sir. 'No silicon heaven'? Where would all of the calculators go?"
This is just for images from the games; merchandise is not affected.
ShardofTruth Once you believe, truth and lie are quite the same thing. — 11:09, 21 September 2011 (UTC)
Game Clear Data KHRECOM.png The optional identifier for a second render in the same series used for battle stances is "(Battle)" now by the way. I think there was another forum on this topic, but I can't seem to find it at the moment. What about the forms?

Currently used examples:

Because there are no drive forms in KHI, the place should always come first in my opinion. So which is is now?

  • "Sora (Vampire Form) (Master Form) KHII"
  • "Sora HT (Master Form) KHII"
  • "Sora HT MF"

There are forms that always match a place

  • Merman/Squid/Turtle ==> Atlantica (AT?)
  • Vampire/Mummy/Frankenstein/Halloween ==> Halloween Town (HT)
  • Data ==> Space Paranoids (SP)
  • Retro ==> Timeless River (TR)
  • Lion/Bird/Tortoise ==> Pride Lands (PL?)
  • Santa/Snowman/Reindeer ==> Christmas Town (CT)

But there are also forms that aren't like Card, Die or the Final Form of Xemnas. On the other hand there is the problem with the inhabitants of Timeless River. Is it File:Horace Horsecollar TR KHII.png or "Horace Horsecollar (Retro Form) KHII"? On a side note: Malificent as a Halloween Town form too.

But there is more: Is there a pattern how to name the KHCOM character images, which aren't renders like File:Axel-ChOfMem.png? Also could somebody make suggestions for name of these renders (because the standard is already taken):


EW Green Chest.png
17master— "Hi, I'm the world famous talking Emerald Box!"

And I like to eat HUMAN cupcakes. — 12:41, 21 September 2011 (UTC)

Orichalcum+ KHII.pngThese are my opinions:

I think Sora (Master Form) HT KHII.png looks neat

As for world tags, those'll do

For TR inhabitants, they're actually the old version of Disney characters, so I don't know if we should use "Form". Maybe something like "Horrace Horsecollar (Retro) KHII.png", without the Form

For KHCoM images, they're sprites so maybe something like "Axel (Sprite) KHCOM.png" and for talk bubbles, "Axel (Talk Bubble) # KHCOM.png

For those KHII and KHD images, I thought we can use numbers to identify second or third render? Like that Xion 2 KHD.png


  • KH
  • KHFM
  • KHII
  • KHD
  • KHC