CaelumLucisCaliga Talk! - I smile because...

...I have no idea what's going on. — 18:06, 1 July 2011 (EDT)

Heartless Emblem.pngIs this article even needed? It was made several months ago and hasn't been touched since...
KrytenKoro - "Hurricane beats all housing or apartments. This sucker is a Cat-6!"
Yes, it is needed, as these things plainly have HP bars and are interactable objects. They also have plot significance in Halloween Town, KHD. It just needs expanding.
CaelumLucisCaliga Talk! - Join the Darkness. We have cookies.

Dark Chocolate Chip Cookies! — 12:11, 2 July 2011 (EDT)

Heartless Emblem.pngMajor expanding. I'll do the best I can later. Right now I got a book report to do.