Template:KH Enemy

This article is about the Heartless.
You may be looking for the shield.

Defenders are enemies from Kingdom Hearts.

One of the Hollow Bastion Heartless, the Defender was essentially a Goofy-themed enemy and counterpart to the Wizard. Defenders had two minds; the Defender had a mind of its own. Though Defenders didn't do much themselves, their shields used Fire and Blizzard magic, blocked from attacks, and bit approaching targets. There was a 5% chance that a Defender would leave behind its shield.

The Defender is similar in many ways to the Lance Soldier from Kingdom Hearts II.

It is notable, that the Defender takes Goofy's defence build, and the Wizard takes Donald's magic build, but there is no enemy to finish the group and take Sora's power build.


see:Defender (Enemy Card)

See Also