Please place votes here for the various designs of possible Square Enix Independent Wiki Alliance logos to be considered by the community. One vote per user, and please sign with a number-bullet signature below the triple line. Additional designs to be submitted should be posted on the main forum.

Logo 1


Logo 2


Logo 3


Logo 4


  1. --DTN   16:23, 23 April 2011 (EDT)
  2. --Lukethehedgehog 16:25, 23 April 2011 (EDT)
  3. --Ag (Silver) - 47 107.8682 amu ~Crono   16:28, 23 April 2011 (EDT)
  4. --Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off. - Erry 16:30, 23 April 2011 (EDT)
  5. --Pawprintorange.png Dan - Don't Blink! Pawprintblue2.png 16:30, 23 April 2011 (EDT)


Item_2383.png AS IF! Item_2383.png The world is garbage! CRUNCH!
I changed the second logo. The text is slightly higher and "Independent" is no longer misspelled. Place your vote accordingly.