Good lord why do we have this page.Terra-Xehanort is the same character as Xehanort.
...Have you even read both articles? If so, I believe your opinion would change. KRCCFNF is tired of being STEPPED ON. 21:34, 17 April 2011 (EDT)
I have read both articles.--The Dark Master 21:36, 17 April 2011 (EDT)
This page is unessecary.This info belongs on Xehanort's page.--The Dark Master 21:42, 17 April 2011 (EDT)
Dude, compare the two. There would be far too much content on just the Xehanort page. Having two similar, but complete pages is better than having one excessivly large page. KRCCFNF is tired of being STEPPED ON. 21:51, 17 April 2011 (EDT)
"Oh then in that case we should seperate info on Sora's page since the the info is obivioulsy huge on his page."--The Dark Master 21:54, 17 April 2011 (EDT)
Except that one can't be split into two. What other character was Sora? Listen:
- Terrnort and Xehanort are drastically different. We can't have an article about someone who knew who he was and all of a sudden change that half way through.
- His role changes drastically in the story after his amnesia.
If you returned to the wiki just to cause arguments, please refrain from doing so. KRCCFNF is tired of being STEPPED ON. 22:03, 17 April 2011 (EDT)
I returned to right some issues.Just because someone has amnesia does not mean they are entirley someone else.--The Dark Master 22:07, 17 April 2011 (EDT)
I wasn't saying he was two different people. I meant he was changed EXTREMELY, almost like becoming someone else. Your reasoning is like saying "delete Roxas, because he is just Sora with amnesia". KRCCFNF is tired of being STEPPED ON. 22:08, 17 April 2011 (EDT)