KHWiki:Mirage Arena/Nominations

< KHWiki:Mirage Arena
Revision as of 00:19, 13 February 2011 by KingdomKeyDarkside (talk | contribs) (→‎Nominations for Round Two, Week One: Consider Nominations frozen for now. DS and I need to talk before we start doing this again.)

Welcome one, welcome all to the Mirage Arena nominations! Please read the rules below before nominating or voting.
KKD is in charge of all nomination matters. Please take any issues to him.


Nominations will open the day before the next battle starts, and close the following Friday. Votes are taken like featured media. Nominations are posted, and users vote for the one they like best.
Try and keep it fresh, people! Nobody wants to see expected battles over and over again. Try something different, crazy, out there, or all of the above! Who knows, your Leon vs. Roxas nomination might just be our next battle.

Note: This section is subject to change!
  • You must be active for at least one week before you can vote and/or suggest, and have at least 145 edits before voting. These include: Mainspace, Image, Main Page Template, Walkthrough, Card, Kingdom Hearts Wiki, MediaWiki. Check your editcount Here, by typing in your username.
  • One on one battles only.
  • Eight suggestions will be taken per week.
  • Signed on users only.
  • Contenders are ineligible if they have fought in the current round already, or fought in the previous round.
  • A category will be ineligible for three weeks after use.
  • No talk templates are allowed on this page.
  • Sign your suggestions/votes with your sig.
  • Don't vote for your own suggestion; you automatically vote for it if you suggest it.
  • All fight suggestions will be archived after a new fight is selected.
  • A user can only suggest one fight per week (for example, you may not suggest 3 fights at one time). However, if your nomination is deemed ineligible, feel free to re-nominate. Just make sure your new nomination isn't ineligible too.
  • The same fight is not allowed to be suggested two weeks in a row.
  • Post your nomination at the bottom of the page.
  • Forms of characters cannot battle other characters (No Mummy Donald vs. Larxene, but Mummy Donald vs. Turtle Goofy is okay).
  • Battles must remain in category (see below).

Breaking any of these rules may result in your Nomination being removed, and eventual loss of privileges.

Vote/Nomination Policy:

Please follow these guidelines when removing votes and taking away vote privileges.

  1. The vote/nomination is removed.
  2. The vote/nomination is removed and 1st warning message is sent to the talk page.
  3. The vote/nomination is removed, 2nd warning message is sent and loss of voting/nomination privilege to the next fight.
  4. 3rd warning message is sent and loss of vote/nomination privileges for one month.
  5. Loss of voting/nomination privileges permanently with a message announcing it.

Category Breakdowns

  1. Characters: Kingdom Hearts originals (Including the Organization), Disney Characters, Final Fantasy, and all forms of these characters (Including KHI attire vs KHII attire), sans drive forms (which are counted as weapons).
  2. Worlds: Obviously, any world in KH canon that you can think of, also includes realms (Darkness, etc.)
  3. Weapons: Anything from Sora's Keyblade to Xemnas's lightsabers ethereal blades (Drive forms are here because of their use in battle). All weapons from 358/2 Days are fair game (no pun on Luxord's weapon intended.).
  4. Enemies: Heartless, Nobodies, and Unversed.
  5. Misc.: For things that don't really fit into other categories, such as Sea-Salt Ice Cream vs. Paopu fruit, Or Simple and Clean vs. Sanctuary. Entire factions (Heartless, Hollow Bastion Restoration Committee, Nobodies) also fit under this category.

Nominations for Round Two, Week One

Nominations are currently frozen. Please do not vote or add any new nominations. KKDf51ce887-d120-4b89-8cff-afbff03976aa_zps7f114bcc.png Ineligible Categories: None.

Shadow vs. Flood

The most common enemies from the Heartless and the Unversed. They look very similar and are not exactly threats but complete nuisances. Every rule has an execption! Including this one.15:10, 12 February 2011 (EST)

Traverse Town vs. Twilight Town

These are the places Sora began his journeys in Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts II. Both towns have a bell tower that holds significance to the storyline. Both have the word "town" in their names and can be abbreviated to "T.T.". Item_2384.png AS IF! Item_2384.png 15:13, 12 February 2011 (EST)

Armor of the Master vs No Heart

This is Eraqus VS Xehanort, Keyblade Master VS Keyblade Master, armor VS armor, secret boss VS secret boss. It's current with the newest game released, BBSFM, which I think fits well with our recent move. Plus, I don't really know who I'd vote for.LapisLazuliScarab15:14, 12 February 2011 (EST)

  1. Oh, yes. Chitalian8 15:37, 12 February 2011 (EST)
  2. Yes, definitely. Ay, dios mio! I might be late tomorrow. - Erry 15:47, 12 February 2011 (EST)
  3. Jyes~! --Ag (Silver) - 47 107.8682 amu ~Crono   17:36, 12 February 2011 (EST)