Just check your template page for the format.Here is the link:Template:Al1996.--The Dark Master 02:55, January 9, 2011 (UTC)
THAT IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Al1996 02:57, January 9, 2011 (UTC)
I thought you would like.There is still some things to improve but I will fix it shortly.Just be patient My friend.--The Dark Master 03:00, January 9, 2011 (UTC)
You are quite welcome.I have nothing to contribute to your talk page as of the moment.If you need any help with anything just ask and I will send you some guides.--The Dark Master 03:09, January 9, 2011 (UTC)
I see you are getting more accustomed to the wiki.--The Dark Master 20:31, January 9, 2011 (UTC)
how do i do the thing above text that says talk-? and how do you change your user name? and do you know a name combination for Axel, Roxas, Xemnas, and Zexion?
There is a link on your talk page that will take you to your template page there is were you can edit the format.If you need further assisstance just ask.--The Dark Master 20:44, January 9, 2011 (UTC)
thanks and how do you change images on talk bubbles?
When you go to your talk template edit the format and you will see wher it says image=.Then write the nae of the image you want.--The Dark Master 21:13, January 9, 2011 (UTC)
there is one person who could possibly help me. have you heard of the user Soxra?
Roxas Talk to Me!— "I see myself the way you remember me, and you see yourself the way I remember you."
"You make a good other..." — 02:05, January 10, 2011 (UTC)
Hello I am RoxasXIIILK. Ah wait you want to know templating well I can still help ya with that. I'm a good friend of Soxra's So would you like me to help you??
"We could find the real thieves. That would set the record straight." — 19:51, January 10, 2011 (UTC)
Ok there's a page called Talk Bubble 101 made by Havoc who is the man to go to for talk bubble related issues. Here is a link to the page. Read everything on the page. From reading that I 100% garentee that you will understand everything there is to know about talk bubbles and templating. All of this stuff is a little hard at first but once you get it TRUST me when I say it isn't that hard. I was a newbie once too and had no clue how to do any of this. I know Darkmaster made you a bubble but I don't know if he really explained what's going on when you make one. Well in anycase best way to perfect those is to explore the coding. The TB101 will help you understand it all ok. If you have any questions this site is FULL of extremely nice and very helpful users. JFH Soxra Myself and Darkmaster are simply three you have stumbled upon. If you have any questions I know I'm always happy to help. So good luck and if you have any questions I'm here and I'm sure anyone of those people above would also be happy to help. And by the way dude, I don't believe I extended a prper welcome to you. Well in that case welcome my friend to KHWiki :D I wish you good luck and farewell :D Oh and one more thing. When replying to someone's message please do so on their talk page. I watch for things like that but not all users do so again please answer on others' talk pages :)
Roxas - "I dunno. Maybe it's destiny." TALK - "You make a good other." — 01:37, January 11, 2011 (UTC)
For the Riku problem; uhmm well see the thing with those games is you need the right cards or you won't be able to go on. I just kinda went through with powerful cards with cure stuff and whatnot. I'm sure riku's boss page will give you a good stratagy. Would you like a link? As for your template; Put on what you did and I'll see what's going on ok. Cuz you need to learn how to do it yourself so you dont need to ask people for help everytime :) EDIT: No no just show me how you put it up when it didnt work.
Roxas Huh?— "But... I don't get what's been happening lately."
"A Key...blade?" — 02:26, January 11, 2011 (UTC)
Damn dude you REALLY screwed that thing up >.> that must have been the hardest to fix template I've ever seen. Why don't you go see if you can figure out what you did wrong. If not i'll tell ya.
Roxas - "I dunno. Maybe it's destiny." TALK - "You make a good other." — 21:25, January 11, 2011 (UTC)
dude it's fine you're new it's expected ;) But I'll get ya through it :) Ok how about we make another talk bubble for ya and I'll walk ya through the process. How's that sound :)
Roxas - “Hi, I'm Ventus! Call me Ven!” TALK - "A meteor shower!"— 21:35, January 11, 2011 (UTC)
Do I want to be friends??? What a silly question XD Of coure I do :D lol here add this to your userboxes {{User RoxasXIIILK}}
This user sits on top of the Clock Tower to eat Ice-Cream with their good friendRoxas.
It's my userbox which says we are friends. I would not expect you to have one since The Dark Master is for some reason against Userboxes and you haven't really talked to anyone else I doubt you have even been exposed to the coding. If you want I can help you with that as well :) I actualy made a riku sprite which you can use and I think you will find this to be quite usfull in finding an image ;)
Roxas - "I dunno. I can't... just look inside. But I figure... If there is something in there - inside us - then we'd feel it, wouldn't we?" TALK - "I think I understand. I see myself the way you remember me. And you see yourself the way I remember you." — 22:05, January 11, 2011 (UTC)
Ok You got an email? EDIT: Well it would make this a lot easier if you could email me the coding you would put in the template and then I can have you correct it. That way it's much easier. You don't even have to say it here, I'll give ya mine and it will be a done deal.
Roxas Where's Sora?— "I'm going to set Kingdom Hearts free! Then everything can go back to the way it was!"
"I want Xion back. I want my life back!" — 22:30, January 11, 2011 (UTC)
Well ok, I'm just saying it's going to make this very difficult cause you have to put more codes onto the codes you put up on a talk page or they'll activate. But whatever. Just put <pre> at the begining and </pre> at the end.
Screen Image Request
Roxas - “Hi, I'm Ventus! But you can call me Ven!” TALK - "Y'ever wonder what stars are? Where light comes from?"— 02:20, January 12, 2011 (UTC)
Sure dude easy :D ok so you want 2 crosses soul eaters blades facing in or out? Would you also like KH Font? And what color you want the font? How's this?
Roxas - "I dunno. I can't... just look inside. But I figure... If there is something in there - inside us - then we'd feel it, wouldn't we?" TALK - "I think I understand. I see myself the way you remember me. And you see yourself the way I remember you." — 23:45, January 12, 2011 (UTC)
What picture would you like?? And i will set them up for you. Sorry about the late responce. EDIT: Alright if ya need any help just say so :)
Roxas - “Hi, I'm Ventus! But you can call me Ven!” TALK - "Y'ever wonder what stars are? Where light comes from?"— 19:37, January 13, 2011 (UTC)
Well it depends; if it's a picture from this wiki then simply add |(pixelsize)px to the end of the image url after the .png or .jpg ect. The (pixelsize) represents the number of pixels in the image or it's size. For example the code should look something like [[File:Nobody.png|40px]]. The image in that example is this one [[1]] after that coding is applied the image is then resize to this . However if it is not an image from this wiki then you can give it to me and I will resize it for you. Don't try to download it to the site though as it will be deleted.
Roxas - "It's funny... Suddenly I feel like I don't know myself at all..." TALK - "Like I asked! Know-it-all." — 02:33, January 14, 2011 (UTC)
Very nice dude! :D I will add it right after I sort out my page.
"We could find the real thieves. That would set the record straight." — 23:38, January 16, 2011 (UTC)
Sure thing dude let me take a look :) uhm dude what is this?
question did you look before you asked for help??? Because it looks like a completely unfinished bubble ocde. That is deffinitely whats causing the problem. If you don't look then well.... I'm always happy to help but I really have to ask that you look first. The problem you could have totaly fixed yourself dude. I'm always happy to push my agenda out of the way for others' needs but I feel it's a bit time wasting when you ask for help with such a trivial problem. I'm not trying to attack you by saying any of that. I'm only informing you. Problems with templates always happen but for you it seems everytime you add to the template there's a problem. I once said to a friend of mine on here who was having coding trouble that "You have to learn from the mistakes of the past or they are doomed to repeat themselves." This was always true as until he finally learned what he was doing wrong the same problem occured over and over again. So I must ask that you try to learn from your mistakes so you will end up being able to fix all these things on your own. I'm not saying don't ask for help. But I must ask that before you ask that you see that it is really a problem you don't know how to fix. I will be happy to help you with this. Understand? :)
Roxas - “Sorry Aqua...” TALK - "Get out of my head!"— 01:05, January 17, 2011 (UTC)
Try ;) And alright so I'll remove it then :D no worries dude as I said I wasn't trying to attack you only inform ^^ I'm sorry if I embarrased you. You're a newbie, green as grass as they say ;) you'll get it :D EDIT: I'm sorry dude but I can't figure out what's wrong with it >.> Idk what is with your template man but it's seriously screwed >.> You sould get someone like Soxra or Havoc to look at it.
Soxra - Don't MESS with street rats! Talk to me! - Soxxeh 7:15am, January 18, 2011 (UTC)
All fixed.
Re: Freaky
Roxas - "I dunno. Maybe it's destiny." TALK - "You make a good other." — 21:45, January 18, 2011 (UTC)
Well where do you live dude?
Roxas - "It's funny... Suddenly I feel like I don't know myself at all..." TALK - "Like I asked! Know-it-all." — 21:47, January 18, 2011 (UTC)
Haha well that explains it, I live in Massachusetts dude ;)
Keyblade Request
Roxas Where's Sora?— "I'm going to set Kingdom Hearts free! Then everything can go back to the way it was!"
"I want Xion back. I want my life back!" — 01:15, January 19, 2011 (UTC)
I cannot make keyblades right now. As I said on both my talk page and user page, I am very limited with what I can do on the wiki this week. I have midterm exams and keyblade requests and picture requests are simply too time consuming right now. I can only do simple requests and help until friday. Also you need to be WAY more spacific with were those colors are. Keep in mind also that the keyblade only have 2 colors and trying to recolor such a keyblade with such an amount of colors would be like trying to paint a spindal 10 colors with an inch think brush. Also I saw your message to my friend Dark-E. The is a sratigy guide on how to defeat him on his page just like any other boss. If there isn't I would be happy to tell you how to beat him. DEX is out right now and I'm not sure when he'l come back. EDIT: Dude, I'm no mind reader as much as I'd like to be. You need to tell me exactly where you want the colors. If you make me decide that too then thats more time I'm spending deciding where to put em. And please only put stuff pertaining to the request itself on my request page. THe Dustflier thing is a different topic altogether. EDIT2: Yea that was enough but I don't know if I'll get to it today... I'll try but no promises.
Roxas - "I dunno. Maybe it's destiny." TALK - "You make a good other." — 03:24, January 19, 2011 (UTC)
Ok I finished it. Is this what you asked for? And see I beat Dustfliers a completely different way ;) I just used brute force with tons of hi-potions not too mention you can heal yourself by destroying the shadows he summons. Theres probably tons of way to beat him ;) what level are you?
Re: Dustflier
Sure! Happy to help. Really, the five things you need to beat the Dustflier are Sight Units equipped to the zero gear, Elixirs, Limit Restores, a high level and luck. The Four sight units are key, because they bring your critical hit ratio up to about a 48% chance. One critical hit on the dustflier is about one of his health bars. Be sure to have your elixirs and limit restores on your quick menu, because limit breaks are how you're going to land big hits on its health bar. It helps to have auto-life equipped too. Good luck! KKD