To everyone who enters this page: welcome! Thanks for not making me feel completely insignificant. I just wanted to mention a few guidelines for what to write on my talkpage. First, please use talk bubbles on this page. It makes it incredibly easier to see who posted what comments, and it looks much more organized too. If you do not have a talk bubble or cannot make a talk bubble, you may use your signature, but please ask a user other than me to make one for you- I am very bad at making them. Second, please use proper grammar at all times. I hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate HATE when people don't (see what I did there?). All commas, apostrophes, quotation marks, etc. should be in their proper place. And please write in complete sentences and use proper spelling. Third, and most importantly, do not post anything offensive, rude, or otherwise mean on this page. I do not care whether it is about me or another user; I will not tolerate it. End of story.
Thanks for following these rules and enjoy talking on my page.