User:Darkheart3/Kingdom Hearts Walkthrough

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All worlds begin in darkness, and all so end.
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If your having trouble with Kingdom Hearts or want a 100% Completion, read ths 100% Completion Walkthrough of Kingdom Hearts.


Items Obtainable: Potion. Enemies Encountered: Shadow. Bosses Encountered: Darkside. The beginning of the game is sort of confusing for first-time players - you aren't given much context as to where you are starting. The first part of the game is a tutorial, basically, and you are in a dream world.

Awakening Overview

After the opening cutscene, you'll be asked to choose between a Sword, a Shield, and a Staff. This choice affects your starting stats, as well as what abilities you obtain and when.After you make your choice, you'll be asked to sacrifice one of the remaining two. This also affects your starting stats. Depending on your style of play, make your choice and continue. After you decide, you'll fall to another platform, and begin fighting the Heartless enemy type known as Shadows. Shadows have 10 HP, 2 ATK, and 2 DEF. They're worth 1 experience point, and drop HP balls that heal you - later on they'll drop better items and munny, the currency of the game. Defeat the Shadows, and you'll fall to another platform. Inspect the door using the Examine command and a chest will appear - open the chest to cause a box to appear, and break the box to cause a barrel to appear. These are all basic tutorials, so follow the in-game instructions and be sure to collect the Potion from the broken box. Lift the barrel to open the door, then walk through the doorway to meet Selphie, Wakka, and Tidus. Talk to all three characters - they'll each ask you to answer a question. If you choose the first answer to all of them, you'll level quickly until you reach level 50, and then level slowly. If you choose the second answer to all of them, you'll level normally, and if you choose the last answer for all of them, you'll level slowly until level 50, and then level quickly. Once you answer all their questions and confirm your answers, you'll return to the dark area with the platforms. You'll need to defeat more Shadows, and the game will teach you about using Save Points. Once you save, head up the ramp and until you reach the next platform.

BOSS FIGHT: Darkside (Dream)

Stats: 240 HP, 2 ATK, 2 DEF, 18 EXP Darkside isn't too difficult - all he does is summon Heartless enemies by shoving his hand into the ground. Attack his hand and kill off the Shadows to regain your HP. If you can, try walking up his arm when his hand is stuck and hit him in the head for 2 Tech points each time. His second attack is an energy shot that homes in on you - you can either avoid it or deflect it by swinging your weapon at the right moment. If you successfully deflect the energy ball, you gain Tech points - hit him in the head with his own projectile to gain moderate Tech points while inflicting massive damage. Later on, Darkside will begin throwing three energy balls at a time, and five for his last attack. Regardless of whether you win or lose, you'll awaken from this dream on Destiny Islands.


You can duel four characters - Riku, Wakka, Selphie, and TIdus. Here are some strategies for defeating them in a duel. 1.To beat Wakka, talk to him and accept the offer to duel. Wait until he throws the ball, and deflect it back at him to gain Tech points and inflict damage - it also stuns him, giving you time to get one combo in. If he jumps into the air before throwing the ball, you get 2 Tech points for deflecting it back. 2.To beat Selphie, just wail on her - you can deflect her jump rope to gain Tech points. Otherwise, no strategy is really needed. 3.To beat Tidus, run in a circle and wait for him to attack three times and miss. He'll begin to pout, and you can use the break in defense to hit him with a combo. If he does hit you, get out of his line of combo, and wait for a taunt to break his defense before attacking him again. 4.Once you defeat these three, you can talk to Tidus to duel all three of them at once - wait until you are level 6 or higher before bothering to attempt this. Focus on them one at the time, and pace yourself - you have to avoid Blitzballs the entire time unless you're focused on Wakka first. When you win this duel, you'll receive a Potion. 5.To defeat Riku, talk to him and accept the offer to duel. He's extremely skilled(at least compared to the previous fights), and he will take large chunks out of your HP with his recovery attack. Jump in after he attacks and hit him, then jump away. If he taunts you, lean in to his back and do a quick combo - but be careful. If you win you'll receive another Potion. 6.Once you're finished fighting everyone, head back to Kairi and turn in your materials. You'll receive a Hi-Potion for the effort, and a chance to go to bed.

Destiny Islands

1.Items Obtainable: Potions, Hi-Potions, Pretty Stones, Fish, Logs, Coconuts, Cloth, Empty Bottle, Drinking Water, Rope, Mushrooms, Seagull Egg 2.Accessories Obtainable: Protect Chain 3.Keyblades Obtainable: Kingdom Key 4.Enemies Encountered: Shadow 5.Bosses Encountered: Darkside

Destiny Islands Overview - Day 1

1.Watch the cut scenes, then begin finding the material to build the raft. You need 1 Cloth, 2 Logs, and 1 Length of Rope. Kairi wants you to return when you've found all of them - you can drop them off as you collect them, but it's just a waste of time. 2.Turn around from Kairi and walk along the shore to find the first Log (1/2) under the pier. Keep moving, and turn right to see a small shack - there's a Save Point inside, and an exit to the upper level. Exit the shack to the upper level, and cross the pier to search the island for another Log (2/2). 3.Head across the beach to the next set of shacks and move up the ramps connected to the big tree to enter a hut. On the wall is the Cloth (1/1) you need. 4.Head back out to the balcony, and look down and to your right until you spot the kid with the stick - head towards him to find a small deck, and check in the corner for the Length of Rope (1/1). You can now build the raft, but hold off on it for a moment.

Destiny Islands Overview - Day 2

The second half of the island will now be available for you to explore. To get there, head through the door Kairi was standing in front of during Day 1, or by going over to the large tree and jumping into the hole in the cliff face from the platform. 1.Talk to Riku and Kairi, and Riku will challenge you to a race to see who gets to name the raft, among other things. To beat Riku easily, run across the wooden pier - be wary of it, as it'll fall, and it will fall if Riku uses it as well, so be prepared to make some good jumping decisions. 2.From the pier, head around the tower and move straight towards the incline in the distance, work your way up and jump across to the star. Be sure to jump up and touch it - it'll glow when you do. From there, jump across the tree tops back to the platform, drop down, and run across the pier back to where Kairi is standing. 3.When you win, you'll get a Pretty Stone - they're worth 30 munny. If you don't win, you can race again, but Riku will still name the raft - though you can get another Pretty Stone every time you win the race. Now, you need to start getting your supplies.

Collecting Supplies

Kairi will give you a list of supplies you need to get in order prepare for shipping out later - Coconuts, Mushrooms, Fish, Drinking Water, and a Seagull Egg. You can find them all, and a Protect Chain, by following these directions: 1.To find the Coconuts, head to the island where you dueled Riku and begin striking the trees until you see a yellow Coconut (1/2) drop. Collect it, and continue assaulting the trees until a second yellow Coconut (2/2) falls. 2.To find the Mushrooms, head to the base of the watchtower where you raced Riku - there's one Mushroom (1/3) there. Then, drop down and push the boulder out of the way to find the second Mushroom (2/3) in the crevice. Go talk to Wakka to learn about a Secret Place - the camera will zoom to its entrance - and enter to find the last Mushroom (3/3). 3.To collect the Fish, swim out(you should be able to see them) and swim into them to collect all three of them. 4.Head to one of the springs that flow from the cliffs on the island to obtain the Drinking Water. 5.At the beginning of the pier that leads to the island where you dueled Riku, there are three trees - climb the skinniest one and jump backwards off of it to obtain the Seagull Egg. Now you've got all your items, but there's one more thing to grab. 6.Look in the bushes near the watchtower to find a crate, and bring it over to the hole in the wall near the watchtower where a chest is located. Use the crate to jump up to the hole and open it to obtain the Protect Chain - be sure to equip it. 7.Head back to the raft to receive a Hi-Potion and the option to rest.

Obtaining the Keyblade

1.Watch the cutscene, and prepare to move - you can't damage the Heartless with the weapon you currently have. Head back to the island where you dueled Riku to receive the Keyblade, a weapon that can actually harm the Heartless enemies. 2.Spend a little while leveling up against the Shadows here - they now have a 5% chance of dropping Potions. They are still only worth one experience point, even though they have 12 HP and 6 ATK and DEF. It's really more of a way to stock your inventory, so take this opportunity to get some free restorative items. 3.When you're ready, head back to the Secret Place - a door will have appeared in front of it. Enter the door to fight Darkside, this time for real.

BOSS FIGHT: Darkside

300 HP, 6 ATK, 6 DEF, 60 EXP 1.You'll deal with Darkside the same way here as you did in the Dream fight - he has only one new attack, where an ball of darkness flies into the air and rains energy down that depletes your HP if you are hit. Keep running to avoid these orbs, and attack the same way as when you fought him during the Awakening section to bring him down. 2.This isn't the same as fighting Darkside in the Dream fight in one respect - you need to win this one to continue. Hopefully you stocked up on Potions by fighting the Shadows earlier; don't be afraid to use them if you need to - he is doing three times the damage he did when you first fought him. When Darkside falls, you'll be treated to another cutscene before awakening in Traverse Town.

Traverse Town

1.Items Obtainable: Potion, Mega Ether x2, Mega Potion x3, Elixir x3, Camping Set, Cottage, Pretty Stone x2, 100 munny, Mythril Shard x3, Mythril x2, Postcard x6 2.Accessories Obtainable: Brave Warrior 3.Magic Obtainable: Fire 4.Abilities: Dodge Roll, Blue Trinity 5.Trinities: Blue Trinity 1-4 6.Enemies Encountered: Shadow, Soldier 7.Bosses Encountered: Leon, Guard Armor

Traverse Town Overview

1.You'll be awakened by Pluto, and start your journey in Traverse Town. This is a hub world of sorts - you'll be returning here quite often to further the game.

1st District

1.You start off in the 1st District - explore it a bit. Down at the low end is the Item Shop, run by Huey, Dewey, and Louie. You can sell your Pretty Stone(if you won it during the Destiny Islands section) for 30 munny - otherwise, target the fan(R1, and L2 to change targets), then jump from the counter top and hit it to receive a Postcard.

2.Take the Postcard to the mailbox near the Item Shop to receive a Cottage. Take the stairs to the right of the Accessory Shop, and look to your right to find some crates. Push the large crate over to the shop, and jump up to the rooftop. 3.Check the chest on the roof to find another Postcard, which will net you a Mythril Shard for mailing it. 4.Go inside the Accessory Shop and talk to Cid - he suggests you explore more districts. Check the chest on the shelf to obtain another Mythril Shard. 5.Check behind the Accessory Shop's upper level to find another shop, currently closed - you'll come back to it. Past it is the door to the 2nd District.

2nd District

1.Once you enter, you'll be attacked by more Heartless - Shadows. Defeat them, and make sure you clear the entire 2nd District of all the enemies. This is great for experience and munny; you can leave the area nd come back to respawn them. 2.On your right when you first enter the 2nd District is an awning with a chest on it - jump on the corner of the wall, and from there to the awning to reach the chest, which holds a Postcard - this one will get you a Mega-Potion when you mail it. 3.There's a building further down that has stained glass windows - as your walking towards it, check on your right for a low roof you can jump on top of. From there, jump across to the church building's ledge, then look to your left and jump towards the treasure chest - it contains another Mega-Potion. 4.While you're off exploring, Goofy and Donald will narrowly avoid you as they search for Leon - enjoy the scene, then continue. 5.Be sure to check in with Pongo and Perdita to find out that their puppies are missing - for information on rescuing them, check the Dalmatians section. 6.Head over to the Gizmo Shop, and fight the Heartless that appear - there's a ton of them, and they all hand out experience and munny when they die. 7.There's a door in the lower part of the 2nd District that leads to the Alley, which you can also reach from the Dalmatian's House. There's a chest to the left that holds a Potion, and two more chests on the Hotel's balconies. To get them, jump onto the low roof in the middle of the alley and jump up to the them - one has a Pretty Stone, and the other has a Potion. 8.Time to find the 3rd District - with the Gizmo Shop on your left, face towards the two alleys and head down the right one to the end.

3rd District

1.There's a lot of Heartless here to boost your EXP and munny coffers, so have a few fights - that's all you'll find here for now, anyway. When you get done grinding, head back to the first district and speak with Cid at the Accessory Shop. When you leave the shop, you'll fight Leon.


120 HP, 8 ATK, 8 DEF, 30 EXP 1.Try to be level 10 or higher - this guarantees that you'll have your first ability - depending on which weapon you chose in the beginning, this might be Scan, Combo Plus, or Guard. If it's Combo Plus or Guard, make sure it's equipped - they're both helpful. 2.Avoid Leon's attacks - they cause a horrific amount of damage. Use hit-and-run tactics, but be ready for Fire attacks when you stay away for too long - avoid the Fire he casts, get in close and combo him. Run away after you combo; he's a beast close range. 3.If you time it right, you can deflect the Fire spells with your Keyblade - hit Leon with his own magic to cause some decent damage. You don't have to win this fight, but if you do, you gain the EXP and an Elixir later on - if you don't, you won't.

Traverse Town Overview II

1.When the cutscenes are over, talk to Yuffie and open the chest on the table to get an Elixir(you have to talk to Yuffie to open the chest). Hit the right side of the clock until it says 7:00 to make a chest containing Mythril appear - grab it, then talk to Leon. 2.When you head out to the alley, Leon will suggest you grind some for EXP and items before continuing. Heed his advice, and head to the 1st District to grab a Mega-Potion for Aerith in front of the Accessory Shop. Be sure to save your game, as well. 3.When you first enter the 1st District from the 2nd District, look to the right and jump over the short wall to find a safe that contains a Postcard - mail it to obtain a Mega-Ether. 4.Head to the 3rd District - you'll encounter a new enemy, Soldiers. They have 24 HP and 8 ATK and DEF, and give out 3 EXP each. They drop HP balls, munny, and have a chance to drop Potions, Spirit Shards, and Protect Chain, but not often. Defeat them by swinging your Keyblade when they dash to block them - this earns Tech Points - then finish them with aerial combos. 5.Goofy and Donald will meet up with you in the 3rd District - during the cutscene, armor will begin falling from the sky to form your next boss, the Guard Armor.

BOSS FIGHT: Guard Armor

84 HP(Arm) 196 HP(Leg) 120 HP(Body) 11 ATK, 10 DEF(Arm and Leg) 8 ATK, 8 DEF(Body) Drops HP balls(Arm and Leg), Drops Brave Warrior(Body) 110 EXP(Body) 1.Guard Armor has multiple parts, as listed above, that you need to destroy piece by piece. Focus on the Arm first to take away the worst of the attacks, a spinning maneuver that saps your HP and throws you around. Don't try attacking during the spinning attack - it's a bit risky. 2.The Leg will sometimes detach and stomp around, trying to crush you - if you attack it, there's a chance it'll fall over, letting you whittle away at its HP. 3.After you destroy a limb, it disappears and drops HP balls - let Donald and Goofy grab them if their HP gets too low. You should be able to avoid most of the attacks pretty easily. When all of the limbs are gone, destroy the Body to defeat Guard Armor and receive a Brave Warrior accessory.

Traverse Town Overview III

1.When you get back to town, Leon will give you 100 munny, and an Elixir if you beat him during your fight with him. Donald and Goofy will also teach you Fire and the Dodge Roll ability, and the Journal will now be available. 2.Heads to the Cafe, and look for the Blue Trinity these allow you to reach locations when you have Donald and Goofy in your party. Use the Trinity to reach a ledge where a Postcard is located - this one will get you a Mythril for mailing it. 3.There's another Blue Trinity in the corner of the district near the front gates that leads you to a lot of munny. Head to the 2nd District and enter the Hotel to find a Pretty Stone in the Red Room. 4.Enter the Gizmo Shop and exit through the back door to find a ladder leading to the upper ledge - climb up, and head towards your left along the roof to find a small hole. This leads to the 3rd District, but first look left to find a chest containing a Mythril Shard. 5.As soon as you enter the 3rd District, press R1 to lock-on to a Postcard - it'll net you an Elixir. Head behind the statue of Lady and the Tramp to find a Blue Trinity - use it to get the Camping Set and some more munny. Examine the keyhole on the large set of double doors to unlock the door, which leads back to the 1st District. 6.While still in the 3rd District, look for a door with a flame on it - cast Fire on it to open it, and you'll be in a dark, cavernous area. Jump across the moving stones to reach the house opposite of you, and enter the hole on the left side of the house - this is where you'll meet Merlin and the Fairy Godmother. 7.Use the Save Point to save your game, and use the nearby Blue Trinity to find some munny and a Mega-Ether. 8.Before you head off to the next area, be sure to buy and equip new weapons and armor for everyone, as well as equip any abilities you want - grab around ten Potions and get the Morning Star for Donald and the Smasher for Goofy. When you're set, use a Save Point to teleport to the Gummi Ship. 9.There's a long, in-depth tutorial about the Gummi Ship in-game, so watch it. When it's done, select the Mystery World with a battle lv. 1 caption. 10.As you travel, shoot the spaceships, asteroids, and panels to collect items - hold O to slow down if you need to for collecting the items. Eventually, you'll reach Wonderland.


1.Items Obtainable: Potion x6, Ether x2, Hi-Potion x2, Mega-Potion x2, Elixir, Tent, Camping Set x3, Defense Up, Mythril Shard x3, Thunder-G, Aero-G, Aeroga-G, Navi-G, Footprints, Stench, Antenna, Claw Marks, Dalmatians 13 - 18 and 58 - 60 2.Accessories Obtainable: Ifrit's Horn 3.Magic Obtainable: Blizzard 4.Trinities: Blue Trinity 5 and 6 5.Enemies Encountered: Shadow, Red Nocturne, Soldier, Large Body 6.Bosses Encountered: Trickmaster

Wonderland Overview

1.You start of in a rabbit hole, and meet the White Rabbit. Follow him into the next room, where you'll be greeted by a Doorknob - push the bed into the wall to reveal a doorway, then drink one of the concoctions on the table to shrink down enough to fit through. 2.Once you shrink down, you'll have a chance encounter with a new enemy, the Red Nocturne - they have 24 HP, 9 ATK and DEF, and only give 1 EXP. However, they drop HP balls and munny, as well as a low chance of dropping Ether, Blaze Shard, or Fira Ring. Deflect their shots back at them to stun them, then combo them into oblivion. 3.You'll meet up with Alice and the Queen of Hearts - Alice is on trial. You'll need to find some evidence, but first talk with Alice until she begins repeating herself - she's got a lot of interesting things to say. 4.Save your game, then head through the door to the left of the Queen of Hearts to enter the Lotus Forest.

Lotus Forest

1.You'll meet the Cheshire Cat here, but unless you are a skilled riddle solver you may just want to ignore him. There are four pieces of Evidence you can find - one will do, but it's better for you to get all of them. 2.Search the small alcove on your right as you enter and walk past the red flower to find a chest containing Footprints, your first piece of Evidence. There's a Blue Trinity here that you can use to get a Potion, Ether, a Tent, and some MP recovery balls. If you give the flower a Potion, you'll get back a Hi-Potion and some more MP balls. 3.Give the red flowers Ethers to get a Camping Set from each, as well as a few HP balls. Head back to the alcove with the Blue Trinity, then jump on the mushrooms to reach a door on the side of the large tree. This takes you to the Bizarre Room - you'll land on the fireplace near a chest containing Stench, the second piece of Evidence. 4.Head back into the forest proper and move past the second red flower to find more mushrooms. Jump on the small one, then jump to the mushroom on your right - from there, you'll spot another chest. Jump to it and grab the Antenna from it to obtain your third piece of Evidence. 5.While you're there, check the corner of the room to find a blue chest - jump at the last second to grab onto the ledge and you'll get the Thunder-G for your troubles. Head back to the three mushrooms, jump on the smallest one again, and then jump to your left - the chest here contains Dalmatians 16 - 18. 6.Head back to the entrance and look for the large yellow flower near the faux lake. Give it a Potion to make it grow, then stand on the nearby stump to raise a platform, then head over to the big tree in the middle. Choose to take one of it's seeds after examining it, but leave it on the ground. 7.Hit the tree to change it's direction, then eat the seed to shrink - head back to the alcove where you found the Footprints, jump up the mushrooms and follow the platforms to the new opening that leads to the Bizarre Room. 8.Use first-person view to spot the last chest, and carefully jump to it to obtain the Claw Marks, the last piece of Evidence. The Cheshire Cat will give you Blizzard for your hard work - return to the Queen to present the Evidence. 9.When you arrive, save your game before you do anything else. Talk to the Cards blocking the path to the Queen to present the Evidence, and you'll have to choose a box that contains the Evidence - there's five boxes, so if you collected all four available pieces, you have a higher chance of getting your Evidence back. 10.If you pick the wrong box, either Donald or Goofy(or both of them) will pop up and be put in cages - you'll need them for the next fight, so if you do choose the wrong box, it'd be safer to simply reload from the last save game. Alternatively, you can break their cages to free them.

BOSS FIGHT: Cards and Tower

Heart Card: 60 HP, 9 ATK, 9 DEF Spade Card: 45 HP, 9 ATK, 9 DEF Tower: 24 HP, 0 ATK, 0 DEF, 100 EXP - drops HP balls and munny Crank: 9 HP, 0 ATK, 0 DEF - drops HP and MP balls Queen: 10 HP, 9 ATK, 9 DEF, 100 EXP 1.To win this fight, don't bother trying to kill off the Cards - they can be knocked unconscious, but not completely removed. They'll get back up later and continue their attacks, so don't bother with them unless it's necessary. 2.Instead, focus on hitting the Queen with a Fire spell to distract the Cards - when you get a shot in, focus on the Tower and begin hacking it to pieces. Every time you destroy a gear, HP balls will appear - use them as needed. If Donald and Goofy are locked up, focus on breaking their cages first, then use the above strategy. 3.Eventually, you'll defeat the Cards and Tower.

Wonderland Overview II

1.Seems Alice has gone missing - don't worry about the Cards, they won't attack you anymore. Seems one fight was enough to make them sorry. 2.Head back to the rabbit hole where you first appeared to fight some enemies - defeat them to make a chest appear, and grab the Mega-Potion from it. 3.You'll run across the Large Body Heartless here - they've got 160 HP, 11 ATK, and 10 DEF, but they're worth 7 EXP apiece and may drop Hi-Potion, Spirit Shard, or a Protera Chain upon defeat. Combo them from behind, and finish them off with magic attacks from a distance. 4.Head back to Lotus Forest, and feed the yellow flower another Potion to make it grow - slide the boulder into the pond to make two mushrooms appear, and then hit the big tree to get another shrinking nut. Before you use the nut, hit the tree to keep it facing away from you, then shrink down and head back to the pond. 5.Use the mushrooms you raised with the boulder to access an enclosed area - feed the yellow flower a Hi-Potion to receive a Mega-Potion and some MP balls. Use the Blue Trinity to find a Camping Set and more MP balls, then enter the nearest door to arrive back in the Queen's Castle. 6.Open the chest to find an Aero-G, then drop down and re-enter Lotus Forest. Head to the back, and jump on the mushrooms to reach the branch with the acorn on it. From there, enter the doors set into the canopy to enter the Bizarre Room. 7.Check the lamp to light it, and you'll find a chest with a Defense Up inside. Take it, then light the second lamp and examine the picture that appears to re-enter another enclosed area of the forest. 8.Feed a Potion tot he flower on your right to get a Hi-Potion and some MP balls, then give the other flower an Elixir to receive a Mythril Shard and some munny. Exit the way you came to re-enter the Bizarre Room, and examine the shelf with the teddy bear. Attack the latch to make the shelf drop the bear, then exit the room the way you entered. 9.Back in the forest, head to the entrance and jump on the mushrooms in the alcove with the Blue Trinity - head up towards the door above the entrance, and you'll exit out back into the Bizarre Room, on the other wall. Turn on the faucet to make the pot turn real, then jump into the pot to return to the Queen's Castle; the nearby chest contains Dalmatians 58 - 60. 10.Save your game, and return to the Bizarre Room through the door and grow big again. The book in the corner contains a Mythril Shard - grab it, then head over to the teddy bear and move it to the other chair to make a clock. Move the clock to reveal another entrance - shrink again, then exit to the Tea Party Garden.

Tea Party Garden

1.Grab the Aeroga-G from the chest before you jump down into the main area. Read the sign - sit in each chair to start two battles and collect an Elixir, a Potion, an Ether, and two more Potions, along with some MP and HP balls and munny. 2.After you do this, there's a chance you'll begin to encounter White Mushrooms from this point on. For more information, see the White Mushrooms section. 3.Enter the nearby door to head back into the Bizarre Room. You're now on the ceiling - it shouldn't surprise you anymore. Jump onto the table from the ramp and light the candles to speak with the Cheshire Cat, then head over and flip the latch that opens a hidden door. 4.Head through the newly-revealed door to find another chest that contains Dalmatians 13 - 15. Re-enter the Bizarre Room and check the plant to get some Potions and a Mythril Shard, then head back into the Queen's Castle area and save your game before you talk to the Cheshire Cat. If you're lucky, you'll be level 14 or higher by this point.

BOSS FIGHT: Trickmaster

600 HP, 9 ATK, 9 DEF, 150 EXP Drops HP balls when stunned Drops MP balls when clubs are extinguished Drops Ifrit's Horn when defeated 1.Trickmaster has some devastating attacks, and can knock you around with ease. He carries two sticks that will ignite later and make your life a fiery pain, so be wary of getting in close. He also interacts with the environment, pushing the table down into the ground that you'll use to get far enough up to hit him. 2.As soon as the battle begins, lay into him to deal some heavy damage - he'll release HP balls from time to time, so use them to heal and save your Potions as long as you can. When he stands up fully, you'll need to stand on the table and jump to perform aerial combos on him. 3.From time to time, Trickmaster will fall over - use this time to deal massive damage in the form of combos. Don't bother using any magic attacks, either - their damage isn't high enough to warrant it. 4.If Trickmaster walks to the fireplace and lights his sticks ablaze, keep your distance for a bit. He'll shoot fireballs at you, which you can deflect back - eventually, the fire will die out and he'll just have average sticks again. 5.Stay in the corner of the room with the chairs and shelf - Trickmaster can't interact with them, so you'll not lose the ability to jump up and hit him with aerial combos. He also tends to forget about trying to set his sticks on fire when he's over in the corner, making the battle a bit easier to deal with. 6.When you defeat Trickmaster, you'll obtain the Ifrit's Horn. 7.Watch the cutscene, and you'll receive a Navi-G Piece. it's time now to head back to Traverse Town and tie up a few things.

Return to Traverse Town

Items Obtainable: Defense Up 

1.When you get to the World Map, head back to Traverse Town to upgrade your armor, weapons, and the like. Buy at least 20 Potions, and a few Hi-Potions, for the next area. 2.To get the Defense Up, head to the Cafe and destroy all of the chairs. Target the candles and use blizzard to put them all out - a chest will open, revealing a Defense Up. 3.Head back to the Gummi Ship and set a course to the Lv. 2 Battle world - the Coliseum.


1.Items Obtainable: Mega Potion, Mythril Shard, Entry Pass, Hero License, Dalmatians 22 - 24 2.Accessories Obtainable: Inferno Band 3.Magic Obtainable: Thunder 4.Abilities: Sonic Blade 5.Trinities: Blue Trinity 7 and 8 6.Enemies Encountered: Shadow, Soldier, Large Body, Red Nocturne, Blue Rhapsody 7.Bosses Encountered: Cloud, Cerberus

Coliseum Overview

1.First things first, check under the statues on your left and right to find Blue Trinity you can use to reach some items - the one on the left nets you a Mythril Shard, and the one on the right will net you Dalmatians 22 - 24. There's a chest behind the pillars to the left of the door - it contains a Mega-Potion. 2.When you enter the double doors, talk to Phil, who asks you to move the stone slab on the wall - try to push it until Sora says it's too heavy. Talk to Phil again, and you'll be allowed into the trials. Unequip Vortex if you have it equipped - it's more trouble than it's worth during the trials. 3.You need to break 20 barrels in 30 seconds - first, hit the middle three barrels until you finish up the combo, and keep moving in a straight line to destroy the barrels. 4.Next, you'll need to break 25 barrels in 60 seconds - the barrels are spread out and on different platforms. Break the barrels around the edge, then jump onto the lowest platform and work your way up, breaking barrels as you go. At the top, hit the barrel into the one on the floating platform - you can also use Fire spells to break it. 5.Now, you can re-equip Vortex - talk to Phil, and he'll give you the Thunder spell. Go outside and talk to Hades, who gives you an Entry Pass - head back into the lobby and show it to Phil to get into the preliminaries. 6.The preliminaries are tough if you haven't been grinding for levels - you'll fight through seven battles without a chance to restock your inventory. You'll fight six battles against Heartless enemies, and the last one against Cloud - you don't have to win against Cloud, but you do have to win the first six to get to him.


You'll fight against a new enemy type, the Blue Rhapsody - 24 HP, 11 ATK, 10 DEF, and 1 EXP. To defeat them, target them with Fire, and watch for their drops of HP and MP balls. Below are the six rounds and what enemies you'll face. 1.Shadow Scout: Soldier x4, Blue Rhapsody x3 2.Sinisters: Shadow x10, Blue Rhapsody x3 3.Heat & Freeze: Red Nocturne x5, Blue Rhapsody x5 4.Shadow Platoon: Shadow x2, Soldier x2, Red Nocturne x3, Blue Rhapsody x3 5.Blue Revenge: Blue Rhapsody x9 6.Big One: Large Body x1, Red Nocturne x4, Blue Rhapsody x4


300 HP, 11 ATK, 10 DEF, 80 EXP 1.You don't have to win this fight - if you do want to win, though, you should be at least level 15 to make it easier. You'll also want to have lots of Potions and the Dodge Roll equipped. 2.Lock-on to Cloud and keep it locked - when he begins his lunging combo, hold one direction and continue performing Dodge Rolls to avoid the attack until he's finished. 3.When Cloud leaps into the air, wait for him to hit the ground, then Dodge Roll away so you don't get hit - then lay into him with some combos. When he starts lunging, perform Dodge Rolls as explained above, and wait until he jumps again. This is the easiest method of defeating him - just be ready to heal if necessary.

Coliseum Overview II

1.When you're through fighting, you'll be back in the lobby - if you won the fight against Cloud, go ahead and save your game, then head back in to fight Cerberus after restocking your inventory with some Potions. 2.If you didn't win the fight against Cloud, head back to an earlier part of the game and grind for some levels until you're three levels or more higher than what you are currently. Then, return and fight Cerberus - be sure to save your game first, either way.

BOSS FIGHT: Cerberus

600 HP, 11 ATK, 10 DEF, 200 EXP Drops Inferno Band when defeated 1.You'll need to jump to hit any of Cerberus' heads - any of the heads can be hit to bring down his HP. He has four attacks he'll use, and all of them are easy enough to avoid. 2.His first attack is to shoot fireballs, target them and use Dodge Roll to avoid at the last moment. 3.Cerberus' second attack starts with a roar, then he begins to gnash his teeth at your party members - wait off to the side while Donald and Goofy get attacked, and wait for the head closest to you to bite down. When it does, jump in the air and hit it a few times, then wait for the next time it bites down. 4.The third attack starts with Cerberus rearing up and slamming into the ground, which creates a shockwave that shoots out from it - jump to avoid it easily. 5.The last attack Cerberus uses is a black fog that comes from his mouths, and will rise from underneath you to cause damage if you stand still. Use Dodge Roll to roll around the area while targeting Cerberus to avoid taking any damage. So long as you use Dodge Roll with some amount of skill, you should be able to get out of this battle without being hit. 6.When you defeat Cerberus, he'll drop the Inferno Band.

Coliseum Overview III

1.Talk to Phil to receive the Hero License, and Cloud will show up to bestow the Sonic Blade ability to you. Equip it - it's very useful. Time to head back to Traverse Town - use the double doors to leave. Return to Traverse Town II Items Obtainable: Megalixir, Orichalcum, Curaga-G, Postcard x2 1.Now that your back in Traverse Town, head to the 3rd District and look in the corner to find a pipe with a broken wire sticking out - hit it with Thunder to hear a chime. Now go to the 2nd District and enter the Gizmo Shop - clear out the enemies and take a look at the newly-raised platforms. 2.Use the platforms to reach the upper level of the shop, and step on the three switches to hear another chime. Drop down to the lower level and wait for the clock to stop - examine it for two Postcards. Mail them in the 1st District to get a Megalixir and an Orichalcum. 3.Drop off the Dalmatians you've saved thus far at the Dalmatian House to receive Curaga-G, upgrade your equipment, and head back to Wonderland.

Return to Wonderland

Items Obtainable: Shell-G, Thundara-G 

1.Stop off at the Queen's Castle and enter the Lotus Forest - jump up the two mushrooms in the faux lake on your left and drop into the clearing. Use Thunder on the nearby Bellflowers to get Shell-G. 2.Jump back out of the clearing and head to the back of the forest where the three mushrooms are - jump onto the smallest, then jump to the left so that you land on the branch with the acorn. Jump again to the door to enter the Bizarre Room, and head through the painting to enter the Secret Place. Shock the flowers to get a Thundara-G. 3.Leave the Lotus Forest, and get back to the Gummi Ship - try your hand at ship building if you like, then travel to the last mystery world on the world map - Deep Jungle.

Deep Jungle

1.Items Obtainable: Hi-Potion, Mega-Potion x3, Ether x2, Mega-Ether, Mythril x2, Mythril Shard x3, Orichalcum, Shell-G x2, Fire-G, Esuna-G, Protect-G x2, Aeroga-G x2, Navi-G Piece, Slide 1 - 6, Dalmatians 25 - 36 2.Accessories Obtainable: White Fang, Protera Chain 3.Magic Obtainable: Cure 4.Keyblades Obtainable: Jungle King 5.Trinities: Blue Trinity 9 and 10 6.Enemies Encountered: Shadow, Powerwild, Bouncywild 7.Bosses Encountered: Clayton, Sabor, Stealth Sneak

Deep Jungle Overview

1.As soon as you land, you'll be thrust into a boss fight without Donald or Goofy - be prepared. 


90 HP, 12 ATK, 11 DEF, 15 EXP 

1.Sabor doesn't really do anything other than leap and slap at you, so trudge in and wail on him, using magic and Sonic Blade, and he'll go down quickly. There's not a lot of strategy necessary for this fight.

Deep Jungle Overview II

1.Jump down from the tree house to the netting, and look under the tree house to find a chest with a Mega-Potion inside. Jump off the netting anywhere into the trees to land in an area with two exits and a Save Point - save your game, then jump on the platform above it to grab a Mega-Ether from the chest. Jump into the stump when you're finished.

2.You'll need to dodge a few branches as you slide down, but that's about it - you'll fall into the Camp, and be reunited with your party members when you enter the tent. You'll also receive a Protect-G. When you pick your party members, pick Goofy and Donald, and use the Trinity outside of the tent to find a chest with a Mythril Shard. 3.Head to the left to find a Blue Trinity behind the table that gives you Dalmatians 34 - 36. Check the barrel near the clothesline to find some HP balls, and sometimes a Potion. 4.Check the grandfather clock near Clayton to get a Recipe Card, then turn and check the base of the flagpole with the British flag on it to find another one. Head to the stove and examine the pot to put a Potion in it, then open the stove door by whacking it and cast Fire to light it - you'll obtain a Hi-Potion. 5.Head to the clothesline, and examine the pink shirt to find a Research Note - turn around and check the globe on the right of the tent to find a second one. The third note is in the record player on the left of the tent. Head over to the lab table and examine the instruments - when it asks you to ice the Potion, cast Blizzard to receive two Ethers. Slides To find Jane's slides, check the following locations: 1.Slide 6: Use the boxes to the right of the tent to reach it. 2.Slide 1: From slide 6, jump to the top of the tent to reach it. 3.Slide 5: Jump from the tent to the white canopy to find it. 4.Slide 2: Jump from slide 5's location and look under the white canopy - it's on a dresser. 5.Slide 4: In front of the tent on a stack of boxes near a bamboo pole. 6.Slide 3: To the right of the tent, to the left of the chalkboard with a drawing of Tarzan on it.

Deep Jungle Overview III

1.Return the slides to Jane to get Tarzan to agree to take you to Kerchak. As you're leaving, Sabor will jump you again - use the strategy outlined above to beat him - he'll be even easier this time, as Donald and Goofy are back in your party. Heal in the tent after the fight if you want, then head out to the left to enter Hippo's Lagoon. 2.Jump across the water using the hippos as platforms, then jump across the next two hippos to reach a chest with Dalmatians 25 - 27 inside. Turn and jump in the water, and swim to the small island on your right - jump into the low trees to collect a Mega-Potion. Turn and look to spot a chest in the distance, and jump to the closer platform on the right of the chest. Jump across to the chest to collect the Esuna-G. 3.Head back to the water and swim back to the entrance. There's a vine on the tree you can use to climb up to reach the Vines area. 4.Save your game, and jump onto the first vine by selecting the "jump on" option. Swing across to the first platform, and then swing across to the chest to grab a Mythril. Swing to the next set of vines, then swing to the other vines on your right when you land. This takes you to the Vines 2 area. 5.Kerchak leaves without talking to you, and he seems to be headed for the tree house. Swing across to the other platform and jump across the gap to reach a chest with Dalmatians 28 - 30 inside. Swing back to where Donald and Goofy are waiting, then climb the vine on the side of the tree to reach the Climbing Trees area. 6.Follow the path to the Blue Trinity, and use it to find Dalmatians 31 - 33. Head through the door on the right to find a Save Point you can use - head across the Treetop area to reach the Tunnel area to find the Save Point. Head back to the Trinity and through the door next to it. 7.After the cutscene, stay inside the tree house and look for broken steps - jump up them by swinging the Keyblade at the top of your jump. Head through the hole in the wall, and then head left until you reach a dead end. Climb the ladder, and at the end of it you'll be on the roof of the tree house. 8.Open the chest to get a Protera Chain, then walk to the edge of the roof and use first-person view to spot a wooden plank with no string at the end of it. Jump in that direction so that you fall through the trees and end up in the Cliff area. 9.Again, you'll be ambushed by Sabor - you should have a problem with him at this point. Climb a nearby vine to reach a higher platform that holds a Mythril Shard and a Mega-Potion, then head back to Camp and enter the tent. 10.Heal and save your game, then head outside. You'll fight two new enemies - the Powerwild(30 HP, 12 ATK, 11 DEF, 4 EXP), and the Bouncywild(30 HP, 12 ATK, 11 DEF, 4 EXP). Both are agile and can block your attacks, but they shouldn't be too difficult to defeat. 11.You'll need to save some gorillas from these two new enemies - every time you save a gorilla, it'll give you an item. The one in Camp gives you a Protect-G, the one in the Bamboo Thicket will give you a Fire-G, the one in the Cliff area gives you an Aerora-G, as does the one in the Climbing Trees area. The last gorilla, in the Tree House, will give you a Shell-G. 12.Once you save all the gorillas, head back to Camp, enter the tent to heal and save your game, then talk to Jane. You'll hear a gunshot - head back to the Bamboo Thicket area, and Sabor will ambush you for the last time.


180 HP, 12 ATK, 11 DEF, 150 EXP 

Drops White Fang when defeated 1.He's a bit faster and a bit tougher this time around. He also has more HP, and can now jump into the bamboo and out the other side at you - use the same strategy as before, and he'll still fall as easily. You'll be automatically healed at the end of the fight, so just lay into him for a quick fight. 2.After you defeat Sabor, you'll receive the White Fang.

Deep Jungle Overview IV

1.Defeat the enemies you encounter as you work your way back to the Camp, and enter the tent. You'll discover that Jane is at the Tree House - you need to reach her, so head to Hippo's Lagoon, jump across the hippos, and climb the vines up to the Climbing Trees area.

2.Jane and Terk are caged up, and the cage is blocking your path - lock-on to the fruit thing and attack until you hear a chime. You can fight the continuously spawning Powerwilds to grind for some levels if you wish. If you want to keep them from spawning in, cast Blizzard on the five black flowers in the area. 3.Enter the Treetop area and cross over to the Tunnel area, then use the stump to slide down to the Camp. Heal in the tent, save your game, and get ready for the next boss fight - replace Donald with Tarzan, and remove Healing Herb and Wind Armor from Tarzan's equipped abilities. Instead, use Critical Plus in both empty slots and give Goofy and Tarzan a lot of restorative items. 4.Move through the Bamboo Thicket to the Cliff - you'll encounter Clayton and some Powerwilds. Defeat the Powerwilds while avoiding Clayton's gunshots, then attack Clayton. In a few hits, he'll drop, and you'll begin the boss fight proper.

BOSS FIGHT: Clayton and Stealth Sneak

Clayton: 250 HP, 12 ATK, 11 DEF, 240 EXP 

Drops Cure Magic when defeated Stealth Sneak: 750 HP, 12 ATK, 11 DEF, 30 EXP Drops Mega-Potion when defeated 1.The first thing you need to focus on is depleting the Stealth Sneak's life down a bar. This cause it to become visible, making the whole fight go a lot smoother from the get go. It moves a bit too quickly to predict any of its kick attacks, so your best bet is to keep hitting it and healing whenever needed. 2.During the whole battle, watch for the glowing green energy attack from the Sneak. It's very fast, but if you're staying in close and using a good deal of aerial combos, you won't usually get hit. 3.The best thing to do is to keep close, but if you do want to fight the battle from a bit off, Clayton will be shooting at you, which is easily predicted by him saying "Gotcha!" If you're in this position, it's good to use a Dodge Roll to avoid the shot, but all in all, you're better off in close-combat. 4.A little while into the battle, Clayton will fall off of the Stealth Sneak and it will be stunned. It's at this point that you need to focus on the stunned Sneak, attacking it as much as you can in an attempt at finishing it off. Reason being, it will have a new attack where its eyes will glow white and homing energy balls will follow Sora. The best you can do to avoid them is to try to stay close to the Sneak, once again using aerial combos. 5.Once in a while, for no apparent reason, the Stealth Sneak won't accept damage from any attack that you use. Take this time to heal and possibly focus on Clayton a little. However, more often than not Clayton will use Potions around this time to heal himself. If you can manage to bring down Clayton this time, the battle will end--far more easily accomplished when not playing on Expert. 6.Once you have the Stealth Sneak defeated, whoever else is in your party should have taken enough health off of Clayton to bring him into critical condition. Watch out for his gun, as always, but a few hits should finish him off. 7.After you defeat both Clayton and the Stealth Sneak, you will receive Cure.

Deep Jungle Overview V

1.Now that you have Cure, you should be focusing on using it instead of your Potions. Kerchak will thank you for saving the gorillas by throwing you onto the cliff side - enter the Waterfall Cavern from there.

2.Head to the end of the path, and jump to the ledge with a tiny waterfull to get a Mythril Shard. Turn and jump to the other platform that has a chest to obtain a Shell-G. From there, jump up to obtain a Mythril. Crawl along the ivy on the way to find another chest with an Orichalcum. 3.Climp up the vine in the alcove a bit, then jump backwards to another platform. From there, jump to the ledge with green ivy, then turn and jump to yet another ledge. Now, jump across and enter the ??? area on the right. 4.You'll seal the keyhole to Deep Jungle, and obtain a Navi-G Piece and a new keyblade, the Jungle King. You'll also gain the ability to use Red Trinities. 5.Back at the World map, upgrade your Gummi Ship if you're so inclined, then head back to Traverse Town.

Return to Traverse Town III

Items Obtainable: Earthshine, Old Book, Firaga-G, Thundara-G, Comet-G, Warp-G, Navi-G Piece, Dalmatians 4 - 6 and 10 - 12 Magic Obtainable: Aero Summons Obtainable: Simba Trinities: Red Trinity 1, 2, and 3 Enemies Encountered: Shadow, Soldier, Large Body, Blue Rhapsody, Red Nocturne, Yellow Opera, Green Requiem, Air Soldier Bosses Encountered: Guard Armor, Opposite Armor 1.Settle down in the 1st District to begin the next leg of your journey. Grab some Potions and Ethers if you need them, and sell any extra items you have for some munny. Head to the left of the Accessory Shop in the alley you started the beginning of the game in and find the Red Trinity - use it to enter a blocked-off section of the Alleyway. Check the chest here to receive Dalmatians 4 - 6, then return to the 1st District. 2.Enter the 2nd District and fight the Heartless that appear. There are two new enemy types - the Yellow Opera(24 HP, 15 ATK, 12 DEF, 3 EXP), and the Green Requiem(15 HP, 15 ATK, 12 DEF, 4 EXP). Take out the Green Requiems first, as they'll heal the other enemies, then focus on the rest and perform a clean up. 3.Enter the Dalmatian's House and collect the Firaga-G for saving the puppies so far, then head through the house to reach the Alleyway. 4.Kill all of the enemies here, then head to the grate and use the Red Trinity beside it to open a door to the Secret Waterway. Swim forward to find Aerith and Leon - talk to Leon until he suggests you talk to Cid, and he'll hand you the Earthshine Gem. Check the stairs behind the two to find a chest with Dalmatians 10 - 12 inside, then exit. 5.Go back into the Dalmatian's House to grab a Thundara-G, then exit to the 2nd District and talk to Cid at the Accessory Shop. He'll install your Navigation Gummi if you agree to take the Old Book to Merlin. Head to Merlin's by way of the 3rd District and you'll fight another new enemy type - the Air Soldier(33 HP, 15 ATK, 12 DEF, 5 EXP). Use aerial combos to put a hurt on them, then continue to Merlin's. 6.When you arrive, talk to Merlin, then give the Fairy Godmother the Earthshine Gem to gain the ability to summon Simba. 7.Head back to the 3rd District to talk to an old friend, then head upstairs near the entrance to the 2nd District and talk to Cid inside the house with the lights on. He'll give you a Warp-G, which keeps you from having to manually fly to worlds you've already visited. 8.Head back to the 2nd District and enter the Gizmo Shop - kill off all the enemies, then exit through the back door and climb up to the roof. Defeat the foes here, then use the Red Trinity on the wall - pull the rope inside three times to reveal a keyhole; unfortunately, when you jump down, you'll be in a battle against the Guard Armor again. 9.Try to be at least level 20 by this point, and have Cure mapped to a shortcut key. Head through the 3rd District to avoid getting near the keyhole and triggering the fight so you can save your game. It also lets you return to the Accessory Shop if you waited til the last minute to shop. 10.When you're set, start the battle and when you cause a bit of damage, Guard Armor will transform into a new foe - the Opposite Armor.

BOSS FIGHT: Opposite Armor(Traverse Town)

Arm: 135 HP, 15 ATK, 12 DEF, -- EXP Drops HP balls when defeated Leg: 135 HP, 15 ATK, 12 DEF, -- EXP Drops HP balls when defeated Body: 900 HP, 15 ATK, 12 DEF, 390 EXP Drops Aero Magic when defeated 1.Opposite Armor might just seem like a big version of its lesser kin, but it is quite a bit more deadly. Concentrate on the limbs. If you do so, you will lessen the number of attacks at its disposal. 2.If a pair of limbs is present, they will connect with the head of the Opposite Armor and spin very quickly. Your safest bet in this case is to Dodge Roll away, but if you want some tech points, you can try to strike the falling limbs. Your main focus should be to destroy the limbs with the least HP so you won't see quite as many of those attacks. 3.An attack to watch out for especially would be when the torso disconnects from the body. It will shoot beams of energy at you and do a goodly amount of damage. Hit it with your Keyblade as soon as you see it coming towards you, thus causing the energy to dissipate with no reflected damage. Something to watch out for is that the torso seems to be invulnerable unless the head is attached. 4.Take full advantage of the many HP balls the defeated limbs drop and don't bother summoning Simba: he's a bit more trouble than he's worth in this particular battle. 5.After you defeat Opposite Armor, you'll receive Aero Magic.

After Opposite Armor

1.You'll learn the Aero spell, which is extremely useful. Once you seal the keyhole for Traverse Town, you'll get another Navi-G Piece, which comes in handy. Return to the 1st District to get a Comet-G from Cid, and he'll also open up the Gummi Shop, where you can buy a COM. LV2, which lets you use more Gummi Blocks in building your ship. 2.Enter the Accessory Shop to see a scene with Pinocchio, then head back to Merlin's and examine the book in the corner to find the Hundred Acre Wood.

Hundred Acre Wood

1.Items Obtainable: Mega-Ether, Elixir, Mythril Shard 2.Enter the area on the right, and you'll talk to Pooh - when you're done, open the chest in the log he was sitting on to find a Mythril Shard. Exit by walking out of any of the map's sides, and walk to the left side of the book to find Pooh's House. Enter it. 3.When you enter the area, before you go into the house, run around back and hit the chimney to make a chest appear inside the house. Enter the house, and grab the Mega-Ether from the chest that fell, then check the cabinet to find an Elixir. While you're there, check the cuckoo clock and open the window if you want. 4.When you leave, Owl will explain what to do to unlock further areas of the Hundred Acre Wood. Return to the World Map, and check the compass in the upper right corner of the book to return to Traverse Town. Board the Gummi Ship and head back to the Coliseum to enter the new Phil Cup.

Coliseum - Phil Cup

1.Items Obtainable: AP Up, Mythril Shard 

2.Magic Obtainable: Gravity 3.Enemies Encountered: Powerwild, Soldier, Large Body, Blue Rhapsody, Red Nocturne, Armored Torso, Yellow Opera, Green Requiem, Shadow, Hammerlegs, Guantlets Talk to Phil when you get inside and he'll let you choose to enter the Phil Cup. You can only choose to enter it with Donald and Goofy for now, but don't worry - it's the easiest of the Cups. Equip MP Haste and MP Rage, if you can, and use Blizzard to help yourself out. Below are the Seeds, and what enemies you'll encounter. 1.Seed 9 - Jungle Vice: Powerwild x4, Soldier x3 2.Seed 8 - Monkey & Magic: Powerwild x1, Green Requiem x2, Red Nocturne x2, Yellow Opera x5 3.Seed 7 - Big Feet: Hammerlegs x1, Powerwild x4 4.Seed 6 - Magic Alert: Red Nocturne x5, Yellow Opera x5 5.Seed 5 - Nightwalkers: Large Body x1, Powerwild x5 6.Seed 4 - Hard Hitters: Gauntlets x1, Blue Rhapsody x3, Shadow x4 7.Seed 3 - Indomitable: Large Body x2, Green Requiem x6 8.Seed 2 - Wild Corps: Guantlets x1, Hammerlegs x1, Powerwild x4 9.Seed 1 - Shadow Battaliion: Armored Torso x1, Yellow Opera x4, Blue Rhapsody x4 After you fight through all 9 seeds, you'll receive Gravity. If you talk to Phil again, you can re-enter the Phil Cup with only Sora - this is harder, but if you have enough Potions and Cure on a shortcut key, you'll be fine. If you beat the Cup with only Sora, you'll receive a Mythril Shard. Talk to Phil again, and you can enter the tournament with a time limit - complete it in less than 3 minutes to receive an AP Up. When you're finished, head through the gates and use the new Warp-G to travel to Deep Jungle.

Return to Deep Jungle

Items Obtainable: Megalixir, Power Up, Defense Up, AP Up, Orichalcum 1.Get off the ship at the Tunnel area, and check the mini-game that's opened. Hop into the log to begin Jungle Slider.

Jungle Slider Mini-Game

1.Stage 1 - Green Serpent: The first three fruits are on the left side, and the next three are on the right side, after you go around the curve. The next three are towards the middle, and right after you will need to jump over two branches in a row. You'll need to jump over a third one a bit after, and you will land next to the last fruit. Hold left after the last fruit to enter the new area, and you'll receive an AP Up for collecting all ten fruits. 2.Stage 2 - Splash Tunnel: The first three fruits appear in the middle, almost as soon as you start. The next three are in the middle as well, so dodge all the stalagmites until you enter a large open area - the next three require some skill, and after the last of the set, take a hard right to get the last fruit that's behind a pillar. Keep to the left to enter the next area, and you'll receive an Orichalcum for collecting all twenty fruits so far. 3.Stage 3 - Jade Spiral: - the first three are easy enough to find, and so are the next three - just stay on the left for the second set. After them are the next three, in the middle of the track. The last one is simple to obtain as well, and stay on the right to enter the next area after you collect it. You'll receive a Megalixir for collection all thirty fruits so far. 4.Stage 4 - Panic Fall: Four fruits are at the beginning of this track - the first three are simple enough to spot, but the fourth one is behind a branch. The branch won't hurt you, so don't be distracted by it. You'll go through some sharp corners and find six more fruits that need some deft maneuvering to obtain - stay right for the first two, then head left for the last four. Take a left at the fork to enter the new area, and you'll receive a Defense Up for grabbing all forty fruits so far. 5.Stage 5 - Shadow Cavern: All ten of the fruits on this track are instantly in front of you - they are still a bit difficult to get, however. Hold back to slow down to make things easier, and you'll receive a Power Up for grabbing all the fruit in Jungle Slider. 6.You'll land in the Cavern that Kerchak threw you into - from there, head to the Camp, then to Hippo's Lagoon. Climb the ivy on the tree to enter Vines, then talk to the nearby flower to start the Vine Jump mini-game.

Vine Jump Mini-Game

1.Course 1 - Jump Course: When yous tart, jump across the vines in front of you, and when you land, make a turn to the left to spot the next vine. Swing across, land on the platform, run straight to reach the next set, and swing across to the next platform. Trun tot he right and swing across the vines to land on a platform that takes you to Vines 2. There, swing across and land on the platform, then turn and jump back on the vine you just came from - it will swing towards a new vine. At the end of these vines is the finishing platform. 2.Course 2 - Trap Course: This course is a test of your reflexes - how smoothly you can jump between vines without staying on them too long. The lighter color of the vines means that you'll fall off after you've missed your chance - even then, it's not that difficult to negotiate. 3.Course 3 - Acrobatic Course: This is a reaction course - there's many light-colored ropes, but you'll need to focus more on the command bar. It may take a couple tries to get adjusted, but you'll eventually get the timing down. 4.Course 4 - Expert Course: This is just a harder version of the "Jump Off" and "Jump Next" commands, with all the vines being light-colored. Again, it may take a couple of tries, but eventually you'll have the hang of the timing and complete this one. 5.When you're through playing through these mini-games, head back to the ship and fly towards Wonderland - when you spot it, head into the warp hole to wind up in Agrabah.


1.Items Obtainable: Mega-Potion x4, Mega-Ether x4, Elixir x2, Megalixir x1, Cottage x3, Power Up x1, Defense Up x1, Torn Page x1, Mythril Shard x3, Mythril x1, Shell-G x3, Thunder-G x1, Dispel-G x1, Ansem's Report 1, Dalmatians 37 - 39 and 52 - 54 2.Accessories Obtainable: Fira Ring, Protera Chain, Protega Chain, Ray of Light, Thundara Ring 3.Magic Obtainable: Blizzara, Fira 4.Keyblades Obtainable: Three Wishes 5.Summons: Genie 6.Abilities: Green Trinity 7.Trinities: Blue Trinity 11 and 12, Red Trinity 4, Green Trinity 1 8.Enemies Encountered: Shadow, Yellow Opera, Bandit, Spider Pot, Air Soldier, Green Requiem, Fat Bandit, Black Fungus 9.Bosses Encountered: Pot Centipede, Cave of Wonders, Jafar, Genie Jafar

Agrabah Overview

1.You'll come across a new enemy type in this area - the Bandit(39 HP, 18 ATK, 15 DEF, 7 EXP), who's easily defeated if you have Counterattack equipped. If not, wait until they pause just before attacking and combo them. Defeat all the enemies in the first area, and check to the right of one of the marketplace stalls to find a Mega-Potion. 

2.Across from the alcove with the chest is another with a stack of crates - climb them and open the chest you find to obtain a Mega-Ether. A door in this area will lead to a Storage room, so head in and break the destructible items to find munny, then check the chest for another Mega-Potion. 3.Head back outside to the Main Street area, and and smash pots as you go along. Some of them are a new enemy, Spider Pots(21 HP, 18 ATK, 15 DEF, 2 EXP), which are easy to defeat. They also drop quite a bit of munny, so be sure to clear the area of them. 4.As you continue, look for a yellow pot with a plank over it - use it to jump up a set of platforms until you're standing on one of the canopies. Jump acorss the street to another canopy, and from there jump down and to the right to reach a ledge holding a Mega-Ether. Jump down and enter the Alley on the other side. 5.Jafar releases some Bandits, but they aren't difficult - defeat them, then use the crates to get to the upper level. There's a chest here with a Mega-Potion, and a keyhole to the right that opens a door higher up. 6.To reach the door, jump over the window shutters to the other side, and be careful while standing on the shutters - they fall off if you stand on them for a certain amount of time. The door will lead you back to the Main Street area. 7.Jump down from the canopy and head to the small door with a pole on the inside - this leads to Aladdin's House. There's a Save Point there, and two chests; they contain Dalmatians 37 - 39 and a Megalixir. Free Carpet from under the bureau by selecting the "Move" option. You can also move the other bureau on the left of the door leading to the Plaza to find a keyhole - use it to unlock another door, then exit back to the Plaza. 8.Use the window shutters to jump across to the platform, and jump to the chest from there. There are Spider Pots along the way, so be cautious. Open the chest to find a Cottage, then jump back across and enter the now-unlocked door to Main Street. 9.Jump on the crates to reach the upper platform, from which you can jump to a chest containing Shell-G. Now, head back to the Plaza and go to the Desert - Carpet will offer you a ride; take it. 10.You'll arrive just as Aladdin is drowning in quicksand, and more Bandits will appear to stop you from interfering. Dispatch them, and Aladdin will pull himself out of the quicksand. You can now change party members if you like, but there's a Trinity coming up, so leave your party alone for a bit. 11.When you return to Agrabah, most of the pots will now be Spider Pots, some of the streets are blocked, and you'll encounter a new enemy type, the Fat Bandit(240 HP, 18 ATK, 15 DEF, 20 EXP). Fat Bandits breathe fire and can't be hurt from the front, so be quick about using combos on their backsides before getting away from their fire attacks. Gravity works well against them. 12.In order to get around, you'll want to use the doorways on the rooftops. Some are locked, and you'll need to find the keyholes on the walls to unlock them. Kill off the enemies here, and use the crates in the corner to jump tot he roof of the building. Look across the street to spot the first door - jump across and enter the Alley. 13.From the Alley, jump across the shutters again to reach the next door which leads to Main Street. When you arrive, drop down and decimate the enemies here, then find the pot with the plank on it and use it to jump to the roof of the building. Keep climbing until you reach the canopies in front of Aladdin's House, then run to the end where the large red one sticks out, and use this to jump across to the lower door. 14.Now that you're in the Bazaar, drop down to the middle of the area and kill off the enemies. Use the Blue Trinity to find a Mega-Ether and munny, then jump back to the entrance, and acros some shutters to find a chest with a Shell-G. 15.There's another chest on the upper platform that has a Fira Ring in it, and a keyhole near that chest that opens a locked gate. Head back to Main Street, kill off the enemies that appear, and move up the pole into Aladdin's House - save your game, and stock up your party and equip what you need. 16.Head back to Main Street, and use the pot with the plank to reach the canopies again - jump from the blue one to the yellow one to reach a door that's now unlocked, and try to be level 25 or higher before entering this area.

BOSS FIGHT: Pot Centipede

600 HP, 18 ATK, 15 DEF, 250 EXP Drops Ray of Light when defeated 1.Right when the battle starts, use the auto lock feature, thus targeting the creature's head; however you also want to destroy all of the other pots roaming about--they will form with the head and tail to make a giant Pot Centipede and that is something that you certainly do not want to deal with. For the pots, use Blizzard to destroy great numbers of the stray pots. After that ceases to be effective, break them with physical attacks. 2.Once you have the Spider Pot number down, cast Aero on Sora and focus on the tail of the Centipede. Without the annoying Spider Pots, everything should go a bit quicker. If the centipede has a chance to get fully formed, Thunder or Blizzard will break apart the creature's body when used on its midsection. 3.When most/all of the Spider Pots are gone, you've still got the head and tail left. They share the same HP bar, so you focus doesn't have to be on cutting down just one. They rarely attack at the same time, but both will attack you. A good strategy is to keep switching between the two and deal a lot of damage while avoiding receiving as much as possible. 4.If it's too difficult, try equipping Counterattack before the fight and hit the centipede's face repeatedly. Eventually, this may break the creature apart and grant you HP balls. 5.After you defeat Pot Centipede, you'll receive Ray of Light.

Agrabah Overview II

1.Head back to Aladdin's House to rest up and save your game. There's a merchant here that you can use to restock your dwindling inventory if you need it. When you're through, head down the hole on his left, and jump across to the yellow canopy to reach the Palace Gates. 2.Look to the left of the entrance to find a chest - you can reach it by jumping from the canopy to collect the Protera Chain. Go all the way back to the Plaza and save in the Storage Room(the Pot Centipede broke the barriers, so getting around isn't difficult anymore), and place Cure and Aero on shortcut keys. 3.Head out to the Desert, and Carpet will take you to your next boss fight.

BOSS FIGHT: Cave of Wonders

380 HP, 18 ATK, 15 DEF, 400 EXP 1.When the battle starts, the tiger head will summon Heartless to attack you. While annoying, this will give you the opportunity for HP balls once you defeat them. 2.Start off by walking up the mane. It's a bit tricky, but try to get Sora jammed in the corner of one of the eyes; while difficult, it is a great position to be in. If you can't get him quite there, don't sweat it. Just find a good position to be in. 3.Once up here, cast Aero and keep it on Sora. The Cave of Wonders will shoot slow moving energy beams, but they won't typically hit or bother you here. However, the swords thrown from the Bandits will--unless, that is, you have that wind shield up. 4.On occasion, the Cave will throw you off. Wait, kill a few enemies and once the Cave buries its nose again, climb back on. (Unfortunately, once the Cave starts flailing about, it becomes a bit difficult to climb back on the mane) 5.Each of the eyes is exactly half of the HP value of the boss. Only attack the eyes when glowing! You're wasting your time if the eye you keep hitting is not doing so.

Agrabah Overview III

1.Once you defeat the Cave, you can enter it. Don't fall off the cliff as you fight the enemies - if you do, head up the stairs to get back to the Entrance. Grab the Mega-Ether from the chest here, then head through the door to the Hall area. 2.When you reach the stairs with the three water spouts, check on the left and use the barrel to jump to the ledge overhead - grab the Elixir, then bypass the stairs. Defeat the enemies, and look for a ledge on the platform in the middle of the area. From there, jump to the chest and grab the Mythril Shard inside. 3.Head back near the beginning of the area, and look for some stairs in the pit - there's a water spout attached to the pillar you can use to reach the stairs. Enter the Bottomless Hall, and check the chest for a Mega-Potion before pushing the stone slab off the cliff. Return to the Hall and jump across to the left-hand platform, then look to the right to find a door leading to the Bottomless Hall. 4.On the right as you enter is an Elixir on a pillar. Hop back from the pillar and jump on the water spout to reach the upper platform - check the chest to grab a Cottage, and defeat the enemies before entering the Treasure Room. 5.Kill off all the enemies here first, then use the Red Trinity to collect a Mythril Shard and some munny. There's a green chest atop the idol that holds a Defense Up. From there, turn and jump to the pile of gold for another chest containing a Mythril Shard, and a chest on the walkway before you containing a Shell-G. 6.Return to the Hall, and take the stairs on your left and ride the stone slab. Use the Blue Trinity to collect a Thunder-G, then head upstairs and continue left. Use the wooden stairs and the stone slab will take you down to the Dark Chamber area. Use the Save Point and switch Aladdin into your party - replace the weakest character. Head back to the Hall, and enter the Entrance area. 7.Defeat the enemies, then head downstairs to the Relic Chamber. You get the option to call Abu if Aladdin is in the party - do so, and he'll lower stairs for you to use. You should be able to reach a chest containing Mythril in the corner, and there's another chest containing a Thundara Ring - grab them both, then use the stairs Abu lowered. 8.Back in the Dark Chamber, you can now reach a chest containing a Dispel-G - grab it, and use Abu from the water to bring down a platform with a chest on it containing a Protega Chain. The next chest holds a Torn Page, and the one past it holds a Cottage - grab them, save your game, and head up the waterfall into the Silent Chamber. 9.Head down the right-hand waterfall and use the monkey statue to open the next passage. Swim back up the waterfall and into the Hidden Room past the steps. Jump and attack the pillar here to topple it, which opens a passage in the Treasure Room - watch the cutscene, then return to the Treasure Room and save your game. 10.Use the monkey statue on the right to find Dalmatians 52 - 54, and then enter the Lamp Chamber.


500 HP, 18 ATK, 15 DEF, 600 EXP Gives Blizzara when defeated 1.If you're around level 28, this fight shouldn't be too difficult as Jafar has a pretty low amount of HP for such a powerful boss, but it is still going to be a bit taxing. Genie isn't much help, really; he'll hit you against his will, but apologizes and spits out HP balls. You focus, however, should be on Jafar and the battle should end fairly quickly. 2.As soon as it begins, run up to him and hide next to whichever platform he is standing on. If you're this close to him, his spells are going to be less effective. 3.Follow him around as he floats to new platforms, attacking him when he lands and hiding when he starts performing his incantations. 4.If he starts his chanting in midair, immediately find some place where you are not in his direct line of vision, thus preventing his spells from hitting you. 5.If he is creating an ice storm, take the time to attack him from the air. 6.After the fight, your Blizzard is upgraded to Blizzara. Check on Jasmine, then on the keyhole. It seems you have one more fight left before you can get down to business.

BOSS FIGHT: Genie Jafar

750 HP, 18 ATK, 15 DEF, 730 EXP Drops Ansem's Report 1, gives Fira when defeated 1.This battle is pretty simple in concept. Find Iago and chase him around the room, hitting the lamp as much as you can. 2.Moving platforms, fireballs, slaps and rocks are some things you'll have to deal with from Jafar. 3.Occasionally, Iago will become stunned and spit out HP balls. 4.After you defeat Genie Jafar, you'll receiveFira and Ansem's Report 1.

Agrabah Overview IV

1.The keyhole to Agrabah is sealed, but Jasmine is missing in action. Use Carpet to fly out of the collapsing cave, avoiding the falling debris, and watch the cutscenes that play out. 2.At the end of the cutscenes, you'll obtain the Three Wishes keyblade, and be able to use Green Trinities. You'll also be able to summon Genie. Head back to the Plaza, and enter the Storage Room - use the Green Trinity to find a Power Up. Use the Save Point to return to the Gummi Ship, and head back to Traverse Town.

Return to Traverse Town IV

Items Obtainable: Defense Up, Postcard, Mythril Shard, Dalmatians 7 - 9 Trinities: Green Trinity 2 1.Go to the shops and upgrade everything you can, then stockpile on restorative items - you can get Donald and Goofy some great new gear, like a Magus Staff and Gigas Fist. 2.Head to the Accessory Shop and use the Green Trinity to drop a ladder from the ceiling - you can now access the Synthesis Shop. There's two chests in back that contain Dalmatians 7 - 9 and a Mythril Shard. Check the fireplace to gain a Postcard, which you can mail for a Defense Up. 3.Talk to the Moogle on the desk to learn how to synthesize items, then talk to the one by the fireplace to begin. For more information on synthesis, check the Synthesis section. When you finish, head out of the door to unlock it, allowing entrance via the door from now on. 4.Head to Merlin's Study and to the right of the Save Point is the Old Book you delivered to him. Check the book to automatically place Torn Pages into it, which opens new areas in the Hundred Acre Wood.

Hundred Acre Wood II

Items Obtainable: Naturespark 1.Look at the tree in the upper right-hand corner of the book to find a new area. Sneak up on Piglet, then talk to him. Afterwards, Pooh shows up - talk to him to begin the Pooh's Hunny Hunt mini-game.

Pooh's Hunny Hunt

1.All you need to do is lock-on to the bees, jump at them, and swing the keyblade without pressing any sort of direction - you'll automatically land on a branch. Hitting bees will add 5 to 10 licks, depending on whether or not you're airborne or standing when you attack, and using Rush with subtract 5.

2.You'll want to get a score of 100 or higher. When you've unlocked all of the mini-games later on, you can win a special ability if you obtain certain achievements in each game - a score of 100 or higher in Pooh's Hunny Hunt is the first of many. 3.Once you complete the game, whether or not you reach 100, your Torn Page will transform into a Naturespark. use the compass to exit back to Traverse Town.

Return to Traverse Town V

Summons Obtainable: Bambi 

1.Head back to Merlin's, and give the Fairy Godmother the Naturespark - she'll release Bambi, who you can now summon during battle. Bambi is useful for two reasons - first, he drops a lot of MP balls, which keep you stocked for magic attacks. Secondly, for every six enemies you kill, Bambi will release items dependent on which world you're in. 2.Now that you have Bambi, it's time to head back to the Coliseum.

Return to Coliseum

Items Obtainable: Mythril, Firaga-G Trinities: Green Trinity 3 1.Use your Blizzara on the eight torches throughout the lobby to make a chest appear - grab the Firaga-G from it, and then look for the Green Trinity between two of the now-snuffed torches to obtain a Mythril. 2.Once you collect those items, head to Wonderland.

Return to Wonderland II

Items Obtainable: Elixir, Mythril Shard Trinities: Green Trinity 4 and 5 1.Land in the rabbit hole and use the Green Trinity to grab an Elixir. Enter the Bizarre Room and shrink down to find another Green Trinity in the fireplace that'll net you a Mythril Shard. 2.When you have those items, head off to Deep Jungle.

Return to Deep Jungle II

Items Obtainable: Mythril Shard 

Trinities: Green Trinity 6 1.Land in the Tunnel area, then climb into the door above you that leads to the Treetop area. 2.Use the Green Trinity here to obtain a Mythril Shard and some HP balls - when you finish, head on to the next leg of your journey, Monstro. To get there, head out to the level 5 world on the right of Agrabah. You'll be eaten by Monstro along the way.


1.Items Obtainable: Potion x2, Mega-Ether x2, Megalixir x2, Cottage x4, Mythril Shard x1, Mythril x3, Torn Page x1, Watergleam, Dispel-G x2, Tornado-G x2, Dalmatians 55 - 57 and 73 - 81 2.Magic nstroObtainable: Stop 3.Abilities: Cheer(Goofy), High Jump(party) 4.Trinities: Blue Trinity 13 - 15 and Green Trinity 7 5.Enemies Encountered: Shadow, Green Requiem, Large Body, Barrel Spider, Air Soldier, Yellow Opera, Search Ghost, Rare Truffle 6.Bosses Encountered: Parasite Cage

Monstro Overview

1.Head to the back of Monstro's mouth and climb onto Geppetto's ship. Pinocchio runs off, so follow him after you save your game. You'll encounter a new enemy type here - the Search Ghost(45 HP, 21 ATK, 17 DEF, 10 EXP). Search Ghosts are easily defeated using Fire spells - try to kill them while they're glowing to get a bonus to the number of HP and MP balls they drop.

2.You'll be stuck entering a few different chambers in Monstro, so be prepared.

Chamber 1

1.Destroy the enemies here and head through the lower door into Chamber 3.

Chamber 3

1.There's a Mega-Ether in a chest here - collect it, then head back into Chamber 1. Jump up to the ledge, and enter the door there to Chamber 2. 

Chamber 2

1.The chest in this chamber contains a Cottage - grab it, then keep moving to re-enter Chamber 3, on a higher level. Use a barrel to reach the upper platform and grab Dalmatians 76 - 78. 2.Drop down to the lower platform you jumped up from and head through the door into Chamber 2 - defeat the enemies, including the new Barrel Spider(24 HP, 21 ATK, 17 DEF, 3 EXP). They're just like Spider Pots, but these can explode - they drop quite a bit of munny, so just hit them. 3.Jump over to the ledge and then to the next ledge that holds a chest - it contains a Megalixir. Head back across to the main ledge and enter the door to Chamber 5.

Chamber 5

Fight through the swarms of enemies to Chamber 6. 

Chamber 6

1.Head left as you enter the room and drop down the ledges to find a chest holding a Dispel-G. Use the door nearby to re-enter Chamber 5 - there's a ton of enemies here, but once you kill them all, use the Blue Trinity to get a Cottage and some munny.

2.There are two more chests in here - one has a Mega-Ether and another holds a Dispel-G. Exit back to Chamber 6, and hop up the ledges until you reach the highest one. From there, use some barrels to reach the blue ledge, and check the chest for a Torn Page. Drop down and fall off the highest step, then enter the door to Chamber 3. 3.Check the chest to find Dalmatians 55 - 57, and use the barrel to reach the upper platform with a Tornado-G inside. Drop from this ledge and enter the door that leads back to Chamber 1. From there, backtrack back to Chamber 6. 4.Enter the dor that leads to Chamber 5, and use a barrel on the ledge to reach the blue platform to reach a chest containing Mythril. Jump to the other blue platform, and from there to the narrow land past it to find a chest containing Dalmatians 79 - 81. Jump back across the platforms and down the ledge you arrived on to enter the door to Chamber 4.

Chamber 4

1.Watch the cutscene, then save your game. Follow Pinocchio to the Bowels, and try to be at least level 30 before attempting the next area.

BOSS FIGHT: Parasite Cage

450 HP, 21 ATK, 17 DEF, 500 EXP 1.Start off by casting Aero on Sora and then, using the rest of your MP on Fira spells, wheedle down its HP as much as you can before you need to get close to the flailing beast. 2.Your best bet is to summon Bambi, keep shooting Fira spells at it and, only when you have to, go in for close combat.

Monstro Overview II

1.After the fight with Parasite Cage, Goofy learns the Cheer ability. Jump into the hole and you'll be near Geppetto - save your game, then open the chest near the fish to find the High Jump ability for the party. You can try this out immediately - equip it, then stand on the roof above Geppetto. There's a Green Trinity that will net you a Mythril Shard. 2.Jump into the water in front of the ship and swim to the platform on the wall to your left. Head up there to grab Dalmatians 73 - 75 from the chest. Look to your left to find a pile of wood in the water - jump to the platform, and from ther, look back to the pile you just jumped from. Leap near the edge, and continue up to find a chest with a Cottage inside. 3.Jump in the water, and swim to the platform with the Blue Trinity on it - it nets you two Potions, a Cottage, and munny. Jump up the platforms to reach a chest containing a Watergleam. From the platform with the Trinity, jump across a large gap to another platform, then up some ledges to access a chest with a Tornado-G held inside. Follow the ledges to reach a door to Monstro's Throat. 4.Don't go in just yet - first, drop down and enter the door you see, then backtrack to Chamber 6. Jump the highest ledge, then jump to the blue platform - use a long jump and a keyblade swing to reach the next platform and check the chest for a Megalixir. Jump across to another narrow piece of land to find a chest with Mythril inside. Use the door to reach Chamber 1, and then re-enter Monstro's Mouth. 5.Head back to the Throat, and you have a chance of coming across Rare Truffles. For more information on them, check the Rare Truffles section. 6.Use the Blue Trinity to gain a Mythril Shard and munny, then use the platforms to climb into Monstro's Stomach.

BOSS FIGHT: Parasite Cage II

900 HP, 21 ATK, 17 DEF, 1000 EXP 1.The Parasite Cage has two new attacks this time: a most difficult to avoid blast of green gas that poisons Sora and basically a cage body slam. 2.Use the Bambi trick mentioned previously, but make certain that you still have MP by the time Bambi disappears; stick mainly to physical attacks, though, and use your MP for healing. 3.Once it is stunned, hit the orb inside the cage for HP balls and try to inflict some damage as well. 4.When you finish the battle, you receive Stop - when you are finished, head back to Traverse Town.

Return to Traverse Town VI

Items Obtainable: Power Up x1, Mythril x1, Mythril Shard x1, Postcard x1, Torn Page x1 Keyblades Obtainable: Wishing Star, Spellbinder Summons Obtainable: Dumbo 1.This should be second nature by now, but stop by all the shops to upgrade everything you can. Try your hand at synthesizing more items, as well - you need at least one of each to get Sora's Ultima Weapon keyblade. For more information on synthesizing, check the Synthesis section. 2.Head to Geppetto's House, which is near the Accessory Shop. Talk to Geppetto, and he'll tell you about Gummi Ships and blueprints - if you want to start collecting the blueprints, that's your option - this guide continues on, however. 3.Check the chest in the corner of the room to find the Wishing Star keyblade, and the shelf to find your final Postcard, which will net you a Power Up for mailing it. You can also stop by and talk to Cid to see what new stuff he has for the Gummi Ship. 4.Head to the 2nd District to talk with the Dalmatians - you'll obtain a Mythril Shard, Torn Page, and a Mythril if you've been collecting all of the Dalmatian puppies so far. High-tail it to Merlin's Study and Merlin will give you the Spellbinder keyblade. 5.Talk to the Fairy Godmother and she'll release Dumbo from the Watergleam, a new summon you can use to remain invincible for a period of time. Now head over to the Old Book and use the two new Torn Pages you have to unlock some more areas in Hundred Acre Wood.

Hundred Acre Wood III

Items Obtainable: Potion, Mythril Shard Magic Obtainable: Stopra 1.You can head to Rabbit's House to pull up vegetables in his garden for items, like Potions. Check the mailbox to read a letter from Pooh, then head behind the house - there's a problem, here. Head into the house and talk to Rabbit. 2.It seems Pooh is in need of some honey - check the roots in the ceiling to find the honey pot - examine it to take it down, then try to leave; Pooh gets stuck in the window. Exit the house and talk to him, and Tigger will arrive to mess with you.

Block Tigger

1.All you need to do is keep Tigger from bouncing on a carrot twice - it's permanently buried if he does. Start by running to the nearest carrot and using Rush to get to the carrot Tigger's shadow appears over. Adjust as necessary(sometimes Rush overshoots the carrot). 2.You won't have the option to Rush if the carrot is pushed into the ground - you also don't want the carrots to get pushed in, period. After the first hit, they're in; after the second, they're history, so stay on top of your game and try to get at least a score of 150 to earn that special ability later on. Once you free Pooh, your Torn Page becomes a Mythril Shard. 1.To get to the next mini-game, head to the lower right-hand corner of the book and find a tree on a cliff. Save Eeyore - jump in next to him, and he's saved. Easy, right? Head up the hill to the swing, and target Pooh and walk slowly to get up the hill with him. 2.If Pooh is distracted by a honey pot, target and talk to him to speed him along his way.

Pooh's Swing

1.To complete this mini-game, press R1 when Owl opens his wings. Be sure to do it when Owl's wings are fully spread - you need to land on Eeyore's House. Keep trying, and when you finally get to the house(if you didn't on the first try), you'll receive the Stopra spell. 2.In order to obtain the special ability later, you need to get more than 40 yards on this mini-game. You'll know you made it if Pooh goes flying off into the distance. 3.When you're finished here, stop in at Agrabah.

Return to Agrabah

Items Obtainable: Mythril, Meteor-G, Aeroga-G, Thundara-G 

1.Start off in Aladdin's House, and exit down the hole to the right of the Save Point. Turn right, jump across to the door that leads to the Palace Gates area, and then turn right and High Jump to find a chest with Mythril. 2.Now enter the Palace Gates area - turn left, and High Jump to find another chest with an Aeroga-G inside. Head back to the Plaza and enter the Desert. 3.Enter the Cave of Wonders, and jump into the pit to the Relic Chamber. Swim up the waterfall to the Dark Chamber, and swim up the waterfall to the Silent Chamber. Climb the steps and High Jump to the ledge across the waterway - touch the monkey statue to open a door to two chests, one with a Meteor-G and the other with a Thundara-G. 4.Head back to the nearest Save Point and use it to travel to the Coliseum.

Coliseum - Pegasus Cup

1.Items Obtainable: Defense Up, Mythril 

2.Abilities: Strike Raid 3.Enemies Encountered: Search Ghost, Air Soldier, Shadow, Large Body, Yellow Opera, Black Fungus, Green Requiem, Bandit, Barrel Spider, Fat Bandit, Spider Pot 4.Bosses Encountered: Yuffie, Leon You'll start the Pegasus Cup the same way you started the Phil Cup - talk to Phil and get cracking. There are nine Seeds in this one - below are the seeds and what enemies you'll encounter. 1.Seed 9 - Ghost Bandits: Search Ghost x2, Bandit x1, Air Soldier x3 2.Seed 8 - Marauders: Bandit x2, Barrel Spider x3, Shadow x4 3.Seed 7 - Sluggers: Fat Bandit x1, Large Body x2, Spider Pot x1, Barrel Spider x1 4.Seed 6 - Pots & Bolts: Spider Pot x5, Yellow Opera x3, Green Requiem x2 5.Seed 5 - The Big Combo: Fat Bandit x2, Search Ghost x4 6.Seed 4 - Toadstool: Black Fungus x3 7.Seed 3 - Pots & Barrels: Spider Pot x5, Barrel Spider x5 8.Seed 2 - Giant Impact: Fat Bandit x3, Large Body x2 9.Seed 1 - Leon and Yuffie: Leon, Yuffie For winning as a team, you'll learn the Strike Raid ability. Beat it with just Sora to earn a Mythril, and beat it again in less than three minutes to obtain a Defense Up.

BOSS FIGHT: Leon and Yuffie

Leon: 600 HP, 21 ATK, 18 DEF, 400 EXP Yuffie: 300 HP, 21 ATK, 18 DEF, 300 EXP 1.Make sure that Aero is cast on Sora for most of the fight and focus on Yuffie first--if you don't, she will just keep healing Leon. Her attacks consist of throwing ninja stars at you and making a giant ninja star to throw at you, which also damages other party members. She's easy to get into a corner, however. 2.When Yuffie is out of the picture, Leon is still left and can still cast his Fire spell at you. Keep on him. When he yells 'power', he uses his Limit Break to create a giant sword which is almost impossible to avoid in close quarters. Best time to hit him: right after he yells 'it's over'. Use a dodge roll, to avoid the initial attack and combo his back. 3.When you're finished here, head to the Battle Level 5 world beyond Monstro - Atlantica.


1.Items Obtainable: Mega-Potion x3, Mega-Ether x4, Elixir x3, Cottage x3, Mythril Shard x5, Mythril x3, Orichalcum x1, Torn Page x1, Crystal Trident, Ansem's Report 3 2.Magic Obtainable: Thundara 3.Keyblades Obtainable: Crabclaw 4.Abilities: Mermaid Kick(shared) 5.Enemies Encountered: Search Ghost, Screwdriver, Aquatank, Sea Neon, Sheltering Zone 6.Bosses Encountered: Shark, Flotsam, Jestam, Ursula

Atlantica Overview

1.You'll encounter a new enemy type here - the Sea Neon(30 HP, 22 ATK, 19 DEF, 8 EXP), which can be killed easily with Fira. They drop enough MP balls to make up for the cost of casting on them. Clear out the enemies here, then open the clamshell by hitting it and use the Save Point. You won't be able to use the single Trinity in this world for a while, so keep Ariel in your party for now. 2.In the room beyond, search for treasure in the clams. Check for a red clam on a red - defeat the enemies around it, then cast Fira on it to obtain a Mythril Shard. Head towards the wall to find a blue shell - hit it to obtain a Mega-Ether. 3.Move towards the red clam again and check towards the geyser, then to the right you'll see a water spout and a blue shell. Hit the blue shell to receive a Cottage, then look towards the geyser to spot another shell. Hit this one to obtain an Elixir, then move towards the red clam again and swim down to the base of the pillar it's on. 4.There's a shell here that contains a Mega-Potion - grab it, then check the hole in the nearby wall to find another shell with Mythril inside. 5.Follow the tridents on the walls into a trench where you enter the Calm Depths - head up to the edge of the current and look downstream. Enter the cave on the right to enter the next new area, and defeat the enemies here. Follow the Tridents until you reach the Undersea Cave. 6.Enter the hole near the bottom of this area to find a shell holding a Cottage - swim up to enter the Undersea Gorge. Take a left as you enter, and drop into the trench to find a dark blue clam - hit it with Blizzara to obtain a Mythril Shard. Turn around and stay low to find another shell with a Mega-Ether inside. Follow the tridents until you see one pointing to a tunnel. 7.Check to the left and enter that tunnel first, hit the clam and grab the Mega-Potion, then backtrack and follow the trident. You'll encounter the Screwdriver(48 HP, 22 ATK, 19 DEF, 15 EXP), which are the same sort of cannon fodder Soldiers are on land. Clear the room and continue forward. 8.Look down and to the left to spot a shell containing a Cottage. On the right from the entrance is a shell with a Mega-Ether in it. Turn and look for a yellow clam in the distance - hit it with Thunder to get a Mythril Shard. Turn and face the conch in the middle, swim to the right of it until you pass over a walkway, then drop down to find a shell holding an Elixir for you. Head to Triton's Throne. 9.Watch the cutscene, then turn around and re-enter the Throne area. Hit the clam to reveal a Save Point, and use it to save your game. Return to the Undersea Gorge and ride the dolphin for a bit and dismount at Ariel's Grotto. check the boulder blocking the Grotto to instigate a fight against the Sheltering Zone(90 HP, 22 ATK, 19 DEF, 20 EXP), which are giant Sea Neons. When you beat them, they split into a swarm of Sea Neons, unless you kill them with a Fira spell - I'd suggest that, as it also nets you the munny and MP balls. 10.Inside the grotto, sink to the bottom to find a chest with a Mega-Potion. Hit the barrel opposite of it to get some MP balls and possibly an Ether. Head up and check the chests to find a Cottage and a Torn Page. Exit the grotto when you've got all the goods and head to the Undersea Cave. 11.Head through the hole at the bottom of the Undersea Cave to reach the Calm Depths - head upward through the current into the Undersea Valley. You could also hit the urchin on the wall with Fira to create a shortcut. Find the dolphin here and ride him to a new area - the Sunken Ship. 12.Before you enter the ship proper, swim down to find another ship and through the hole in the hull to snag an Elixir from the chest there. Head to your left after you exit to find another chest that hold a Mythril Shard - now head into the ship. 13.Move forward some, and make for the chest - the Shark comes up and breaks through the window. The chest contains a Crystal Trident - when you get it, turn and look in the corner by the stairs to find a chest with a Mythril Shard. Hit the debris under the stairs to find an opening, and a clam that holds a Mythril.


200 HP, 22 ATK, 19 DEF, 100 EXP May drop Hi-Potion, Ether or Mega-Potion when defeated 1.This is an optional battle. When you leave the ship, you will notice t he shark patrolling the area. 2.Cast Aero to begin with and start attacking, staying to his side to avoid being bitten. If you can get him to charge at you and hit a wall, it will stun him. 3.After you defeat Shark, you may receive Hi-Potion, Ether or Mega-Potion.

Atlantica Overview II

1.After you fight Shark, head to the left of the boulder with the weird rune on it, and swim to the left, entering the hole that leads to the Undersea Gorge. Hit the geyser with the keyblade to release a chest containing a Orichalcum. Head back to Ariel's Grotto, and check the indention on the wall to place the Crystal Trident. 2.Watch the cutscene, and head back to the Palace area, fighting your way to Triton's Throne. Be sure to save when you arrive. You'll face off against the Aquatank(120 HP, 22 ATK, 19 DEF, 30 EXP), which hold Screwdrivers on their bellies. Kill them off to make a ton of munny. 3.Head back to the Sunken Ship and enter through the hole on the right of the entrance to the grotto. If the Shark returns, cast Aero and pummel him. Head to the rock with the rune on it, and check the thing behind the ship next to the rock - Sebastian helps you here. Enter the Den of Tides and stay to the right as you head through the fork to enter a room with a Save Point and Mega-Ether. 4.Try to be around level 35 before attempting this next area - when you're ready, backtrack and take the other path of the fork to find Ursula.

BOSS FIGHT: Ursula, Flotsam, and Jestam

Ursula: 450 HP, 22 ATK, 19 DEF, 1000 EXP Drops Mermaid Kick when defeated Flotsam/Jetsam: 60 HP, 22 ATK, 19 DEF, 150 EXP 1.Hit Ursula's cauldron with spells until it backfires and hits her, stunning her so that you may take the opportunity to deal her a good deal of damage; when running low on MP, use Flotsam and Jetsam to restore it. 2.After you defeat Ursula, you'll receive Mermaid Kick.

Atlantica Overview III

1.Exit the area and head back in to find a sea urchin near the clam that contains a Mythril - hit the urchin with Fira and wait to get it. Head to the Cavern Nook and use the Save Point, then set Aero to a shortcut key and from the Sunken Ship, head to the Calm Depths. Use Mermaid Kick to head across the hall against the current to the hole labeled ??? and enter it.


900 HP, 22 ATK, 19 DEF, 1500 EXP Drops Ansem's Report 3, gives Thundara when defeated 1.This is one of the toughest bosses in the game. Begin by casting Aero on Sora. 2.When Ursula opens her mouth very wide, use Mermaid Kick immediately, swimming away from her as she is about to suck you in. Also, she shoots bubbles at you which are easier to avoid the farther away you are and she uses a Thunder spell against you, recognized by her saying 'time to teach you some respect.' 3.The easiest way to defeat her is to get stuck behind her head, which is difficult considering that she faces you almost constantly. The best time to attempt this is right after she shoots the energy beam from her mouth, as she will be tired and will not follow your movements. Once behind her, hit her as many times as possible before you become unstuck. 4.After you defeat Ursula, you'll receive Thundara and Ansem's Report 3.

Atlantica Overview IV

1.Now that you have Thundara and Ansem's Report 3, head back to Ariel's Grotto and Sora will seal the keyhole and obtain the Crabclaw keyblade. Head to a Save Point and jump back to Traverse Town and head to Merlin's Study to use your Torn Page. 

Hundred Acre Wood IV

Items Obtainable: Power Up, Defense Up, AP Up x2, Mythril Shard x2, Mythril x3, Orichalcum, Dispel-G, Thunder-G, Rare Nut x5 1.Enter Pooh's house and talk to him. Light the fire with Fira, and you'll receive a Mythril. 2.Head outside and enter the new area that opened east of Pooh's House. Talk to Tigger and Roo, then follow them to the stump. Tigger wants you to jump from stump to stump, just like he does. Use the same stumps in the same order to reach him. Do this three times to get to the next mini-game, Tigger's Giant Pot.

Tigger's Giant Pot

1.Talk to Tigger again, then talk to Roo. You need to hit the nuts at the giant pot to break it open. Use High Jump and hit the nut at the peak of your jump to increase your score. You'll need to break the pot in under 30 seconds to obtain the special ability later. 2.There's also a lot of items to collect before heading to the next area of the game - take a look in the tree trunk where the pot was to find an AP Up. There's a log on the ground, hit the middle of it to receive a Mythril. Talk to Tigger again, and he'll get on the seesaw. 3.Ask him to bounce with you, and you'll land on a branch - jump up the branches on the right of where you land and look for the tree with a hole in it. Land on the canopy surrounding the tree and look left to find a rest chest - it holds a Mythril Shard. 4.Jump to the tree with a hole in it, then jump through the hole - this knocks out a Dispel-G. Head back and use Roo on the seesaw to reach a branch with a chest holding a Thunder-G. Jump to the branch below where you land to obtain it. 5.Use Roo again to return to the branch, and take the Rare Nut to give to Owl for a Power Up. Use Roo again, and take the other Rare Nut to Owl for a Defense Up. Check the tree stump in back of the area to the right of Pooh - step on it to make the geyser near the seesaw rise up. 6.Use the geyser to get another Rare Nut, which you can trade in for a Mythril Shard. Use Tigger on the seesaw, and jump to the branch on your right to spot the next Rare Nut - give it to Owl for an AP Up. Head back towards the log and use the stump here to raise a piece of bark on a geyser. Use High Jump to get to it, and grab the last Rare Nut from the canopy nearby. Give it to Owl for an Orichalcum. 7.When you begin to leave, the Torn Page will transform into a Mythril. Now, head out to Halloween Town. It's the Level 6 Battle World.

Halloween Town

1.Items Obtainable: Ether x2, Mega-Ether, Elixir, Defense Up, Mythril Shard, Dispel-G x3, Forget-Me-Not, Jack-In-The-Box, Torn Page, Ansem's Report 7, Dalmatian's 40 - 42 and 67 - 69 2.Accessories Obtainable: Holy Circlet 3.Magic Obtainable: Gravira 4.Keyblades Obtainable: Pumpkinhead 5.Trinities: Red Trinity 5 6.Enemies Encountered: Shadow, Black Fungus, Gargoyle, Search Ghost, WIght Knight 7.Bosses Encountered: Lock, Shock, Barrel, Oogie Boogie, Oogie's Manor

Halloween Town Overview

1.Use the Save Point to save your game and head through the gates to Guillotine Square. Don't worry with the Heartless yet - they won't attack for now. Head near the guillotine to view a cutscene, then go left of it to Dr. Finkelstein's Lab. Upstairs you'll find Jack experimenting on the Heartless. 2.You can swap Jack into your party, so do so now - also, check the bookshelf to find a Torn Page. Outside, the Heartless will be hostile again - fight them off, and check to the right of the door to the lab to find a gate to Jack's House. Under the stairs are Dalmatians 67 - 69 in a chest. Head to the doorbell and ring it three times to get an Elixir, then head right of the gate to find the entrance to the Graveyard. 3.You'll encounter a new enemy type, the Wight Knight(60 HP, 24 ATK, 20 DEF, 16 EXP) here. Use Guard and Counterattack to easily take them out - hold Guard when they jump and hit X to bust through their defense. 4.Defeat the enemies in the Graveyard and Sally will give you a Forget-Me-Not. Take it to Dr. Finkelstein, then head back to the Graveyard and defeat all the enemies again. Search the casket near the back of the area to find a new area - talk to the Mayor and he'll challenge you to a quick game. 5.Check the gravestones in the order the ghosts come out of them to obtain a Jack-In-The-Box, and take it back to the doctor. You'll need to follow Zero through the Graveyard, and you'll encounter the Gargoyle(70 HP, 24 ATK, 10 DEF, 20 EXP). They're easy to defeat, so kill them off and enter the casket again and head past the broken pumpkin to the door. 6.You'll be at Moonlight Hill - head up the hill and check the gravestone to make the hill uncurl. Defeat all the enemies here and jump into the crevice - there's a chest under the bridge with a Dispel-G. Go upstairs and jump from the blue platform to the chest to find Dalmatians 40 - 42. 7.The chest on the other side of the pit is possible to get to if you tump towards the ledge - you'll land on the one below it. From there, jump to the chest to grab a Defense Up. Head across the bridge to Oogie's Manor. 8.If you fall down here, look for the bathtub to get back up to the top of the area. Defeat the enemies here, and check the chest outside the door to find an Ether. Examine the door to enter - check the chest for an Ether, ignore the Red Trinity for now, and fire a Fira spell at the platform to get to a higher platform. 9.Head up the path until you spot the big blue tower where you can go either left or right. Head left first, and jump on the roof of the mouth-looking thing to find a chest with a Mega-Ether inside. Backtrack tot he tower, head right, and at the top enter the Evil Playroom.

BOSS FIGHT: Lock, Shock, and Barrel

Lock: 150 HP, 24 ATK, 20 DEF, 180 EXP Drops HP balls when defeated Shock: 120 HP, 24 ATK, 20 DEF, 120 EXP Drops MP balls when defeated Barrel: 180 HP, 24 ATK, 20 DEF, 240 EXP 1.If you defeat Barrel last, you gain 260 EXP, if you defeat Shock last, you gain 132 EXP and if you defeat Lock last, you gain 114 EXP. 2.Simple attack and heal strategy--Barrel spins a good deal while Lock jumps around often, but otherwise, their attacks are not noteworthy.

Halloween Town Overview II

1.Use the Save Point to save your game, and switch your party back to Sora, Donald, and Goofy. Hit the lever in the room, then head back to the Red Trinity and use it to obtain a Mythril Shard. Head to the first set of blue block stairs and look to the right - one of the cages has been lowered. 2.Jump off the wooden walkway that leads to the lowered cage, and open the chest to find a Dispel-G. Jump down to the walkway, and enter the door to find a tree root. head down the root, and through the green door. You'll want to be level 35 or better before fighting Oogie Boogie.

BOSS FIGHT: Oogie Boogie

450 HP, 24 ATK, 20 DEF, 2500 EXP Drops Holy Circlet and Ansem's Report 7 when defeated 1.Defeat the Gargoyles first before locking on Oogie as he runs about. He throws regular dice to determine what type of attack his giant roulette wheel will use, all of which you must deal with by jumping or running to avoid. 2.While magic cannot hurt him, you can summon Genie to help any time. When the symbols near the inside of the circle light up, step on the nearest Oogie, creating a fenced in area in which the platform rises and you are carried to him. Physical attacks from here should do you well. 3.If you are messing about in the battle when Oogie has little HP left, he can charge himself somewhat and refill his HP meter a small bit. 4.TIP: Try using Guard to deflect Oogie's dice: each successful attempt will give you 49 tech points. 5.After you defeat Oogie Boogie, you'll receive Holy Circlet and Ansem's Report 7.

BOSS FIGHT: Oogie's Manor

90 HP, 24 ATK, 20 DEF, 2500 EXP 

1.Jump down and focus on the dark orbs around the manor - there's seven of them, so destroy all of the orbs to defeat the boss. You can destroy the lanterns throwing fireballs at you for 250 EXP a piece. 2.You'll need to do some fancy jumping to get to all of the orbs and avoid the Gargoyles, but all in all this is an easy, if tedious, battle. If you run out of MP, defeat some of the Gargoyles for the MP balls they drop. Oogie Boogie

Halloween Town Overview III

1.After you beat Oogie's Manor, you'll receive Gravira and the keyhole for Halloween Town appears. Talk to Jack to get the Pumpkinhead keyblade, then return to Oogie's Manor to find a hole in the ground - it has a chest inside containing a Dispel-G. Head back to town through the river, then return to Traverse Town. 2.Upgrade your stuff, check with Geppetto, synthesize items, see Cid about upgrades, and head into Merlin's Study to do the last mini-game in the Hundred Acre Wood.

Hundred Acre Wood V

Items Obtainable: Orichalcum 

Abilities: Cheer 1.If you didn't already break the pot in less than 30 seconds during the last mini-game, use the Pumpkinhead keyblade and try again until you do. 2.Check in the lower left-hand corner of the book to find the last mini-game, Pooh's Muddy Path.

Pooh's Muddy Path

1.Talk to Pooh, then lock-on to him and lead him around the bush so you can check the shrubs and find Eeyore. Lead Pooh around the bush the other way and walk under the root to find Roo. Talk to him to place him in the central bush. 2.Use the windy well to head up to a log with Tigger on it - talk to him so he returns to the bush as well. Walk to the back of the area where there's holes in the wall - wait for Rabbit to pop out, and talk to him. Use the windy well again to reach the log, walk across and jump up the ledges to find Owl. Talk to him as well. 3.Head back to the log and target the webs inside of it, then use Fira to burn them out. Jump down, and target Pooh - lead him to the blue flowers and he'll float to the upper level. 4.Use the windy well to get up to Pooh, target him again, and lead him to the next area of flowers so he floats up to the hole in the tree where Piglet is located. Talk to him after he heads through the hole and appears at the bottom. 5.Finish this mini-game is less than five minutes to obtain the special ability. 6.Your Torn Page will turn into an Orichalcum, and the Hundred Acre Wood will be sealed. If you met the requirements for all the mini-games so far, you can talk to Owl at Pooh's House to obtain the Cheer ability. 7.Time to head out to the last world on the map - Neverland.


1.Items Obtainable: Dispel-G x2, Shell-G, Navi-G Piece, Ansem's Report 9, Dalmatians 43 - 45, 82 - 84, and 88 - 90

2.Accessories Obtainable: Raven's Claw, Protega Chain 3.Magic Obtainable: Cura 4.Keyblades Obtainable: Fairy Harp 5.Summons: Tinker Bell 6.Abilities: Ars Arcanum, Glide(shared) 7.Trinities: Green Trinity 8 8.Enemies Encountered: Shadow, Rare Truffle, Shadow Sora, Battleship, Barrel Spider, Pirate, Air Pirate 9.Bosses Encountered: Anti-Sora, Captain Hook

Neverland Overview

1.As you head to Neverland, you'll be captured by Captain Hook. You'll encounter two new enemy types - the Pirate(105 HP, 27 ATK, 21 DEF, 28 EXP), and Shadow Sora(120 HP, 27 ATK, 21 DEF, 150 EXP). Neither is overly difficult, so just use the best combos and abilities you have to send them packing. 2.Climb down the ladder to the next room, and enter the door - drop down the hole, and defeat the enemies here. Head up the ladder in the opposing corner and check the chest to find a Dispel-G. Use the shelf above the ladder to reach a hole in the above grate - use the hole to the right, and save your game at the Save Point. Use the Green Trinity near the door to lower a ladder to the next area.


750 HP, 24 ATK, 20 DEF, 2000 EXP Drops Raven's Claw when defeated 1.Anti-Sora uses all of the same attacks that you would expect Sora to use, save for one where he splits into three and you must hit the correct one or it will simply disappear. Special Abilities are quite useful in this battle and keep your HP up to win, of course casting Aero as soon as you begin. 2.After you defeat Anti-Sora, you'll receive Raven's Claw.

Neverland Overview II

1.Open the green chest on the bed to find Dalmatians 88 - 90, then search for a door in the floor. Head through, then check the chest for a Protega Chain. Exit the room to the hallway and enter the door on the same side of the hall - climb up the ladder here and return to the Captain's Cabin. 2.Exit through the door to go above deck, and after the cutscene you'll receive Cura, and be able to fly. You'll be asked if you want to switch out party members - the choice is yours. Try to be around level 40 before continuing from here. 3.You'll encounter two more new enemy types - the Battleship(300 HP, 27 ATK, 21 DEF, 100 EXP), and the Air Pirate(120 HP, 27 ATK, 21 DEF, 40 EXP). Attack the Battleship's mast first to gain more EXP, but otherwise don't worry about special tactics. 4.Once you defeat the enemies on the ship, you'll face off against Captain Hook.

BOSS FIGHT: Captain Hook

900 HP, 24 ATK, 20 DEF, 3400 EXP Drops Ansem's Report 9 and Ars Arcanum when defeated 1.Your main concern during this battle should be Captain Hook, although the swarm of enemies shouldn't be completely ignored as they can be your downfall. 2.Casting Fira at Capt. Hook will cause him to run about on fire and if he bumps you, you will take damage. Sora's special abilities, however, work quite well for the situation. Keep hitting him and flying away when you need MP or HP. 3.After you defeat Captain Hook, you'll receive Ansem's Report 9 and Ars Arcanum.

Neverland Overview III

1.Watch the cutscene, and you'll be in London near Big Ben. Fly up to reach a Save Point, then drop back down and look along the outside edge for a chest with Dalmatians 43 - 45. Talk to Wendy to reveal that one of the clocks isn't set to the right time - find the one that isn't set to midnight, and hit the minute hand until it is. 2.The keyhole for Neverland will appear, and be sealed. You'll receive a Navi-G Piece, the Tinker Bell summon, and the Fairy Harp keyblade, as well asa the shared Glide ability. 3.Use the Save Point to get onto the Gummi Ship, and re-enter Neverland - land in the ship's Hold, head through the door and check the chest near the ceiling to obtain Dalmatians 82 - 84. The other chest has a Shell-G inside - head to the deck of the ship afterwards and fly to the crow's nest to find one last chest that holds a Dispel-G. Time to return to Traverse Town.

Return to Traverse Town VII

Items Obtainable: Megalixir, Transform-G, Dalmatians 1 - 3 1.Do what you usually do, and then talk to Cid. He'll give you the Transform-G. Stop by the Dalmatian's House to obtain a Megalixir for rescuing the puppies so far, then head to Merlin's Study and around back - use Glide to reach a chest that holds Dalmatians 1 -3. Now enter Merlin's Study and save your game before heading to Wonderland.

Return to Wonderland III

Items Obtainable: Mythril, Orichalcum, Aeroga-G, Dalmatians 19 - 21 1.Get off at the Queen's Castle and enter Lotus Forest. On a mushroom above the faux pond is a chest you couldn't reach before - jump on the mushrooms in the alcove and use Glide to get to it and obtain an Orichalcum. 2.Use the door to enter the Tea Party Garden and check the chest to find Dalmatians 19 - 21, and the chest behind you to snag an Aeroga-G. From there, you can see one more chest - Glide to it to obtain a Mythril. Head back to a Save Point and travel to Deep Jungle.

Return to Deep Jungle III

Items Obtainable: Mythril 1.Head to the Tree House, use Glide over to the boat and grab a Mythril. Now head to Agrabah.

Return to Agrabah II

Items Obtainable: Dalmatians 46 - 51 1.Start in Aladdin's House, and head to the Palace Gates. High Jump to the highest point, and Glide across to find a chest with Dalmatians 46 - 48 inside. Head to the Save Point and exit, then re-enter Agrabah in the Dark Chamber. 2.Head up the steps to return tot he Entrance of the Cave of Wonders - defeat the enemies and jump on the platform, then Glide to the chest on a pillar to obtain 'Dalmatians 49 - 51. Exit Agrabah and head for Halloween Town.

Return to Halloween Town

Items Obtainable: Elixir, Power Up, Thunder-G, Dispel-G, Esuna-G, Dalmatians 64 - 66 and 70 - 72 1.In Guillotine Square, look for the two big pumpkins in the wall - look to the right of them to find a ledge. Jump up to it and into the room to reach a chest with a Power Up inside. Glide to the giant mouth on the right to find chests containing an Elixir and Dalmatians 70 - 72. 2.Head to Moonlight Hill, and on the right when you enter to find a new door. Inside is an Esuna-G, a Dispel-G, a Thunder-G, and Dalmatians 64 - 66. Head back to a Save Point and jump over to Neverland.

Return to Neverland

1.Land in the Clock Tower area, and check the clock face to see what time it is. A door will open depending on what time it is in-game. For example, if you've been playing for 33 hours, the clock says midnight, and that door would be open. Here's a list of what you can get and what time to come back to get them all: 

12:00 - Megalixir 1:00 - Orichalcum 2:00 - Power Up 3:00 - Mythril Shard 4:00 - Power Up 5:00 - AP Up 6:00 - Mythril 7:00 - AP Up 8:00 - Defense Up 9:00 - Orichalcum 10:00 - Defense Up 11:00 - Mythril Shard 1.When you finish up here, head to the Coliseum to participate in the new Hercules Cup.

Coliseum - Hercules Cup

1.Items Obtainable: Power Up, Orichalcum 2.Keyblades Obtainable: Metal Chocobo, Olympia 3.Abilities: Yellow Trinity 4.Trinities: Yellow Trinity 1 5.Enemies Encountered: Gargoyle, WIght Knight, Barrel Spider, Rare Truffle, Shadow, Air Pirate, Battleship 6.Bosses Encountered: Cloud, Hercules Finish the Pegasus Cup if you haven't already, then prepare for the Hercules Cup. Below are the seeds and what enemies you'll encounter during the Hercules Cup: 1.Seed 9 - Dusk Vanguard: Gargoyle x5, Shadow x3 2.Seed 8 - Minions of Horror: WIght Knight x4, Air Pirate x1, Barrel Spider x2 3.Seed 7 - Buccaneers: Battleship x1, Pirate x4 4.Seed 6 - Stray Phantom: Gargoyle x4, Wight Knight x3 5.Seed 5 - Mad Truffle: Rare Truffle x1 6.Seed 4 - Cloud: Cloud 7.Seed 3 - Dark Squadron: Wight Knight x1, Gargoyle x2, Pirate x2, Air Pirate x2 8.Seed 2 - Flying Pirates: Battleship x2, Pirate x2, Air Pirate x1 9.Seed 1 - Hercules: Hercules


450 HP, 29ATK, 23 DEF, 500 EXP Drops Metal Chocobo when defeated 1.Fight Cloud as you did last time, only watch out for his new flight move, where, when low on HP, he will grow a wing and fly around, striking you very quickly. Cast Aero and Dodge Roll around until this attack ends. 2.After you defeat Cloud, you'll receive Metal Chocobo.

BOSS FIGHT: Hercules

450 HP, 29 ATK, 23 DEF, 700 EXP Drops Herc's Shield when defeated 1.When Hercules is glowing yellow, he is impervious to your attacks. Continue dodging him until barrels start appearing. He'll speak to you, at which point you should throw a barrel at his head, causing the glow to disappear temporarily and giving you time and opportunity to attack him. 2.One of his most noticeable attacks is an attempt at ramming you, which you can use Guard to stun him. When he says "Try this on for size" he will lunge and punch at you--something a Dodge Roll should avoid easily. Another of his attacks is when he jumps into the air and slams into the ground, causing a shockwave to radiate outward. Yet another is where he spins about on the battlefield, after which, being very dizzy, there is a good moment to attack him. 3.After you defeat Hercules, you'll receive Herc's Shield.

After Hercules

1.You'll receive the Herc's Shield, which Goofy can equip, as well as the Olympia keyblade if you've beaten all the Cups so far. You'll be granted the Yellow Trinity ability as well. If you win solo in the Hercules Cup, you get an Orichalcum; for the time-trial, you'll receive a Power Up. 2.Now head into the Lobby and use the Yellow Trinity to reveal and seal the Coliseum keyhole, then head off to Agrabah.

Return to Agrabah III

Trinities: Yellow Trinity 2 1.Land in the Dark Chamber, and head upstairs to the Hall. Look for the Yellow Trinity here and use it to push the giant head into the pit - this will really only fill out your Journal if you've been using High Jump like this guide suggests. 2.Head out from Agrabah and enter Neverland.

Return to Neverland II

Items Obtainable: Orichalcum, Dispel-G, Dalmatians 85 - 87 Magic Obtainable: Aerora Trinities: Yellow Trinity 3 1.Land in the ship's Hold to find the Yellow Trinity - use it to find several chests containing a Dispel-G, an Orichalcum, and Dalmatians 85 - 87. You'll also upgrade your Aero spell to Aerora. 2.Now, leave Neverland and head for Traverse Town.

Return to Traverse Town VIII

Items Obtainable: Power Up, Orichalcum, Ultima-G Trinities: Yellow Trinity 4 1.Head to the Dalmatian's House to grab an Orichalcum and an Ultima-G for saving the puppies thus far. Head to Merlin's Study and look around back to find a Yellow Trinity that leads to a Power Up. 2.When you're finished here, head to the last mystery world on the map - Hollow Bastion.

Hollow Bastion

1.Items Obtainable: Mega-Potion x2, Mega-Ether, Elixir, Megalixir x3, Cottage x3, Power Up, AP Up, Mythril x3, Orichalcum x3, Dispel-G x4, Float-G x3, Esuna-G, Tornado-G x3, Flare-G, Holy-G, Ultima-G, Fireglow, Mava vo. 3 and 6, Azal vol. 3, Hafet vol. 4, Theon vol. 6, Khama vol. 8, Salegg vol. 6, Nahara vol. 5, Emblem Piece x4, Ansem's Report 5, Dalmatians 91 - 99 2.Accessories Obtainable: Blizzaga Ring, Thundaga Ring, Firaga Ring 3.Abilities: White Trinity, Ragnarok, Cheer(Donald) 4.Trinities: Blue Trinity 16 and 17, Red Trinity 6, Green Trinity 9 5.Enemies Encountered: Shadow, Darkball, Wizard, Wyvern, Defender 6.Bosses Encountered: Riku, Maleficent, Dragon

Hollow Bastion Overview

1.Walk off the first platform - you can walk on the water here. Behind the row of rocks is a chest with Dalmatians 91 - 93 inside. Head to the Save Point and across the flaoting platforms until you find the moving one. Ride it to a big platform, and check nearby for a bubble - jump into it and open the nearby chest for a Dispel-G before your time runs out. Head up the patforms again to watch a cutscene. 2.You just lost your keyblade, and your teammates abandoned you - stop swearing, first off, as you did gain Beast. Look down towards the Save Point and Glide to the moving platform on the left to collect three chests - they hold Dispel-G', a "Blizzaga Ring, and a Megalixir. Head up to the platform with the White Trinity and jump on the same platform - use it to reach the entrance to the castle. 3.There are four new enemy types here - the Wyvern(135 HP, 31 ATK, 24 DEF, 65 EXP), the Darkball(60 HP, 31 ATK, 24 DEF, 32 EXP), the Defender(240 HP, 31 ATK, 24 DEF, 120 EXP), and the Wizard(75 HP, 31 ATK, 24 DEF, 90 EXP). For now, run away from them, as your wooden sword is incomparable to a real weapon. 4.Head right and through the gates, and examine the red crystal to activate a platform higher up. The blue crystal brings you down to a new area. Let Beast take on the enemies here, and jump into the upper bubble - jump on the platform to reach a chest on the ledge with a Mythril inside. 5.Since you're there, jump to the other ledge to get a Tornado-G. Use the ice crystal to make a platform slide out, jump to the blue ledge on the left, and Glide to a chest that holds another Tornado-G. From where you found the Mythril, push the blue block so you can reach the floating platform - jump to the ledge and Release the one crystal to make the other platform slide out. Jump across and enter the Waterway. 6.On the left is a gate - use Call to make Beast smash it to pieces, then check the chest to find an Esuna-G. Head back to Base Level, and jump down to the bubbles - use the lower one to enter the Waterway. Use the Save Point and open the chest to find a Firaga Ring, then turn around and Call Beast again to break the gate nearby. Use Blizzara on the bubble to freeze it into a platform. 7.Jump to the top of the wall that seperates the areas, and from there to the chest containing a Flare-G. Use the now-thawed bubble. Use Beast to break the stone wall near where the bubble drops you off, and let him kill off the enemies beofre you check the chests to find a Float-G in both. Head back to the Waterway, take a left as you exit the Dungeon, and take the sharp turn - on the wall is a switch. Press it, head to the gate that moved, and press the switch there. Ont he right is another switch, so press it as well. 8.Head down the new corridor and hit the ground switch, then use the bubble to reach a new area. Hit the switch here to activate the elevator, and let beast kill the Defender here(use Gravity on it to help out) before you hit the last switch. Head back out of the castle by doing the switch puzzle in reverse to get out, and head towards the gates. Enter the double doors and prepare to fight Riku.


500 HP, 31 ATK, 24 DEF, 2000 EXP Drops White Trinity Ability when defeated 1.The best strategy for this would be to summon Tink, keep Aerora cast and use Dodge Roll to get behind him and combo his back. It is quite straightforward. 2.After you defeat Riku, you'll receive White Trinity Ability.

Hollow Bastion Overview II

1.After the fight, you'll gain the White Trinity ability. Check the pots around the room for HP balls and Hi-Potions, then head into the hallway that leads to the door with a Heartless symbol and look at the pillar on your right. Jump to grab onto the ledge, and jump to the top of the pillar to find a chest with a Power Up. Head to the right as you exit to reach some double doors that lead to the Library.

2.Move the blocks around the room to open passages and obtain items. When you round the corner, grab the Khama vol. 8 - to the right is a row of red books with a gap in them. Place the book into the slot to open a passage. The pillar on the left has a hole in it - examine it until the chest is in front, then open it for an Elixir. Head upstairs and repeat the process for the two pillars here to obtain a Mythril and a Mega-Potion. 3.Check the desk near the Save Point for the Theon vol. 6. Use the Green Trinity to get the Azal vol. 3, then head past the pillar that had the Mega-Potion to find a book shelf with a green book and orange books. Take the green book to receive the Mava vol. 6. Check the same spot to place the Theon, which unlocks a nearby door. 4.Turn to see that you can jump on top of the bookcases on the lower level - there's a chest there containing a Dispel-G. Follow the bookcase to the corner to find another pillar - spin it until you get the AP Up. 5.Walk off the ledge in front of the Save Point to drop into a sealed-off area. Take the blue book from the green ones to receive the Salegg vol. 6, then turn and place it in the bookshelf to open an exit. Return to the entrance of the area and place the yellow book on the shelf, then run to the other side of the shelf to find the Nahara vol. 5. 6.Head up to the Save Point to the yelow books opposite it, and place the book in the gap, then take the green book from behind the bookshelf to obtain the Mava vol. 3. Drop to the bottom level and use the two green books in their missing gaps and take the Hafet vol. 4 from the desk, then place it in the row of books opposite the Save Point. 7.Now, move through the door to the Lift Stop. To the left of the glowing crystal is a platform floating over your head - target it and use Gravira to lower the platform. Check the chest for a Tornado-G, then use the blue crystal to ride to the upper platform. Use Gravira on the next floating platform to find an Ultima-G. Head to the Library, use the Save Point to restore your MP and save your game, then head through the doors to the Entrance Hall. 8.Head to the right as you enter, hit the two pots on either side of the stone and a waterfall will drop a piece out. Keep moving and use Fira magic on the candles, ignore the Red Trinity for now, and keep lighting candles as you go. After you light all eight, something appears on the center platform. Search the stone with the lightning bolt carved on it out, and cast Thundara on it to lower the platforms that lead to the center area. Fly across and grab the Emblem Piece. 9.On the side of the circle opposing the doorway is a statue - push it until you find the chest, then head back to the Red Trinity and use it to reveal the last Emblem Piece. Return to the library before jumping down to retreive the pieces to restore your MP, then collect them. The chest that appeared is to the right of the door with the Heartless symbol on it. Head to this door, and examine it four times to make it open. 10.After the cutscene enter the door to the Lift Stop. Head to the red crystal and turn it blue, then return to the blue crystal to head up. Use Gravira on the chest platform to receive the Orichalcum, then head down. Turn the one crystal back red again, and ride the platform down. Head into the Waterway, and take the right-hand platform to get to Lift Stop again. 11.The red crystal here spits up MP balls and Mythril when you check it. Head down and take the other platform(the left-hand one) to the Dungeon. Use the Blue Trinity to obtain a Mega-Potion, Mega-Ether, and a Cottage, along with some HP balls. 12.Head up to the Waterway, through the door back to the Lift Stop. Ride the platform up, and exit past the red crystal to reach the Castle Gates. Be careful when fighting here so that you don't fall back into the Waterway. Head around the corner and activate the red crystal, then wait for the paltform to come by and use it to cross the gap to a chest. Use Gravira to bring it down, and grab Dalmatians 94 - 96 from it. 13.Hop on the moving platform and ride it back to the other end of the track, then Glide to the other flaoting platform here, and ride it to a chest on a pillar. The chest contains a Holy-G; from there, glide to the chest on the pillar in the distance to find an Orichalcum. Head back to the main platform and use the blue crystal to ride to a new area. 14.Head up the steps to find another red crystal - use it to enter a large platform. When it stops moving, fight the enemies and use the crystal to start the platform back up again. Use the Blue Trinity to get some MP balls, a Megalixir, and two Cottages. Check the chest nearby for a Dispel-G, then head through the door to the Lift Stop. 15.Use the blue crystal to reach a higher platform, then exit to the Great Crest area. On the left is a chest holding an Orichalcum, and on the right is a blue crystal you can use to find another new area. After you defeat the enemies, use Gravira on the chest to lower it and grab the THundaga Ring. Head to the blue crsytal, but jump off the ledge and turn right to Glide along the wall. Enter the opening on the right as you Glide under the yellow blocks, and enter the door. 16.Use Gravira on the platform to get a Float-G, then exit the area back to the High Tower. Glide to the left towards the blue line, and you'll land on the platform below next to a blue crystal. Use it to return to the previous area. 17.Use the red crystal to lower a block, and turn to enter the door back to Lift Stop. Head through the other door to High Tower again, and defeat the enemies here. Use Gravira on the chest to get Dalmatians 97 - 99, then check the red crystal to lower the other block. Move up and use the yellow crystal to raise the one block back up, then grab the Megalixir on the ledge. 18.Use the red crystal to trigger the platform to change back in the secret room of the Library. Head down the yellow blocks and enter Lift Stop, then head into the Castle Chapel area.

BOSS FIGHT: Malificent

900 HP, 31 ATK, 24 DEF, 6000 EXP Drops Donald's Cheer and Ansem's Report 5 when defeated 1.Again, Tink and Aerora would be a nice beginning strategy. If you use Gravira on the platform Maleficent is on, it will sink to the ground, where you can get a few good swings at her. 2.You'll have to deal with constant Defenders and Darkballs, which you may focus on while Maleficent is busy with her meteor shower if you want the munny--a meteor shower you need to avoid by running to the side of the huge vortex. 3.If you start to run out of MP, start whacking at the platform, which brings down its HP and has the same effect as Gravira, but takes a bit longer. 4.After you defeat Maleficent, you'll receive Donald's Cheer and Ansem's Report 5.


1200 HP, 31 ATK, 24 DEF, 6000 EXP Drops Fireglow when defeated 1.This is a very tough battle and there are three strategies you could follow: 2.Use the highly effective Tink/Aerora combination, attacking the Dragon's head directly from the front, though somewhat cautiously. If you get low on HP, back off for Tink to bring you back up, saving your MP for casting Aerora. 3.Or you could glide around the back of the Dragon and jump on its hind leg, walk up onto its back and stay there, using Strike Raid repeatedly, using Ethers when you need to replenish your MP. If you get thrown off, simply climb back up and continue. 4.Finally, you could just stay on the Dragon's back until Goofy and Donald take care of it, but this would take an exceptionally long amount of time. With any of the strategies, you should stock up on Ethers, just in case. 5.The Dragon's attacks include: green dragon breath that stays burning on the floor, continuous shockwaves that cover the entire area every the Dragon takes a step, claw swipes, bite attacks and homing fire. When the Dragon pauses and lifts its head up a little, it will throw you off of its back, which causes minor damage. 6.After you defeat Dragon, you'll receive Fireglow .

Hollow Bastion Overview III

1.After you obtain Fireglow, exit the glowing orb and check the new passageway beyond the Save Point. Save your game first, then make sure Guard, Counterattack, and the Olympia are equipped, defeat the shadows in the next room, and enter the Grand Hall.


900 HP, 31 ATK, 24 DEF, 8500 EXP Drops Ragnarok ability when defeated 1.In this fight, you cannot summon Tink, but should still cast Aerora on Sora and try to keep it that way. if you have Guard equipped, use it wisely. When you deflect his attacks, he'll be stunned for a moment and give you a good chance at some good hits. 2.If you find that you need to heal, fly away and cast Cura. If he goes into Crazy Mode, fly around until he calms down. When he starts throwing his Keyblade at you, you could try to hit it back at him to cause some damage, but this is a bit risky. 3.A pattern that you may be able to get into that causes great amounts of damage would be to: after using Guard to block an attack, in the short window of time, pull a full combo on him, then after your last blow, spam Guard until he tries to attack you again. This way, he won't be able to hit you. 4.Try to finish him off quickly, as he will be less likely to stay in his powered-up form permanently; if you can pull off using Ars Arcanum on him, it would help, especially if he only has half of a bar left. 5.After you defeat Riku, you'll receive Ragnarok.

Hollow Bastion Overview IV

1.Since you received the Ragnarok ability and watched a few cutscenes, it's time to head on. Move to the Lift Stop, keep falling off ledges until you reach the Entrance Hall, then get ready to head back to Traverse Town. 

Return to Traverse Town IX

Items Obtainable: Orichalcum x3, Thundaga-G, Comet-G x2, Meteor-G, Navi-Gummi, Lord Fortune, Violetta 

Accessories Obtainable: Ribbon Keyblades Obtainable: Oathkeeper, Lady Luck Summons Obtainable: Mushu Trinities: White Trinity 1 - 9 1.Do that thing you usually do - upgrade, etc. Head to the 1st District and talk to Cid - you need a new route to Hollow Bastion, and that means you need a Navi-Gummi. Apparently there's one int he Secret Waterway, so head there and use the White Trinity to receive an Orichalcum. Talk to Kairi and check out the mural to find the Navi-Gummi, then talk to Kairi again to obtain the Oathkeeper keyblade. 2.Head upstairs in back of Merlin's Study, talk to the Fairy Godmother, and she'll release Mushu from the Fireglow gem. You can now summon Mushu in combat. Donald will also obtain the Lord Fortune weapon if you've obtained all the other summons at this point. Head to the Dalmatian's House to get the Ribbon for saving the puppies - equip it and never take it off. 3.Head back to the 1st District and talk to Cid to get him to install the new Navi-Gummi, then head to Wonderland.

Tying Up Loose Ends...

Wonderland: 1.Land in the Queen's Castle, enter the Lotus Forest, head to the back and use the mushrooms to reach the branch with the acorn on it. use the door to reach the wall of the Bizarre Room, then check the painting to return to the closed off area of the Lotus Forest. Use the White Trinity to get the Lady Luck keyblade. Coliseum: 1.Use the White Trinity in the middle of the Lobby to get the Violetta for Donald. Deep Jungle: 1.Head to the cave that led to the keyhole(Cavern of Hearts), then use the White Trinity to find an Orichalcum. Agrabah: 1.Enter the Entrance of the Cave of Wonders and use the White Trinity to obtain a Comet-G. Monstro: 1.Head to Chamber 6 and use the White Trinity to obtain a Thundaga-G. Atlantica: 1.Head to Triton's Palace and look under the conch for a White Trinity. Use it to find a chest with an Orichalcum. Halloween Town: 1.Head to Moonlight Hill and use the White Trinity to snag a Comet-G. Neverland: 1.Use the White Trinity on the deck of the Pirate Ship to grab a Meteor-G.

Return to Hollow Bastion

Items Obtainable: Defense Up, Firaga-G, Thundaga-G, Flare-G, Ansem's Report 2, 4, 6, and 10, Dalmatians 61 - 63 Accessories Obtainable: Omega Arts Keyblades Obtainable: Divine Rose, Oblivion Magic Obtainable: Firaga, Curaga Trinities: White Trinity 10 Enemies Encountered: Shadow, Darkball, Wizard, Wyvern, Defender Bosses Encountered: Behemoth 1.Jump up the platforms until you reach the White Trinity' to grab a Firaga-G. Turn and jump down to the platform below to use a bubble that takes you to a "Defense Up. 2.Head to the Library and Beast will reunite with Belle. Talk with Belle to receive the Divine Rose keyblade, then enter the Lift Stop and check the chest for a Thundaga-G. Head back to the Entrance Hall and up to the Castle Chapel, talk to the princesses here, and then back through Lift Stop to the Grand Hall. 3.Go up the steps on the right to find a chest with a Flare-G inside. From the platform with the keyhole, turn around and look up to find a chest - reach it by jumping on the ledge and walking around the edge to obtain the Oblivion keyblade. 4.On the left of the keyhole is a chest on a ledge that holds Dalmatians 61 - 63. Head through the giant keyhole to initiate a boss battle against Behemoth.

BOSS FIGHT: Behemoth

1350 HP, 35 ATK, 27 DEF, 16000 EXP 

Drops Omega Arts and Firaga when defeated 1.As per usual, summon Tink and cast Aerora, but keep in mind that you can only damage Behemoth by attacking its horn, so get up on its back. To keep damage down over the course of the battle, keep up your MP, healing items and Aorora. If you want to disregard the damage you get and attack Behemoth like mad, that is an option here. 2.Behemoth has two big attacks which are a Thunder style spell--signified by bowing its head; avoided by attacking quickly and then running out of the area the spell will affect--and a summoning of a giant black ball of energy that splits up into homing balls--signified by iBehemoth's horns glowing and avoided by Dodge Rolling around underneath the creature. 3.After you defeat Behemoth, you'll receive Omega Arts and Firaga.

After Behemoth

1.You'll need to head back to the Library. Find Aerith on the bottom floor to receive Ansem's Reports 2, 4, 6, and 10. Talk to her two more times to have Cura upgraded to Curaga, then use the Save Point to head back to Traverse Town.

Return to Traverse Town X

Items Obtainable: Megalixir, Full Gummi Set 

Magic Obtainable: Aeroga 1.There are two surprises waiting in the Dalmatian's House - first is an upgrade for Aerora to Aeroga, and second is a Full Gummi Set. You can return to Wonderland and fight enemies in the rabbit hole to obtain a Megalixir if you want to. 2.You now need to choose between heading to the End of World to prepare for the Coliseum, and heading to the Coliseum to prepare for the End of World. This walkthrough assumes you went to End of World first.

End of the World

1.Items Obtainable: Megalixir x5, Power Up x2, Defense Up x2, Ap Up, Thundara-G, Esuna-G, Haste-G, Haste2-G, Ultima-G 2.Accessories Obtainable: Omega Arts, Three Stars, Brave Warrior, Inferno Band, Ray of Light, Raven's Claw, Angel Bangle, Dark Ring, Ifrit's Horn, White Fang, Holy Circlet 3.Abilities: Superglide(shared) 4.Enemies Encountered: Darkball, Angel Star, Behemoth, Invisible, Shadow 5.Bosses Encountered: Chernabog

End of the World Overview

1.You'll encounter two new enemy types to begin with - the Invisible(300 HP, 40 ATK, 30 DEF, 120 EXP), and the Angel Star(220 HP, 40 ATK, 30 DEF, 150 EXP). Use Gravity spells against Invisibles and regular tactics against the Angel Stars. 2.Head through the door by the Save Point to enter the End of the World. Walk to the first chest on a rock, defeat the enemies that appear, and wait until the screen fades before opening the chest for a Power Up. 3.Use the stone platforms as arrows - each has a pointed end used to reference the location of the next platform. Head towards the chest on your right and it'll teleport you to another area to fight. When you finish you'll obtain a "Defense Up'. 4.Exit the area and look to the left as you walk across to find another chest - it contains a Megalixir. Turn right and start for the next chest. Battle the Behemoth here, and you'll obtain the Omega Arts. Turn to the right and start for the next chest to be interrupted by Angel Stars. You'll receive an Angel Bangle from the chest. Turn and head for the closest chest, which holds a Megalixir. 5.There are four chests left - head to the one on your right, fight the battle it triggers, and collect a Defense Up. Check the red chest to the right to get Three Stars, then head for the last two chests(use the arrows to avoid the invisible walls - jump opposite of the arrow to get to the last chest) to snag a Power Up and a Dark Ring. Both trigger fights. 6.You can now reach the back of the area, but you'll need to fight another Behemoth before you can continue. In the next area, jump and Glide to reach a platform with large, colored crystals. Grab the Haste2-G from the chest, fly to the platform in front of you and head to the upper left-hand corner and look down. 7.Jump into the blocked-off area, kill the enemies, drop into the hole and check the chest for an Ultima-G. Fly back to the entrance and check the chest on the way to obtain an Esuna-G, on the left of the path that crosses the area. Use the ice ledge to walk along the wall, then look across the room to find a series of ledges leading to a platform. 8.Fly across and use these as handholds to reach a chest with a Haste-G inside, then turn around and Glide into the chasm and look for another blocked-off area to drop in. Defeat the enemies, drop into the hole, and check the chest for a Thundara-G. Glide to the Save Point at the bottom, save your game, and jump into the glowing light. 9.Head to the glowing ball to be teleported to a pillar of light. You'll head through a series of rooms that represent the worlds you've visited so far. Each contain enemies to fight and a chest. The following lists tells you what world each room is from, and what the chests contain. To exit the rooms, you just find the door. Traverse Town: Brave Warrior Wonderland: Ifrit's Horn Coliseum: Inferno Band Deep Jungle: White Fang Agrabah: Ray of Light Atlantica: AP Up Halloween Town: Holy Circlet Neverland: Raven's Claw 1.You won't fight any enemies in the Hundred Acre Wood. There is a Megalixir and a Save Point, though. Save the game, then head to the final glowing ball. Step into the column to teleport to another area, then enter the left door and grab the Megalixir in the chest there. Examine the machine, defeat the enemies, and leave into the hall. Head through the burning hole and back to the new hole that appears to start a fight against Chernabog.

BOSS FIGHT: Chernabog

1500 HP, 40 ATK, 30 DEF, 15000 EXP Drops Superglide ability when defeated 1.You are granted the ability to fly during this battle and if you land on Chernabog's shoulder, you can summon Tinker Bell, dramatically decreasing the difficulty of the battle. If you stay behind its head for most of the battle, you should be alright--he has some nasty fire attacks, such as creating an inferno to surround himself, which keeps hitting Sora and, if you stay too long, you won't be able to heal unless you have the Second Chance ability equipped. 2.Another thing to look out for is that he can send Sora back with a gust of wind. 3.After you defeat Chernabog, you'll receive Superglide.

End of the World Overview II

1.Drop into the dormant volcano, and keep falling. Head through a few rooms until you find and fight another Behemoth, then defeat the enemies in the room until the door has completely disappeared. 2.Jump and grab the Megalixir from the chest, then use the Save Point to return to the world selection screen - we have some more to do before finishing the game up.

Tying Up Loose Ends II

Items Obtainable: Mystery Mold, Shiitake Rank, Matsutake Rank, Dream Shield, Defender, WIzard's Relic Keyblades: Ultima Weapon

Goofy's Dream Shield

1.To get the Dream Shield, you need to collect all of the Arts items from the White Mushrooms. For more information on how to do this, view the White Mushrooms section.

2.When you have the items, head to Merlin's Study and talk to him to receive it.

Donald's Dream Rod

1.You obtain this item by upgrading all of your spells their top level - ie. Firaga, Thundaga, Graviga, etc. When you get them upgraded, talk to Merlin to receive it.

Defender and Wizard's Relic

1.You get these items as rare drops from the Defender and Wizard enemies - you increase your chances by using Lucky Strike, which you learn at the following levels, depending on which item you chose to begin the game: Sword: 69 Shield: 15 Staff: 39 1.Donald and Goofy learn Lucky Strike at 55 and 27, respectively. With these three equipped with Lucky Strike, it's still a rare drop, but you can run through Traverse Town by heading through the 2nd District to the Hotel, then to the Red/Green Room, then to the Alley, then back to 2nd District. 2.By following this loop, you'll fight many Defenders and Wizards, and the enemies will continuously respawn.

Ultima Weapon

1.In order to obtain the Ultima Weapon, you need to create one of every possible item in the Synthesis Shop. For information on synthesizing items, check the Synthesis section.


1.By juggling the Rare Truffles 50 times, you'll receive the Shiitake Rank, and the Matustake Rank by juggling them for 100 hits. 2.Remember to check the Clock Tower in Neverland for items.

Coliseum - Hades Cup

1.Items Obtainable: Holy-G, Orichalcum, Genji Shield, Save the King, Save the Queen 2.Keyblades Obtainable: Lionheart 3.Magic Obtainable: Blizzaga, Thundaga 4.Abilities: Trinity Limit 5.Enemies Encountered: Soldier, Wight Knight, Hammerlegs, Spider Pot, Yuffie, Defender, Fat Bandit, Search Ghost, Black Fungus, Yellow Opera, Guard Armor, Wizard, Cerberus, Air Soldier, Gargoyle, Darkball, Battleship, Leon, White Mushroom, Invisible, Pirate, Powerwild, Air Pirate, Rare Truffle, Bandit, Large Body, Behemoth, Red Nocturne, Green Requiem, Stealth Sneak, Blue Rhapsody, Angel Star, Guantlets, Opposite Armor, Wyvern, Cloud 6.Bosses Encountered: Rock Titan, Hades Every ten battles you can stop and rest up. There are 49 seeds to the Hades Cup - below are the seeds, which enemies you'll fight, and what you'll receive as the fight progresses. 1.Seed 49 - Shadow Brothers: Soldier x3, Shadow x7 2.Seed 48 - Wild Dance: Wight Knight x3, Powerwild x4 3.Seed 47 - Terrible Feet: Hammerlegs x1, Pirate x4, Shadow x2 4.Seed 46 - Dirty Claws: Powerwild x1, Spider Pot x8 5.Seed 45 - Mad Truffle: Rare Truffle x1 6.Seed 44 - Yuffie: Yuffie(You receive 600 EXP and the Genji Shield for defeating Yuffie) 7.Seed 43 - Outlaws: Bandit x3, Pirate x4 8.Seed 42 - Dark Garrison: Defender x1, Wight Knight x3, Soldier x2 9.Seed 41 - Bad Union: Bandit x1, Powerwild x2, Large Body x1, Fat Bandit x1, Soldier x1 10.Seed 40 - Behemoth: Behemoth(You receive 600 EXP and the Blizzaga spell for defeating Behemoth) 11.Seed 39 - Red Legion: Search Ghost x1, Red Nocturne x8 12.Seed 38 - Blue Legion: Blue Rhapsody x7, Gargoyle x2 13.Seed 37 - Sorcerous Armor: Guard Armor x1, Blue Rhapsody x2, Red Nocturne x2 14.Seed 36 - Mad Fungus: Black Fungus x1, Green Requiem x4 15.Seed 35 - Spiders & Magic: Red Nocturne x3, Yellow Opera x3, Spider Pot x3 16.Seed 34 - Optical Trick: Stealth Sneak x1, Blue Rhapsody x2, Green Requiem x4 17.Seed 33 - Magic Force: Wizard x1, Red Nocturne x2, Yellow Opera x4, Blue Rhapsody x2 18.Seed 32 - Shadow Summoners: Wizard x3, Shadow x6 19.Seed 31 - Mystic Mages: Angel Star x1, Wizard x4 20.Seed 30 - Cerberus: Cerberus(You receive 1000 EXP and the Thundaga spell for defeating Cerberus) 21.Seed 29 - Sky Raiders: Air Soldier x4, Air Pirate x3 22.Seed 28 - Spookies: Search Ghost x6 23.Seed 27 - Terrible Fists: Guantlets x1, Gargoyle x5 24.Seed 26 - Shadow Storm: Shadow x???(they consistently spawn into battle as you fight) 25.Seed 25 - Avengers: Bandit x1, Wight Knight x1, Pirate x1, Soldier x1, Powerwild x1 26.Seed 24 - Dark Knights: Opposite Armor x1, Darkball x6 27.Seed 23 - Black Flap: Gargoyle x2, Air Soldier x3, Air Pirate x2 28.Seed 22 - Night Soarers: Wyvern x3, Search Ghost x2, Wight Knight x2 29.Seed 21 - Air Corsairs: Battleship x1, Wyvern x2, Darkball x4 30.Seed 20 - Cloud & Leon: Cloud, Leon(You receive 1000 EXP for Cloud, 800 for Leon, and the Lionheart keyblade.) 31.Seed 19 - The Large Trio: Large Body x3, Wight Knight x2 32.Seed 18 - Blaze Bandits: Fat Bandit x3, Red Nocturne x4 33.Seed 17 - False Angels: Angel Star x2, Wyvern x2, Large Body x2 34.Seed 16 - Dark Storm: Darkball x???(they consistently spawn into battle as you fight) 35.Seed 15 - Air Brigade: Wyvern x1, Air Pirate x1, Air Soldier x1, Gargoyle x1, Search Ghost x1 36.Seed 14 - Violent Bunch: Fat Bandit x2, Invisible x1, Wizard x2 37.Seed 13 - Heavy Warriors: Fat Bandit x2, Defender x1, Large Body x2 38.Seed 12 - Interceptors: Defender x3 39.Seed 11 - Elder Force: Invisible x3, Angel Star x2 40.Seed 10 - Hades: Hades(You receive the Graviga spell and Ansem's Report 8 for defeating Hades) 41.Seed 9 - Night Rave: Shadow x5, Darkball x3, Invisible x1 42.Seed 8 - The Requiem: Red Nocturne x2, Blue Rhapsody x2, Yellow Opera x2, Wizard x2, Angel Star x1 43.Seed 7 - Invisible Fear: Stealth Sneak x1, Invisible x3 44.Seed 6 - Mad Mushroom: White Mushroom x3 45.Seed 5 - Black Storm: Shadow x???, Darkball x???(they consistently spawn into battle as you fight) 46.Seed 4 - Twin Mirage: Stealth Sneak x2 47.Seed 3 - Shadow Troopers: Wyvern x???, Wizard x???, Defender x??? 48.Seed 2 - Final Battalion: Darkball x???, Angel Star x???, Invisible x??? 49.Seed 1 - Rock Titan: Rock Titan For completing the Hades Cup, you receive the Trinity Limit ability. You can obtain the Save the Queen by completing it with Sora only, and the Save the King by completing the time trial. Now that you have Blizzaga, head out to the Lobby and use it on the torches to obtain a Holy-G, then check under the statues to find a purple pot that holds an Orichalcum.


1800 HP, 42 ATK, 34 DEF, 3000 EXP Drops Ansem's Report 8 when defeated 1.Dodging plays a big part in the battle against Hades, but you could ignore whatever he does and mindlessly attack him, healing after--if you equipped the three MP abilities, you can do this with little to no use of MP. 2.Hades has an attack where he floats at Sora with a continuous stream of fire that is difficult to dodge. Blizzard can be used to interrupt this after you Dodge Roll a few times. 3.One attack, where he says 'feel the heat', has him shooting fire out of his arms as he spins. You can lock onto him and Dodge Roll in a circle around him. Once the fire dies down, he's vulnerable and you can get a few combos in--another time when he is quite vulnerable is while he's shooting fireballs at you (you can use Guard to reflect a fireball back at him, stunning him for quite some time) 4.After you defeat Hades, you'll receive Ansem's Report 8.

BOSS FIGHT: Rock Titan

2100 HP, 42 ATK, 34 DEF, 4000 EXP 

Drops Trinity Limit when defeated 1.As soon as the battle starts, begin attacking its leg. When its foot lifts up, jump over the shockwave. After a good deal of hitting it, it will fall on its back so that you may run up to its heads and attack there, watching out for its bites. It's possible to stay on its head longer after it gets up and you can cast Aero while standing between the two heads to get some tech points. 2.Even though the life bar doesn't deplete during the first part of the battle, you are still doing damage. After a while, the purple bar will start going down. 3.After you defeat Rock Titan, you'll receive Trinity Limit.

Return to Neverland III

Items Obtainable: Dream Rod 

Magic Obtainable: Stopga Bosses Encountered: Phantom 1.You can't land in the Clock Tower area, so head to the ship's Cabin. Put Peter Pan in your party and talk to Tinker Bell in the corner of the room. You'll need to use Firaga, Blizzaga, Thundaga, Curaga, and Stopra throught the fight, so replace whoever won't take away from your resources. 2.Make your way to the Clock Tower, and you'll start a fight with Phantom.


1200 HP, 42 ATK, 34 DEF, 9999 EXP Drops Stopga when defeated 1.First thing, fly over the clock and cast Stopra on the minute hand, causing the clock to stop for a while. You'll be wanting to do this because once the clock reaches the twelve, one of your party members will be out of the battle each time. 2.Under Phantom, there is an orb, if it is red, cast Firaga; blue, cast Blizzaga; yellow, cast Thundaga; and white equates to a physical attack. 3.Occasionally, he'll fly in front of one of the clock faces and shoot energy balls at you, so you should fly away from it. To avoid the attack altogether, fly around to the other side of the Clock Tower when you see it payse. 4.After you defeat Phantom, you'll receive Stopga. Return to Merlin's Study to talk with him and he'll give you the Dream Rod, since you've upgraded all your magic to their top level spells. Now head to Agrabah.

Return to Agrabah IV

Bosses Encountered: Kurt Zisa 

1.Land in Aladdin's House, save your game, and talk to Carpet. He'll take you to the desert where you'll begin another boss fight against Kurt Zisa.


1500 HP, 42 ATK, 34 DEF, 20000 EXP 1.Your magic is about to be locked first time. You can hurry and cast Aeroga or you could attempt to summon Tink, but the latter takes longer and carries more risk of not being able to cast anything. 2.You'll want to Superglide over to the boss and attack the glowing orbs in his hands which release large HP balls once all are vanquished. When KurtZisa falls over, attack its head and try to deplete its life to about the orange. 3.Your magic is back when the two white orbs are gone and you should heal, summon Tink once you can no longer hit KurtZisa's head. 4.When it gets up again, it casts a barrier around itself which can only be destroyed by magic--Blizzaga working the best, but requiring a bit of patience. If you don't have Tink out yet, try to summon Mushu. 5.If you have two MP Rages and MP Haste equipped, then follow KurtZisa when it puts up the shield. It'll shoot out MP balls once Donald casts spells and, if any attacks get you, you'll gain MP and be able to heal. 6.Once the shield is gone, go back to hitting Kurt, knocking him down and starting the whole pattern over again. The second time your magic is stolen, Kurt uses a blade attack that can be Dodge Rolled when it is vertical; when vertical, you can jump--using High Jump--and thus avoid damage. 7.Kurt will be doing these attacks quickly and about five times, not really being that choosy about whether he uses vertical or horizontal. Either be great at timing your dodges or be quick with Elixirs.

Return to Coliseum II

Bosses Encountered: Ice Titan, Sephiroth 1.You'll want to be level 77 or higher - these two bosses aren't messing around. They're the mystery challenges you've been ignoring until now, so step up and show them who's boss.


1500 HP, 46 ATK, 46 DEF, 5000 EXP 1.Equip the MP Rages and the MP Haste and you can heal whenever you get hurt. 2.If you use the Guard ability, you can deflect its most basic attack, which is throwing icicles at you, as long as you lock onto its head. Do not cast Aeroga! It will cause the icicles to become too big to deflect. 3.More attacks that it uses are: shoving its hand into the ground and causing icicles to shoot up-- the first one targeting you, so use Dodge Roll--summoning three large ice boulders that fall on you, signified by it spreading its claws--avoided by running horizontally across the screen--breathing ice out and freezing Sora if he is hit--avoided by jumping and using superglide--followed by a flurry of icicles and shockwaves from its feet. 4.The Titan will fall over and give you some opportunity to do damage, but once it gets up it will change its attack pattern. After the second time of knocking it down, you'll want to stand on the bleachers as far awas as possible to avoid an attack that covers everything close to it.

BOSS FIGHT: Sephiroth

1800 HP, 46 ATK, 46 DEF, 18000 EXP 

1.Target Sephiroth from the beginning and heal as much as possible by jumping away and healing in the air. 2.Jump at Sephiroth and use your keyblade to close some distance, finishing with a combo. If he disappears, quickly jump out of the way or use Guard, then target him again. 3.If you don't finish a combo while attacking him or if he blocks you with his sword, a colum of fire will surround him and--if you get caught in it--you'll get hit either once or twice. There's not much you can do but heal afterward. 4.Once you get into chipping away at his pink bar, Sephiroth changes his strategy a bit, which is recognized by him taunting you. He will teleport. As soon as this happens, very quickly target him and Superglide to him as he is speaking. 5.If you don't think you'll make it, get to the furtherest point from him and get an Elixir ready to the 'who to use on' point. As soon as you're hit, use it. 6.He gets harder to hit here, because he starts running about and teleporting. The easiest thing to do now is to only attack during the Descent Heartless attack and keep in the middle of the arena to be close to him wherever he appears. 7.Once you're onto his orange bar, he'll say "Come, power" and the screen will darken. Now, he is quite invincible for a bit. Try to use Aeroga before or during it to lessen the damage you receive. If you spam Guard, he won't hit you, at least not as much. 8.When you're into his yellow bar, he has an attack where green energy surrounds him, orbs, that need to be avoided, appear. He'll absorb them and summon meteors, again being invulnerable to attack. If you Glide around him, you can avoid the meteors that make shockwaves when they hit the ground. Once they start to spin, they will probably hit you. Superglide away from the giant meteor that appears above his head when it starts falling. 9.Stay close if you want to attack after this; try to attack after the spinning tornado attacks, but he'll start teleporting in conjunction with the tornado attack. Keep Aeroga cast and use Ars Arcanum at this time, healing as often as possible.

Return to the End of the World

Bosses Encountered: Ansem, Darkside, World of Chaos 1.Head to the Final Rest area, and save your game. Head through the last door, and you'll be back on Destiny Islands. Head to the Secret Place to trigger a cutscene and a boss fight against Ansem.


1500 HP, 40 ATK, 30 DEF, 10000 EXP 

1.Use Guard against the blades that Asem's guardian shadow--which can block Ansem from your attacks--shoots out. 2.The guardian will posses Sora and change his attack command to Freeze. If you attack during this time, the guardian will come out and grab him for a while. If you don't do anything, it will occasionally come out and damage Sora, which is a good time to go after Ansem.

BOSS FIGHT: Darkside(End of the World)

900 HP, 40 ATK, 30 DEF, 8000 EXP 

1.Everything is pretty much the same, though Darkside has a larger HP meter.


1200 HP, 40 ATK, 30 DEF, 20000 EXP 1.Ansem can charge at you, now, which is a bit hard to dodge and he also does a lightening attack that doesn't do much damage. The easiest thing to do is to keep Aeroga on during the entire battle, which can block Ansem's charge attack and slowly drain Ansem's life. 2.When he says 'My strength returns...' the guardian will start shooting up from the ground and try to hit you, easily avoided by using Dodge Roll. When the guardian possesses you, use special abilities.

BOSS FIGHT: World of Chaos

1.Ansem first. If you keep attacking, you should do well, although he uses his staff to bat you away and shoots energy beams at you. 2.Once he knocks you into a portal, attak the Shadows that appear and look for a giant nasty thing, which, if you attack it, will cause a black portal to appear back in front of Ansem. Attack the blubber things and fly over and into it. Destroy the Darkballs and nasty thing to release Goofy. 3.Take care of the blubbery things so as not to be distracted and ignore the energy/lightening damage to attack the face, healing when it is required. After defeating the face, you get 3000 EXP. When it opens, enter the new portal and destroy the Invisibles and final nasty thing to free Donald. 4.Now the shield at the center of the ship will go away. Focus on the blubber with the jack-o-lantern face until it explodes, but don't ignore the other blubbery things. 5.Now, Ansem is not protected by the Heartless shield, so go and pick a fight with him as the last portion of the battle. He has a new vortex attack and uses more lasers. When the vortex opens up, fly away quickly or face the loss of a good deal of your HP. 6.You get 20000 EXP for winning this battle. Congratulations, you've completed Kingdom Hearts!