IceCreamRockz Talk to Me! — Call me Raven. In other words, it would be best if you just died. — 10:01, January 9, 2011 (UTC)
Saw that you were confused about the IRC. The IRC is basically the wiki's IM system. Casual talking, such as how school went, asking what a person ate for breakfast, and things related to that are taken to the IRC. The talk page is generally for wiki-related topics. You may access the IRC here. Just scroll down, and click on the link that links you to "Freenode's Web Chat Server" or something of that sort. There, it will link you to the IRC portal for the Kingdom Hearts Wiki, and you just need to enter your name and some letters to prove you're not a CPU. Also, l33t talk or excessive text talk is not permitted on the IRC. I suggest that you read over the rules on the link to the IRC that I just gave you to have an idea of what the rules are on the IRC. If you need anything else, or need information about something, I would be glad to help.