User:Demonic Saint/Laboratory

Goofy (Talk sprite) 2 KHCOM.png
Demonic Saint - Ah-hyuck! Did you happen to summon me?
TALK - All for one and one for all. -
This is my Sandbox. My Workshop. My Laboratory. Were I do my Wikiexperiment.

Infobox Creation Table

Redeemer & Destroyer
<Name "...My name is of no importance, kupo"
A.K.A The personification of PARADOX!
Dwelling Realm Limbo, Hell, Heaven, Earth
Date of Birth October 27,1994
Age 15
Race Embodiment of PARADOX
Primary Weapon Way to Dawn
Secondary Weapon Blaze Edge
Limits Soul Reaver
Summons Bahamut, Alexander, Goofy, Hecatonchire.
Kingdom Hearts Games     

Goofy Bubble Experiments

Demonic Saint Aw shucks — {{{time}}}
Demonic Saint Yeah, we gotta go help our friends out first. — {{{time}}}
Demonic Saint We're outsiders, so wouldn't that be muddling? — {{{time}}}
Demonic Saint Yeah! You gotta be funny, like us! — {{{time}}}
Demonic Saint We've been sleeping. — {{{time}}}
Demonic Saint Your Majesty! — {{{time}}}
Demonic Saint You know, somethin' doesn't seem quite right here. — {{{time}}}

Mirage Arena Sudeen Death Test

Sudden Death

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