SilverCrono Well, I can tell who you are. — "Looks like you're prepared." "What is with you and picking up stray puppies?" — 09:45, January 1, 2011 (UTC)
Leave a message! Happy 2011! I'm totally not drunk, and... messages.. I love you, man. Take off your pants.
Also, new feature: rules!
- This page will NOT be used as a chat room. All long chats should be on the IRC Channel.
- I happen to like proper grammar, so utilize it here.
- If you have a talk bubble, please use it here. If not, remember to sign your posts with your signature (either Custom or the four tildes is fine).
- Troll a user and
get raped die. Unless you're joking. In which case, a mild 64-stroke lashing will be administered.
- Cake and grief counseling will be administered at the end of the test.
Pants are not allowed.