
We have too many, and its starting to make the page look unorganized. I think we should limit the number of non-battle quotes down to the 5-10 most significant quotes. XienZo 23:47, 26 January 2009 (UTC)

Done. There's probly still a bit too many but I battled him recently and I left the ones I remember hearing.-xnaminex

  Okay. That looks well done. :)

Helping others always comes before asking others for help. TroisNyxÉtienne

HeartFallout Talk! — If I had a dollar for every time I broke my PS2..

I would still be very poor. — 05:50, January 1, 2010 (UTC)

Why would we need to limit the amount of quotes? It looks pretty good.

Put in the "I'm a scientist" quote! I can't remember it! -- 06:17, January 7, 2010 (UTC)

Top of the article. It's been there for a while.--LapisScarab 06:26, January 7, 2010 (UTC)


I'm not sure Vexen should be included as a member with the ability to create clones. The other members with cloning abilties are able to do this natually and in battle, while Vexen can't make clones in battle and quite possibly needs some sort of machine to do this. Any comments? -xNaminéx

Super Landmaster - This Keyblade is a sham.
TALK - This battle isn't over. And until it is, I still need the power of darkness. — 05:24, January 1, 2010 (UTC)
They are not clones, they are replicas, and yes he does use a machine to replicate himself and used the same machine to create the Riku Replica.

Voice Acting and 358/2 Days

Is Derek Stephen Prince coming back to voice?

Is Vexen a partner of Roxas in 358/2 Days?

DiSlOcAtOr ChRiS 22:09, 10 April 2009 (UTC)

My Question is: Is there a pic of him from 358/2 Days?

  I'm not sure about Derek Stephen Prince. And, if Demyx and Xaldin can be partners of Roxas in Days, why not Vexen ?

As for pix... I thought there was one put up here not very long ago ?

There are some things even the stars cannot tell me. TroisNyxÉtienne

To answer your third question, yes there is. It just showed up today.


And that's not all, higher quality pics of Zexion and Marluxia too. The only ones that are left are Xemnas and Saix. And when are you guys gonna put up that higher quality pic of Xaldin? Winxfan1 11:37, 20 May 2009 (UTC)Winxfan1


So his shields' names are a mix of ice things, science things, and Bavarian rivers? The hell?Glorious CHAOS! 04:20, 1 June 2009 (UTC)

Mindel is also the name of a glacial period, according to Wikipedia. Günz is...unfathomable. It's a tributary to the Danube, so I tried looking that up, but the Danube almost never freezes over so...I have absolutely no idea.—Urutapu 04:36, 1 June 2009 (UTC)
Er, well, the Danube is a mountain river, but this is still way too convoluted for me to take it seriously.—Urutapu 04:38, 1 June 2009 (UTC)

Why would all of his shields have to be icy? Maybe this shield has nothing to do with ice. Guardian Soul 04:40, 1 June 2009 (UTC)

We're not saying that, it's just...suddenly, there are two Bavarian rivers in there. We're just trying to justify how random it is.—Urutapu 04:42, 1 June 2009 (UTC)
Mindel gave it's name to a glacial period, so it has to be related to that.Guardian Soul
Gunz, Mindel, and Wurm are all Bavarian rivers which gave their names to periods of glaciation. Weird.Glorious CHAOS! 04:49, 1 June 2009 (UTC)

Something I'm confused about

Webuiltthecross Talk with me! — "Go on just keep on running, but I'll always be there to bring you back!"

You can't turn on the Organization! You get on their bad side and they'll destroy you! — 22:28, October 15, 2009 (UTC)

I haven't played Chain of Memories and I'm wondering why Axel killed Vexen. Was it because Vexen kept failing?
Read the article. There's a reason we all wrote it, you know.—Urutapu 22:38, October 15, 2009 (UTC)

Vexen was not suppose to be killed, it's all fault of Axel, he was thinking that Vexen want to betray the organisation like Marluxia and the others.--Hotdragon 295 01:54, July 2, 2010 (UTC)

-Facepalm- try reading the article. No wait, I'll just tell ya. Marluxia told Axel to "Elimanate the Traitor." and was refering to Vexen. Axel had been baiting him into saying this so he could take advantage of the order. Axel then killed Vexen and returned, and was accepted by Marluxia and Larxene into their plan. Next we see Axel taking advantage of Maluxia's order to elimate the traitor to turn on him and try and kill him. THAT is why Axel killed Vexen. --Evnyofdeath 20:14, October 4, 2010 (UTC)

Not to be rude, but you're pretty late, Envyofdeath. Chitalian8

You think I don't know that? So what, admins are allowed to post late responses but normal users like me aren't? Thats the only reason I can think of when admins do this and DON'T get called out like that. --Evnyofdeath 20:18, October 4, 2010 (UTC)

Take it easy, I wasn't trying to insult. Chitalian8

Vexen can Vex

Should it be added that Vex means to disturb and annoy in little ways, and that, ironically, Vexen does so to most fans? Or should that be left out due to it being opinion?-- 23:29, November 16, 2009 (UTC)

Yeah. I'm pretty sure many people find Vexen annoying, but that's a personal opinion unless it is confirmed that he is annoying!--NinjaSheik 23:32, November 16, 2009 (UTC)

Yeah, I love Vexen.Glorious CHAOS! 01:24, November 17, 2009 (UTC)

Me too. But he creeps me out!--NinjaSheik 01:29, November 17, 2009 (UTC)

"I'm a scientist. Experiments are what I do, yeeessssss......." User:JudgmentDay95

It's quite ironic. I used to have not hatred, but a strong dislike, for Vexen. Then I realized he'd be the only character I was good at in Days for a long time XD - EternalNothingnessXIII 01:33, November 17, 2009 (UTC)

Yeah, but everytime he looks at you, it's like he want to take out your internal organs and experiment on it. Creepy.--NinjaSheik 01:38, November 17, 2009 (UTC)

Well, to be honest, if I had half of my being ripped out of me and was forced to live the rest of my days as a demented shell, I'd go nuts as well. User:JudgmentDay95

I'll be fine with it, actually. Though, I still want to feel happiness and joy, of course. I can get Vexen, but Xaldin is one of the members that I don't get very well. He's very complex.--NinjaSheik 01:47, November 17, 2009 (UTC)

I have a comment to make on this segment: "Ironically, Vexen's throne is the lowest of the Organization in their meeting chamber known as Where Nothing Gathers. This is mostly due to his recurring incompetence and preference of not sullying his hands like Zexion, though the latter can easily hold his own in battle. This also reinforces the trait of cowardice in Vexen, displayed through his fear of Xemnas and his fear of death."

This contradicts what was stated in the article for the Castle That Never Was:

"Tetsuya Nomura himself has stated in an interview that the height of each throne is just a gameplay mechanic.

-During the meetings, the members of Organization XIII are sitting in chairs. Is the height of these chairs determined by things like their skills and abilities? Nomura: No, the height of the chairs is not fixated, they move. That is to say, the height is up to each person. The leader, Xemnas, is always the highest and to be at the same height as him would have a pretty bad feeling, so the other members wouldn't do that. (laughs)"

Although I'm not saying that Vexen definitely isn't one of the most least-respected members in the organization. :P It is interesting to think that he chooses for his throne to be the lowest, especially considering that he is so fixated on numbers and ranks. Hmmm.

Maybe the others were faster and when he was chosing everybody was sitting :) - Jurrak

HeartFallout Talk! — If I had a dollar for every time I broke my PS2..

I would still be very poor. — 05:52, January 1, 2010 (UTC)

Yeah, that sounds pretty cool. It's great for trivia

Can it not be argued...

That Vexen indirectly caused the Organization's downfall? His Replica program created Xion, the death of whom caused Roxas to run back to try and free Kingdom Hearts. This results in Roxas' capture, proceed to merge with Sora, and boom, Sora goes ahead and kills Organization XIII.

Lying Memories - I'd rather we just skip the formalities.
TALK - The Darkness in men's hearts, drawn to these cursed medallions; and this Heartless, a veritable maelstrom of avarice: I wonder, are they worthy to serve Organization XIII? - Lying Memories 22:09, August 6, 2010 (UTC)
while that is a very interesting notion, and could be considered as true, all it amounts to without some sort of statement by the developers is opinion and speculation. Besides, Roxas and Xion were having doubts about the Organization from all their missions way before Xion died. Personally I think that's a great question you're asking sir anon

About the Replica Program

I am wondering: did Vexen directly create Xion? In the article, it simply says that he supervised over the Replica program, but his Secret Reports make it sound as though he created Xion himself, as he did with the Riku Replica ("No. i, my finest replica"). Should this be included, or is it unimportant? 01:35, February 28, 2010 (UTC)

The Weakest Link

Organization 13 - Looks like my summer vacation...
TALK - ...Is over.
Imagine if in Chain of Memories before Axel killed Vexen he said "You are the Weakest Link, goodbye." See what I did there? Links in a chain... Ah? Ah? =D.

No.1xemnas Talk... — I need.. More hearts....

I need... More... Rage...

Very observant of you.You're ammusing.

Organization 13 - Looks like my summer vacation...
TALK - ...Is over.
Thank you. =D

Nachi Nozawa is dead.

maggosh The steel is forged... "Souls as far as the eye can see..."

"If you want light to rule over all, then you must rid the world of everything else."

No, this is not irrelevant. Vexen's Japanese VA died - on Halloween, no less. Shame I missed this. ;_;

Bananaphone1996 - I'll never forget what they did to me...
TALK - Are you still here?
Aw, this is terrible. Nobody else can give an creepy laugh like Nachi Nozawa. His laugh gives me nightmares. Guess it's good that Vexen seems unlikely to return.