
Revision as of 02:54, 1 February 2011 by NinjaSheik (talk | contribs) (Undo revision 475233 by (talk))

Welcome to the Editor's Help Page. This is a place for editors to refer for help in regards to editing the Kingdom Hearts Wiki.

The Scope of This Wiki

The Kingdom Hearts Wiki seeks to provide information on the characters, places, situations, and concepts of the Kingdom Hearts game series. While it will mention connections with other series (such as Final Fantasy) or films (such as Disney movies), it only serves to provide information about those characters or things in the context of the Kingdom Hearts series.

In addition, while it hopes to provide up-to-date, verifiable information on upcoming Kingdom Hearts releases, it does not deal with speculation or rumors regarding games yet-to-be released.

Starting an Article

There are four easy ways to start a new page:

  1. From an existing page (such as Special:Wantedpages), you can click a red link to the title of the new page. For example, to create an article called "This link", you could click This link (unless someone has created it already on this Wikia). You can also create a red link yourself, in a related page or index page or your user page. Links on related pages are convenient for navigation, and they also make people aware of the new page.
  2. You can start a new page by typing the URL directly in your Address bar. (For example, if you are editing on and you would like to create "This link", go to An easy way to produce the URL is editing the last part of the URL of another page in the same project (using an underline instead of a space between words). To prevent your new page being an "orphan", you should link to it from other pages.
  3. If you search for a page that is not yet on this wiki, you will see a red link above the search list. Clicking this is another way to get to the edit page for the new article.
  4. The easiest way to create an article is with an inputbox. Typing the new title in the box, and clicking "Create article", will take you to the edit page for that article. To see how to add an inputbox, look at the code in the edit box of this page, or see the Central help page.

Before using one of those last methods, have a search to see whether there is already a page with a name very like the one you propose. Splitting pages later is easier than merging near-duplicates.

<createbox> </createbox>

Editing an Article

You may also choose to alter an existing article, perhaps to add new information or correct an error in spelling or grammar. Please do so...that's what a wiki is all about!

If you add info, please make sure it is in the appropriate article or articles. For example, if you have new information from an official article on Aqua you wish to add, the best place would probably be just in her article, and not in the Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep article as well, unless it is something major related to the entire game. Use your best judgement in deciding where to place info. If you are unsure about where your information might be most appropriate, you can always ask a Staff Member or submit a question to the Forums for advice.

Changes between articles are logged in the "History" section of the tool above, so if you want to go back and look at earlier versions of the article you or others have written, you can do so.

Finally, if you have added a great deal of content, or think your edits might meet with controversy, you can provide a summary of the changes you made in the Summary bar just above the "Save Page" button. This also makes it easier for others to see what information has been added or taken away from an article without having to delve into the History section.

Guidelines for Articles & Pages

Allowed in Articles

  • Any reliable, verifiable information on the Kingdom Hearts games, and the characters, places, and situations in them. "Verifiable" means it comes from an official source related to Kingdom Hearts, officially supported publications, or simply the game itself.
  • Images relating to the Kingdom Hearts games that come from the game, official art, press releases, or other similar material. Images may have reasonable modifications made, such as cropping or brightening, as long as the content itself is not altered.

Not Allowed in Articles

  • Rumors or speculation on the Kingdom Hearts series.
  • Fan fiction or material related to unofficial works.
  • Content-altered artwork, fan art, or other unofficial images.

User pages

User pages are personal profiles to connect editors to the community. There's no established format, and generally, we don't mind having fun stuff or fan-related goodies. However:

  • As of April 2009, only Kingdom Hearts-related images can be hosted on the wiki. Non-Kingdom Hearts images are allowed in user profiles, but must be stored on another site, such as Photobucket.
  • If it is suspected a user page or pages only exist to be used as a personal webpage, journal site, or a place to store images, you will be asked to alter them; otherwise, they will be deleted.
  • You may not use your user page for any content that is prohibited on Wikia. This includes copyright violations, pornography, excessive advertising, promotion of illegal activities, and hate speech. See the prohibited content page on Central for more detail on this.