{{InfoCharacter |name=Lapidothtill |image=File:XehanortKHII.png |world=Keyblade Graveyard |world2=Radiant Garden |role=Graphic Design |engvoice=Garrick
- "Stupid horse! Its called a DEER crossing!"
Lapidothtillis a sweet name I know, but what you may not realize is that Lapidoth is the first name and Till is the second. I am a current graphic design student at WVU, go Mountaineers, and I'm a closet nerd with a bad-ass Kingdom Hearts memorabilia collection. (Even KH II and Re:Chain of Memories Black Label Factory Sealed hehe ;)) -->
Journal Entries
Kingdom Hearts II
A former apprentice of Ansem the Wise.
Kingdom Hearts Gaming Summary?
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep
- "Your body submits, your heart succumbs— so why does your mind resist?"
Lapidoth Till has beaten BBS twice, once on standard, once on proud. He is currently level 63 with Terra, level 82 with Ventus, and level 41 with Aqua. He has defeated Vanitas Remnant with Ventus and is trying to defeat Unknown (Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep) as we speak. It is very difficult, so if you feel the need to help him it would be greatly appreciated.
Kingdom Hearts (game)''
Lapidoth Till first played Kingdom Hearts at the tender age of 11 and probably sucked at it. But I do know for a fact he completed the game in it's entirety. (Except for getting all the dalmatians...he was just a small impatient child so I suppose he can be forgiven...right?)
Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories
He just recently obtained this game, and just recently beat this game. He completed both stories in one day because, let's be honest, it's a fairly easy game. Also, he had all day to play it because he was in a car all day on his way back from the beach. (He got some PT haha)
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
Lapidoth is not a huge fan of this game, the main reason being the whole mission thing made the game seem, what's a good word? Chopped? Also, not having a thumbstick is a pain in the ass for a 3 dimensional design. But he did beat the game twice and even unlocked Sora in multi-player mode over the summer.
Kingdom Hearts II
- "Xehanort. Foolish apprentice of a foolish man."
- —Ansem to Xemnas.
This is Lapidoth's favorite game in the series. He loves the game play and whole feel of the game. He beat it at least 3 times, maybe more. Alas, he has not been able to play it recently (since the year it came out :'() for he has not a Playstation 2. Oh well.
You can decide for yourself I suppose O_o