User:Maggosh/Prize Pod

Deck Preparation

Action Commands

Fill in all of your Action Commands from your previous deck, so you can still block, roll, etc.


The Shotlock for each character varies, but for each case, it's a projectile-type;

  • Dark Volley
  • Flame Salvo
  • Thunderstorm

Make sure the appropriate Shotlock Command is leveled up sufficiently.

Battle Commands

You'll need no Attack or Item commands here; only Magic. Two Magneras and four Thundaras will do the trick. Have your Deck set up like this;

  • Magnera
  • Thundara
  • Thundara
  • Magnera
  • Thundara
  • Thundara

Finding the Prize Pods

Note; this section is under construction. Please do not edit it.


World Location Spawn Trigger Ingredient Drop
  Underground Waterway Spawn point on top of a waterfall near the exit to the Courtyard. If none appear, exit the area and come back. Repeat if necessary.
  • Gaspberry (秘密のラズベリ Himitsu no Razuberi?, lit. "Secret Raspberry")
  • Nutty Nut (ワイルドナッツ Wairudo Nattsu?, lit. "Wild Nuts")
  Waterside Make sure only four Scrappers appear at the first spawn point. The Prize Pods will appear near the wall of fire. If none appear, exit the area and come back. Repeat if necessary.
  • Bijou Bean (ジュエリービーンズ Juerī Bīnzu?, lit. "Jewelry Beans")
  • Rose Honey (ローズハニー Rōzu Hanī?)
  Palace Courtyard Go over to the fountain in the center and defeat four Red Hot Chilis.
If another four appear, exit the area and come back. Repeat if necessary.
  • Birthday Cake (バースデイケーキ Bāsudei Kēki?)
  • Crystal Sugar (クリスタルシュガー Kurisutaru Shugā?)
  Fountain Court Defeat four Blue Sea Salts in the recess adjacent to the stairs. If Red Hot Chilis appear instead, leave the area and come back. Repeat if necessary.
  • Soy Milk (ソイミルク Soi Miruku?)
  • Nebula Nectar (フラワージェリー Furawā Jerī?, lit. "Flower Jelly")
  • Rocket Soda (ジェットソーダ Jetto Sōda?, lit. "Jet Soda")
  Turo Prison Hold Far end of the area. If none appear, leave the area and come back. Repeat if necessary.
  • Bizzaro Bean (謎の豆 Nazo no Mame?, lit. "Mysterious Bean")
  • Galactic Caramel (銀河キャラメル Ginga Kyarameru?, lit. "Galaxy Caramel")
  Town Near Thebes Far left corner. If only Red Hot Chilis appear, or none appear at all, leave the area and come back until Red Hot Chilis and Prize Pots appear together. Repeat if necessary.
  • Nutty Nut (ワイルドナッツ Wairudo Nattsu?, lit. "Wild Nuts")
  • Thundercracker (イナズマキャンディ Inazuma Kyandi?, lit. "Lightning Candy")
  Skull Rock: Entrance Small cliff accessible via Air Slide from Skull Rock: Cavern. If Jellyshades and a Triple Wrecker appear, leave the area and come back. Repeat if necessary.
  • Dancin' Lemon (ダンシングレモン Danshingu Remon?, lit. "Dancing Lemon")
  • Golden Jam (黄金ジャム Ougon Jamu?)
  • Whipped Cream (謎のクリーム Nazo no Kurīmu?, lit. "Mysterious Cream")
  Raceway Defeat four Blue Sea Salts in the blue walled roof across from the exit to Pete's Rec Room, only accessible via Air Sliding. If a Chrono Twister appears, leave the area and come back. Repeat if necessary.
  • Prickle Pepper (とんがりペッパー Tongari Peppā?, lit. "Pointy Pepper")
  • Toonbasco (トゥーンカレー Tūn Karē?, lit. "Toon Curry")
  Treasure Tussle Clear Round One and Round Two, and the first two waves of Round Three; the Prize Pots will appear on the bottom floor.
  • Open Sesame (オープンセサミ Ōpun Sesami?)


World Location Spawn Trigger Ingredient Drop
  The Mine Lighted area far on the right. Defeat the Monotruckers and Red Hot Chilis.
  • Merry Dairy (ロマンスミルク Romansu Miruku?, lit. "Romance Milk")
  • Apple Pie (夢見るリンゴ Yumemiru Ringo?, lit. "Dream Apple")
  Audience Chamber Columned area to the left of the entrance. If Red Hot Chilis appear, leave the area and return. Repeat if needed.
  • Cherry Berry (瓶詰めイチゴ Bindzume Ichigo?, lit. "Bottled Strawberry")
  • Forest Muffin (森のカステラ Mori no Kasutera?, lit. "Forest Castella")
  • Jumbo Almond (大粒アーモンド Ōtsubu Āmondo?, lit. "Large Grain Almond")
  • Valentine Chocolate (バレンタインチョコ Barentain Choko?)
  • Wedding Cake (ウェディングケーキ Wedingu Kēki?)


World Location Spawn Trigger Ingredient Drop