To divert the criticism not relating to the article from the BBS talk page, I've created the forum you all knew was coming. Time to complain about the English VAs! As far as I'm concerned, MX and ME both sound fine, though Nimoy's throat sounds way too scratchy in the trailer. Terra and Vanitas... meh, they're alright, and it could be worse. But Aqua, good greif Aqua's VA is horrible! She's not even acting, it's like she's just reading the script on her lap! I baffles me as to why they cast her, and I hope to God the snippet in the trailer doesn't speak for the rest of her performance.
LapisScarab Good tidings, friends. Today is a momentous day. I am pleased to announce that a new comrade has been chosen to wear the coat. — 00:10, June 16, 2010 (UTC)