Archived!Okay! Your talk page is archived! Hope it looks clean! ^^ -- Glad it looks clean! ^_^ Your user page looks better! Not that it didn't look good before....^^; -- What did you have in mind to fix it? -- What happened to your info box? I was too late to see your mistake. ^^; -- Oh, alright. What got bigger? -- Okay. Glad you fixed it! ^_^ -- Re:Request
HTHey Long Time no see you hah How are you? User:KhGirlZ/Sig 01:27, July 11, 2010 (UTC) Thanks! hah This things are preatty easy to make , don't you think? ^-^ User:KhGirlZ/Sig 01:40, July 11, 2010 (UTC)
I fix it ^-^ User:KhGirlZ/Sig 01:19, July 12, 2010 (UTC) Yei Alo' Hi There haha =] User:KhGirlZ/Sig 01:27, July 14, 2010 (UTC) Congrats! haha XP Hmm nothing really... Just that there are 4 new faces here ^-^ User:KhGirlZ/Sig 05:00, July 16, 2010 (UTC) Yeah there are also problems with that because you need a certain quantity of edits in main edits and the users that don't have'em they are still voting and the ones in charge need to rebert them votes .___. User:KhGirlZ/Sig 05:10, July 16, 2010
Ohh Dear God I'm having a really huge problem .____. User:KhGirlZ/Sig 01:54, July 22, 2010 (UTC) Well here's the problem...
Yeahh! And I'm feeling very bad for that!!! And to the final point my parents don't stop discussing 'bout this *¬* And y'know who doesn't feel bad when their parents are discussing =( User:KhGirlZ/Sig 02:13, July 22, 2010 (UTC) Uhh....Hrmm....The reason why your text is so small is because there's a coding error on your user page. Dan36 looked at it, and he says that your border is causing the problem. -- Yeah, I'm pretty sure it IS KhGirlZ's signature. I'll tell her to change the coding, okay? ^_^ -- No problem. It's always hard aiming for that tiny edit link. XD -- Hey
What did you need help on then? Maybe I could be of some assitance.^_^--User:Light&DarknessRuler/Sig15:42, July 14, 2010 (UTC) OK that is kool with me. Hope you do good with your dog then!!^_^--User:Light&DarknessRuler/Sig15:47, July 14, 2010 (UTC) Your Welcome!!!^_^--User:Light&DarknessRuler/Sig15:51, July 14, 2010 (UTC) Hey ALO when ever you get on tomorrow of when ever it is just leave a message on my talk page so i noe when you are able to do things on the wiki(sorry that probably made no sense!^_^)User:Light&DarknessRuler/Sig02:36, July 17, 2010 (UTC) lol now when i read it i dont noe what i was trying to say and now i forgot!^_^ Uh..what time were you on i musta miss ya. Hey did you do good in the dog show??--User:Light&DarknessRuler/Sig18:57, July 17, 2010 (UTC)
Questionhey can u fix one of my talk bubbles it is in my sandbox now. i cant figure out how to do the coding to use the bubble. it always messes up the others bubbles.Can u also tell me how to do the coding so i can make my own? Thanks!--User:Light&DarknessRuler/Sig19:11, July 22, 2010 (UTC) ThanksOh wow! You'd really make a talk bubble for me? Thats kind. If I had one I think it would be of Marluxia, color scheme would be grey and black, or just because it's Marluxia light pink can be put in there though I don't really like pink, I just think Marluxia is cool. Quotes: "To lose and claim anew, or to claim anew only to lose...", "I've been entrusted this castle and Naminé by our leader. Defying me will be seen as treason against the Organization.", "That lines not you.", "You turn from the truth because your heart is weak...". If you don't want to do it or whatever of course that's fine too. Again, thank you so much if you do, and thanks anyway if you don't.
I cant pres the sig button thekeyofdestiney 22:58, July 26, 2010 (UTC) Thanks for the help.
Re: Talking BubblesMe, too. I'll need one, just in case... (TorranceMouse 22:55, August 1, 2010 (UTC)) Thank you so much!Many thanks for your reply! Could you do a Talk Bubble for me? I'll need: 1. Terra for the image, 2. A red bottom (my class color for my school), 3. A green top (my school color), 4. Black Times New Roman bold text. (I'm not doing the quote yet.) (TorranceMouse 23:16, August 1, 2010 (UTC)) Sorry. I meant Ventus for the image, plus "Our connected friends are my power!" for the Verse. Could you also add your Hawaiian signature for mine? I loved how you made it! (TorranceMouse 23:36, August 1, 2010 (UTC)) random
Re: ProfileI hate to interrupt your surfin', but can I just make one correction? You spelled "though" in the "Fun Fact About Me" section of your profile twice. (TorranceMouse 23:49, August 7, 2010 (UTC)) Re:SigNo, no. I was just checking something. Seeing if the ~~~~~ parameter could be added directly into the signature throught template. It can't. User:Redeemer & Destroyer/Sig19:28, August 8, 2010 (UTC) HI! ^^
O that is kool. I wish i could go to Hawaii! O well i think im gonna go to Disney World/Land in Flordia next year! i really hope that will be fun!!--User:Light&DarknessRuler/Sig21:33, August 9, 2010 (UTC) O kool!! i think im goin in June/July. Wat grade are you in?(you dont haveta tell me if ya dont want me to noe, srry for askin)--User:Light&DarknessRuler/Sig21:53, August 9, 2010 (UTC) helper?Hi! I hear your a good helper can you help ?every time i respond to LDR shes not on can you help fromRoxyboxy 13:45, August 11, 2010 (UTC) haha we may be in differnt time zones! wat country do you live in??--User:Light&DarknessRuler/Sig21:51, August 11, 2010 (UTC) Dude, Waddup?
spread the word!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Hi! other than helping your good can you help spread the word about my birthday I cant seem to get on the irc and im too shy to ask anayone else ps. can you add me as a friend ? fromUser:Thekeyofdestiney/Sig haihey ALO!! Heard school has started for you!! You are so lucky!!! I think I started about a week earlier than you!! O Well! I like my classes a lot! 1:because my BFF is in one.^^ How are your classes going?? :D --User:Light&DarknessRuler/Sig21:45, August 18, 2010 (UTC) ooo ah...wat is FLL??? Im like really clueless!^^ Ya i have this teacher 2 times one day and 1 time the next(block schedule) and she will let us like talk a lot!! And i hated the bus ride home to day because we had this mean old bus moniter lady! I REALLY hope she isnt there tomorrow! EDIT: i would be using a talk bubble but i cant get it to show up!! :(--User:Light&DarknessRuler/Sig21:57, August 19, 2010 (UTC) |