More and more stubs are appearing on the Wiki lately, particularly for abilities. Examples are Quick Run, Dark Break, and Dark Aura, which are the only three I can list off the top of my head. Other concerns would be the Days abilities like Round Block.
Not only do I feel that these pages are useless as there's barely any content, at least no more than what we can say on other pages, which is parroting information, hence redundancy. Content from Dark Aura's section on the Sleight page reads :
- Rush enemies repeatedly with blade in hand. Finish off by stabbing Soul Eater into the ground for a column of light that confuses the enemy. Only available in Dark Mode.
The entire Dark Aura page reads :
- Dark Aura is one of Riku's abilities. They come in two different ways. The first Dark Aura is teleporting around the battle field with his weapon in front of him and ending by landing on the ground with a hard slam that creates a shockwave. This ability is first seen in Kingdom Hearts. His second Dark Aura is shooting a barrage of dark energy orbs at his opponents. The second version of Dark Aura is not to be confused with the previous versions with the same name from Kingdom Hearts or Kingdom Hearts II.
Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories
Riku rush enemies repeatedly with blade in hand. It finish off by stabbing the Soul Eater into the ground for a column of light that confuses the enemy. It is only avaliable in Dark Mode
This is the Attack Card requeriment for Dark Aura
- The Dark Aura in Kingdom Hearts II is very similar to Dark Firaga from the previous games.
True, the bit about Kingdom Hearts II is never listed on the Sleight page, but most of that content relating to Chain of Memories is, to some degree. Considering stubs for 358/2 Days abilities are no different and have literally nothing that allows them to stand alone as articles, I'd like to nominate the idea of creating a single page that details all of only a single game's abilities. For instance, a page titled like the following and following the same formatting as the Sleight Page :
- Kingdom Hearts Abilities (lowercase the "A" if you wish)
- Kingdom Hearts II Abilities
- Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days Abilities
- Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Abilities
- Kingdom Hearts coded Abilities (if any)