The BK is also an Enigma...
I, Unknown Incognitus Enigma, have made a discovery... To all who wish to play Dissidia online and cannot for you do not know how, <> go here! I will try to place more instructions that are easier to understand when I feel like it. Sorry, but UE is a lazy one. UE has some stressful finals coming up so... Do not bother it!
There are 2 ways to play "online" for Dissidia (or any other Ad-hoc supporting game for that matter). The first requires you to own a PS3. Which for most is not even possibly feasible at the moment. The second is using Xlink Kai. If you're computer savvy or what not, then this process should be a piece of cake for you! However, if you are computer dyslexic then it maybe a bit difficult for you which is why I, UE, will be giving you (yes you who are reading this page) some updates on my progress on getting this accursed thing working. Hopefully I can be successful, or just utterly fail which is not an option for me! I'm sure there are many others who know how to do this mumbo-jumbo. Track them down if you can, so I won't be waisting my time trying to figure this out! What are you (yes YOU for the last time) waiting for???