HeartofOblivionTalk to me! — There was something important... Oh yes! I've decided on the pancakes. Blueberry!
Can you get me some cotton candy? Blue, not PINK !!!! — 00:53, February 6, 2010 (UTC)
These ones are a little large because I had to make from this.
KHM Dolls
I thought I'd take some out too ! ^_^ Thoughts ?
EDIT 04:34, April 17, 2010 (UTC) : Okay, say what : Under project space we have Userboxes and a few other customisation projects of our own, don't we ? So, here's a thought : Some of us have made talk bubble sprites, and there's this avatar page. Why not start a category, "Customisation" ?
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 08:16, April 13, 2010 (UTC)