Template:One-Winged Angel

Revision as of 23:17, 18 January 2010 by Saxisai (talk | contribs)

{{TalkTextTest2 |image=Seph_Sprite.png |color= #DDDDDD |color2= #EEEEEE |color3= #AAAAAA |top-section=One-Winged Angel "The things you want to say the most are the things you fight yourself the hardest not to say." [[User_talk:One-Winged Angel|TALK - Do you think you can erase your past? - {{{time}}} |namecolor= (This line is optional. If not included, the textcolor field will be used) |namefonttype= (This line is optional. If not included, the fonttype field will be used) |textcolor= |textcolor2= |line= |line2= |border= #AAAAAA |border2= #BBBBBB |border3= #CCCCCC |fonttype=TimesNewRoman |name=Sephiroth |nick=Sephiroth |sig="Do you think you can erase your past?" |time={{{time}}} |text={{{text}}} }}