Forum:BBS Keyblade Names

Revision as of 04:21, 12 January 2010 by Guardian Soul (talk | contribs)
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Forums: Index > The World that Never was > BBS Keyblade Names

Since all of these must be sourced, I'm going to start posting the names here, with links.

Source 1: <youtube>g4jjxJqHSbY</youtube>

Source 2: <youtube>wpjLSSXiILc</youtube>

  • Earth Shaker (アースシェイカー Āsu Sheikā?) (*NO SOURCE yet)
  • Destiny Place (デスティニープレイス Desutinī Pureisu?) (Radiant Garden/Kairi)
  • Rain Storm (レインストーム Rein Sutōmu?) (2; 1:07)
  • Fresh Breeze (フレッシュブリーズ Furesshu Burīzu?) (1; 2:06) (Default)
  • Rascal Flame (ラスカルフレイム Rasukaru Fureimu?) (1; 2:07) (Radiant Garden/Lea)
  • Lost Memory (ロストメモリー Rosuto Memorī?) (1; 1:34) (Destiny Islands/Vanitas)

  • Rock Splendor (ロックスプレンダー Rokku Supurendā?) (1; 2:06) (Dwarf Woodland)
  • Crystal Works (クリスタルワークス Kurisutaru Wākusu?) (1; 2:06) (Castle of Dream)
  • Fairy Star (フェアリースター Fearī Sutā?) (1; 2:05) (Enchanted Dominion)
  • Mark of Hero (マークオブヒーロー Māku obu Hīrō?) (1; 2:06) (Olympus Coliseum)
  • Hyperdrive (ハイパードライブ Haipādoraibu?) (1; 2:06) (Deep Space)
  • Pixie Charm (ピクシーチャーム Pikushī Chāmu?) (1; 2:06) (2:07) (Neverland)

Also, world map, in case anybody was wondering:

  • Destiny Islands
  • Deep Space
  • Neverland
  • Radiant Garden
  • Keyblade Graveyard
  • Mysterious Tower
  • Castle of Dreams
  • Dwarf Woodland
  • Enchanted Dominion
  • 1/2 others
I'm pretty sure Raucous Blender is from the Dwarf Woodlands.—Urutapu 03:53, January 12, 2010 (UTC)
    • I cannot stress this enough, people, use sources when you create pages for these. I will revert any that don't, and give warnings. Glorious CHAOS! 03:59, January 12, 2010 (UTC)
I found a website that lists the places for obtainment, so I'm willing to trust that. Urutapu, can you check a screenshot for whether it is "Raucous Blender" or "Rock Splendour"?Glorious CHAOS! 04:11, January 12, 2010 (UTC)
Guardian Soul Talk. — Don't I even warrant a hello?

It's such a shame. The Organization used to be the rope that bound us together. - 04:21, January 12, 2010 (UTC)

Keyblade-Blk.png "Also, world map, in case anybody was wondering:
  • Destiny Islands"

Destiny Islands actually appears on the world map?