Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days

Mission 62: Eliminate the Carrier Ghost

I'm carrying on what you yourself began, and I'm creating a brand new world, one heart at a time.
Xemnas A 6★ KHUX.png
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Mission 62
Eliminate the Carrier Ghost
Day(s): 225-227
Halloween Town
Ally: None
Rank Badges Chests
Expert Unity Badge
Ordeal Badge
Heart factor Munny factor EXP factor
x5.05 x15.15 x2.77
Clear Bonuses Random Bonuses
Combo Tech+
Shield Tech+
Blizzara Recipe (15%)
Thunder Recipe (10%)
Blazing Gem (10%)
Gust Gem (10%)
Shining Crystal (10%)
Shield Tech+ (20%)
Silver (20%)
None (5%)

Mission 62 for Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days is an mission that sends Roxas to this, a Halloween Town to seek out and exterminate a Carrier Ghost Heartless.

Mission Goal

Regular Mission

Eliminate the Carrier Ghost.

Story Summary

Mission Walkthrough

Challenge Mission

Challenge Mission 62
Finish in record time
Enemy level +2, HP drains while on the ground
3 3:00:00 or less
2 3:00:01-3:30:00
1 3:30:01-4:00:00



Type Items Found Locations Notes
Synthesis Blizzard Recipe Town Center Near the fountain in the alcove.
Blizzara Recipe Town Center In the alcove to the right side of the false door.
Blazing Gem Graveyard Bottom-right corner, near the exit to the Town Center.
Blizzara Recipe Boneyard 1 Top-right corner, diagonally across from the Graveyard entrance.
Silver Moonlight Hill Near the curled hill and a lantern.
Silver Moonlight Hill Bottom-left corner near a lantern and a small wall.
Gust Gem Boneyard 2 Along the right wall.
Thunder Recipe Boneyard 2 Along the left wall.
Badges Unity Badge Town Center Near the guillotine.
Ordeal Badge Entrance Southeast of the Corridor of Darkness.


Video walkthrough here.