Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days

Mission 50: Vanquish the Heartless threat

Mission 50
Vanquish the Heartless Threat
Day(s): 171
Beast's Castle
Ally: None
Rank Badges Chests
Rookie Unity Badge
Ordeal Badge
Ordeal Blazon
Heart factor Munny factor EXP factor
x4.00 x12.00 x1.96
Clear Bonuses Random Bonuses
Rune Tech+
Elixir Recipe (10%)
Gear Component A (10%)
Bronze (10%)
Hi-Potion (20%)
Potion (15%)
Ether (15%)
None (20%)

Mission 50 for Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days sends Roxas to Beast's Castle to eliminate another Heartless.

Mission Goal(s)

Regular Mission

Vanquish the Heartless threat.

Story Summary

Roxas is sent to Beast's Castle to eliminate yet another Heartless boss. After defeating the Heartless threat, Roxas learns of love - through the Beast's unyielding protection for Belle.

Mission Walkthrough

You start in the Ballroom, work your way around the room defeating Heartless and opening the two chests. Exit the Ballroom to reach the Entrance Hall, immediately jump up to reach the Ordeal Blazon floating above the steps. Continue defeating Heartless and unlocking chests. If you prefer to save your strength and magic for the upcoming boss battle, you may skip defeating the small-fry Heartless in the Ballroom and Entrance Hall. Leave the Entrance Hall when you're finished and go to the Courtyard.

Here you will find the Unity Badge to the right of the entrance (near the secret entrance). Proceed towards the gates to watch a short cutscene, then continue on to the Bridge, where you will find the Heartless threat.

Once the Infernal Engine is defeated, you can continue to the end of the Bridge and get the Ordeal Badge. With the boss defeated and all treasures obtained, its time to RTC. Return back to the Courtyard to see a cutscene between the Beast and Belle, showing their love for each other. After the cutscene is over, the mission will end automatically.

Main article: Infernal Engine

Challenge Mission

Challenge Mission 50
Finish in record time!
Take 50% more damage
Enemy level +12
3 02:30:00 or less
2 02:30:01-02:50:00
1 02:50:01-03:30:00

This mission will be easier to complete after finishing Story Mode. You'll want to have Glide and Haste equipped, as well as Thunder and Thundara magic. Skip all Heartless battles inside the castle, and hurry to the Bridge. Use your magic to attack both the Infernal Engine and the lesser Heartless on top. Fight the boss as efficiently as you can, attacking the battering ram when it is exposed, and deflecting its cannon shots.

Challenge Mission 50SP
Avoid taking damage!
Take 50% more damage
Enemy level +30
3 3 or less
2 4 to 10 hits
1 11 to 15 hits

This mission is also easier after completing Story Mode. Plenty of Thunder, Thundara, and/or Thundaga casts so you can attack from a safe distance. Also be sure to block and deflect the boss's attacks whenever you can.



Type Items Found Locations Notes
Regular Hi-Potion Ballroom Right of the starting point on the right wall.
Ether Entrance Hall On the left wall (from the Ballroom entrance)
Synthesis Cure Recipe Ballroom Left of the starting point on the left wall.
Bronze Entrance Hall On the right wall (from the Ballroom entrance)
Badges Unity Badge Courtyard Near the secret entrance
Ordeal Badge Bridge Near gates
Ordeal Blazon Entrance Hall Top of stairs (High Jump and Glide necessary)


Walkthrough Part One Walkthrough Part Two
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