User:EternalNothingnessXIII/Talk Bubbles

Welcome to my Talk Bubble Workshop. Here, you can see countless talk bubbles I've made and even place a request for your own! To do so, simply state your requirements for each required parameter below the Requests section of this page, leaving your message with a Signature only! Please do not edit this page unless you are given permission. Thank you!

Past Talk Bubbles

Below is where I shall host all the talk bubbles I've used during my time on the Wiki, categorized by "character theme".


Eternal Nothingness XIII Nobody.png The name's Axel. Got it memorized?
TALK - Burn, baby!
eternalflame.png {{{text}}}
Eternal Nothingness XIII Nobody.png You can't turn on the Organzation! You get on their bad side, and they'll destroy you!
TALK - The Organization's betrayed. In that name, I will annihilate you!
eternalflame.png {{{angry}}}
Eternal Nothingness XIII Nobody.png Man, you're slow. Every Heartless slain with that Keyblade releases a captive heart. That is what the Organization is after.
TALK - Talk about blank with a capital B. Man, oh, man. Not even the Dusks are gonna crack this one...
eternalflame.png {{{shocked}}}
Eternal Nothingness XIII Nobody.png The Roxas I know is long gone... Fine... I see how it is.
TALK - I wanted to see Roxas... He was the only one I liked. He made me feel... like I had a heart.
eternalflame.png {{{sad}}}
Eternal Nothingness XIII Nobody.png You really do remember me this time... I'm SO FLATTERED! But you're TOO LATE!
TALK - What's your problem? You both...think you can do whatever you want. Well, I'm sick of it. Go on, just keep running. But I'll always be there to bring you back!
eternalflame.png {{{enraged}}}
Eternal Nothingness XIII Nobody.png I think I liked it better when they were on my side...
TALK - Nah, I can handle these punks. Watch this!
eternalflame.png {{{happytext}}}
Eternal Nothingness XIII Nobody.png Good answer. Just what I'd expect from the Keyblade master.
TALK - Wait a sec! You remember, now?!
eternalflame.png {{{excited}}}
Eternal Nothingness XIII Nobody.png Now that we're getting to know each other better... don't you go off and die on me, now!
TALK - Now Sora, I'd rather not fight you... but I can't dishonor the Organization, now can I?
eternalflame.png {{{talktext}}}
Eternal Nothingness XIII Nobody.png Roxas, all right! Fight, fight, fight!
TALK - You really don't remember... It's me! Y'know, Axel?
eternalflame.png {{{hooded}}}
