James Havoc
The Enlightening Flash
Date of Birth
March 10
Favorite World
Traverse Town
Keyblade of Choice
Metal Chocobo
"Ever since I was a kid I dreamed of becoming a Hero. I wanted to fight for peace, even though fighting for peace in itself is hypocritical. I now realize it was even worse, because that was a false peace. The civilians thought they were safe, but at all times there was fear in their hearts. They were always afraid that peace would vanish. It is because of this that peace could never exist under these conditions. I'm going to fight to destroy this illusion... this lie. I won't stop until the world knows true peace. When there is not a doubt in their minds that the world is safe. When all the evil in this world has been wiped out. That is my new dream."
―Yakobu Yondaime, Origins: Heroes
"I am the definition of Sexy!"
―James Havoc
About Me
There are three things you need to know about me. First off, I'm a Sexy Beast. If you stick around long enough you won't have any doubts about that. Second, I am a Christian. I'm not one of those model Christians always praying and all that junk, I just believe that Jesus came to earth and died for my sins. According to my religion: as long as you believe that you go to Heaven. Don't get me wrong I'm not a horrible person. I'm just not one of those iconic God crazy Christians. Last, I am not addicted to Kingdom Hearts. It's a fun game but I'm not a Kingdom Hearts addict. I like a lot of different things at different times. That's all you need to know. If you want to know more then you're out of luck.
UserboxesMy Talkbubble(s)
I probably won't use it much, but you gotta have one right?
JFHavoc - "I’m looking for someone. Hades promised to help. I tried to exploit the power of darkness, but it backfired. I fell into darkness, and couldn’t find the light," TALK - 1:53 November 03, 2009 (EST)
All of your base are belong to us!
I'm a very basic person. There aren't too many complicated sides to me. I'm a very eccentric and happy person around people I know, but I'm more shy and withdrawn around people I'm just meeting or don't know that well. I shouldn't seem that drawn back though because we're on the internet. It really isn't a big deal. I'm the kind of person who may lay back and study a person before attempting to acquaint myself with someone. I gather information on their personality, their likes and dislikes, and conclude whether or not they seem like someone I would get along with. I can be a little narcissistic at times. Although, I am a pretty awesome person. I stand out a little bit from the crowd, but I never try to stand out. That's the basics of it. It does go a little deeper than that, but it's nothing interesting enough to continue writing about.