
Revision as of 17:04, 4 August 2010 by (talk)

...that Kingdom Hearts II is rated E+10 for alcohol use because of the scene where Barbossa takes a drink from his wine bottle?

...that the Pride Lands were originally going to be a playable world in the first Kingdom Hearts, but the game's engine had problems handling a controllable quadrupedal character?

...that Auron is the first character to be declined by Sora to be a permanent party member?

...that although Neverland was shown in an early scan for Kingdom Hearts coded, it never appeared in the finished product?

...that the kana for Hercules is based on his original Greek name, Heracles?

<option> ... that even though their real names are Raijin and Fuujin, Seifer never calls them that, only Rai an Fu.