
Revision as of 15:49, 8 July 2010 by Satoru123 (talk | contribs)

...that Sora's clothes, as well as the size of his hands and feet, are references to Mickey Mouse?

...that in the 20th Anniversary Edition of Final Fantasy for the PSP, a child in the randomized dungeon Whisperwind Cove references Sora by saying "I've been having these weird thoughts lately... like... how did I get to this place!?"

...that in Kingdom Hearts, if you finish the story of Deep Jungle before Wonderland, during the cutscene in Hollow Bastion, Snow White will appear instead of Alice?

...that every time when Goofy changes into an animal, he transforms into some kind of turtle?

...that the kana for Hercules is based on his original Greek name, Heracles?