In a recent video of birth by sleep on its new website we see ven aqua and maleficent discussing terra succumbing to darkness when i noticed that the setting resembled that of a dungeon so it made me think it could be maleficents dungeon. what do you think?
Curse you Internet! Just when I thought I made a discovery, you do...THIS! GAD! *throws desk at computer*
NinjaSheik - All of this might have started with a lie...But I'm really am glad that I could meet you... TALK - One day, the light-it will be ours, and it will bring us together. Til then, I'll be in your heart...
Wiped from Existence
I just want to clarify that I saw that right. Wiped from existence? That's got to be pretty serious in the KH universe right? Although I'm sure Maleficent will somehow find a way back from being wiped from existence too.
Randomnessity Looks like you're prepared. — 04:59, January 4, 2010 (UTC)
In Birth By Sleep Maleficent is wearing a ring. But she doesn't have it in any of the other game. Maybe that ring has something to do with the next game. 02:41, February 20, 2010 (UTC)
Disneyvillainman - I'm what you might call an expert in the art of Darkness. TALK - Rather a stubborn ol' goat, wouldn't ya say?
Actually, her original design in Sleeping Beauty had a ring just like it. I assume that they added the ring to the design since Birth by Sleep tells Maleficent's role in the Sleeping Beauty story. Simple as that.
New Page Idea
Disneyvillainman - I'm what you might call an expert in the art of Darkness. TALK - Rather a stubborn ol' goat, wouldn't ya say?
Seeing as though Organization XIII has their own page, shouldn't we make a page for Maleficent's council of villains seeing as though the group is a major plot point in the original game. But if not a page, how about a template or a category? Any thoughts?
KrytenKoro - This is the song that runs under the credits; these are the credits, so this is where it goes. 'has nothing to do with the movie so we'll say, "Hey! Hey! Hey hey hey hey hey hey!" TALK -
There's no canon name for the group, so a page would be hard to make and keep compliant with the MOS. However, unlike the Organization XIII, Maleficent's group has no real central goal - they all serve Maleficent in finding the Princesses of Heart, but from what we see in KH1, it's all for and about Maleficent - none of the other villains work together. There's no need to cover how Hook and Oogie Boogie plot together, for instance. As such, it is quite simple to cover the story over Maleficent, Riku, and the individual villains' pages.
Disneyvillainman - This is my Underworld you IDIOT! TALK - He's perfect... perfect... perfectly INFURIATING! HE MAKES ME CRAZY!
But they DO have a centrel goal. Two actually: Find the Keyholes and kidnap the Princess. They're certainly as important as Org. XIII, after all, both team are centrel villains in the games and they each have their own theme music (Villains of a Sort for Malef'cent's Council and Organizxation XIII for, well, Organization XIII). In Kingdom Hearts II, Organization XIII members seemed to work individually without other Organization XIII members when they're not holding meeting in Where Nothing Gathers, just like Maleficent's Council.
okay, let me restate that - they have no central purpose. They have tasks, but only maleficent will benefit from obtaining KH.06:32, April 11, 2010 (UTC)
Danjam - It's true! I saw it with my own eyes! TALK - Aw, man. I wish it was a monster! Danjam 06:45, April 11, 2010 (UTC)
I think KrytenKoro is right as it is un-canon, unlike the Organization. Also, as Kryten mentioned above, "they have tasks but only maleficent will benfit", is the exact same case with the organization; they all have tasks and they all want Kingdom Hearts, but like maleficent, Xemnas will benefit as he has other plans for KH as shown in 358/2 Days.
Disneyvillainman - This is my Underworld you IDIOT! TALK - He's perfect... perfect... perfectly INFURIATING! HE MAKES ME CRAZY!
My main point is that the group was handled the exact same way as Org.XIII was in KHII. One could argue that Org.XIII was handled differently in Days but the Organization XIII article existed before that game was released so I feel that a similar standard should be applied the Maleficent's Council.
well acuatley they do work together in a way in kh1 you see that maleficent travels to the other villans worlds and helps them out and you see this in Aggrabah when Maleficent is seen walking with Jafar talking about Jasmine and how to capture her they do communicate with each other to plan out how to get the job done and then they just go to their world or a different world to do their job which is just like the org. does as you see in days where they send them out to world to do various jobs. so yea i'm a big disney villan fan and they diserve a place.
Okay, you really aren't understanding me. They don't have a goal that they work together toward. Maleficent aids them in their own little world-conquering escapades, and they hand over their world's Princess of Heart. That's it. Yes, they meet up to talk once or twice, but there's absolutely no unity to either the group or its plotlines.GloriousCHAOS! 16:39, April 11, 2010 (UTC)
Disneyvillainman - This is my Underworld you IDIOT! TALK - He's perfect... perfect... perfectly INFURIATING! HE MAKES ME CRAZY!
"...besides, they remain blissfully unaware of our other plan."
This quote proves that the group does plan together. They work together just as much as Organization XIII does in Kingdom Hearts II so they definately merrit their own article.
Neumannz — Looks like I'm gonna have to jump...! TALK — I work alone! Except when I work with Xion...which is all the time.
— 20:03, April 11, 2010 (UTC)
They don't work together anywhere NEAR as much as Organization XIII does. The Organization has a whole chain of command and a system of assigning and completing missions, while the Disney villains all follow their own agendas, and maybe, MAYBE, they spend a bit of effort looking for a Keyhole or a Princess of Hearts--and the only ones who do even that much are Jafar and Hook.
Disneyvillainman - This is my Underworld you IDIOT! TALK - He's perfect... perfect... perfectly INFURIATING! HE MAKES ME CRAZY!
What you say about Organization XIII is true but none of that really became apparent until 358/2 Days yet Organization XIII had an article before Days was released when Org.XIII and Maleficent's group seemed to do the same thing. And I'm pretty sure that the only Disney villain who wasn't looking for a keyhole or a princess was Hades.
You keep saying that the Organization didn't appear to work together until Days, but they did it all over the place in CoM. Have you played CoM? And then they show up in groups all the time in KH2, and are given missions to do things. They may have little agendas in KH2 (Xaldin, Axel), but even Xaldin is just doing some overtime there, not outright ignoring his mission.GloriousCHAOS! 03:22, April 12, 2010 (UTC)
Neumannz — Looks like I'm gonna have to jump...! TALK — I work alone! Except when I work with Xion...which is all the time.
— 03:49, April 12, 2010 (UTC)
Oogie Boogie didn't care about finding a Keyhole, Ursula, despite mentioning the Keyhole, only cared about taking Triton's power, and obviously Hades didn't care at all.
Disneyvillainman - This is my Underworld you IDIOT! TALK - He's perfect... perfect... perfectly INFURIATING! HE MAKES ME CRAZY!
@GloriousCHAOS!-Yes, I have played CoM and they did have their own Agendas but other than Axel trying to kill Marluxia, all of the Organization members seemed to take their turns fighting Sora and Riku but planned together in their headquarters, just like the Disney villains.
@neumannz-Ursula had Flotsam and Jetsam looking all over the palace for the keyhole so Ursulsa obviously did care about finding the keyhole. The group also had another goal: building an army of Heartless which Oogie most definately tried to do.
...Axel fought Sora with Marluxia's permission, and then Axel would meet alone with Larxene, Larxene would meet alone with Marluxia, Axel with Vexen, Vexen with Zexion and Lexaeus, Zexion with just do you not see that they were acting as a group? Yes, there were factions within it, but they were still a group. The Disney Villains showed up at group meetings, but they served Maleficent, and never got into factions against her. Maleficent IS the Disney villains - they're essentially her glorified henchman. That's what makes the difference.GloriousCHAOS! 19:40, April 12, 2010 (UTC)
Disneyvillainman - This is my Underworld you IDIOT! TALK - He's perfect... perfect... perfectly INFURIATING! HE MAKES ME CRAZY!
I see your point about Organization XIII and I do feel that a category for Maleficent and her associates would be more appropriate, but the Hollow Bastion Restoration Committee works the exact same way, yet they have their own page as well. I feel that if we can squeeze the information concerning Maleficent's Council into the member's individual article, the same standards shopuld apply to the Restoration Committee.
Disney villans?
ok so i've been wandering for a while how did Maleficent get in contact with all the other disney villans to recruit them,anyone know?
^ First, leave your name at the end of your comment using four ~'s. As for your question, we don't know. The only Disney villain we see her recruiting is Pete in Birth By Sleep, even though we don't see him working for Maleficent until KH2 (wonder what he was doing during KH1?) It probably isn't all that important, anyway. Key of Destiny 16:02, June 27, 2010 (UTC)
Disneyvillainman - I'm what you might call an expert in the art of Darkness. TALK - Rather a stubborn ol' goat, wouldn't ya say?
Why does Diablo redirect to here? This page has almost no information on Diablo. It's like having Iago redirect to Jafar's article. I know he doesn't do as much as Iago but I think there's enough information on him to merit his page. I mean, the White Rabbit does just as much as Diablo and he has his own article, and what the White Rabbit did wasn't crucial to the story of the game.
Demonic Saint - Ah-hyuck! Did you happen to summon me? TALK - All for one and one for all. - 14:58, June 28, 2010 (UTC)
Do as you please and make an article. Good Luck. Any problem with the redirecting, just ask!
Disneyvillainman - I'm what you might call an expert in the art of Darkness. TALK - Rather a stubborn ol' goat, wouldn't ya say?
Alright. I'll whip one together.
EDIT: I'm afraid I can't. Since the page name is already a redirect, I'm unable to make a page called Diablo and you can't edit a redirect page (or at least I couldn't)
Demonic Saint - Ah-hyuck! Did you happen to summon me? TALK - All for one and one for all. - {{{time}}}
I can start the page. You can edit from there on.
EDIT: The page is protected. That's why. I'll try to get it un-protected.
Disneyvillainman - I'm what you might call an expert in the art of Darkness. TALK - Rather a stubborn ol' goat, wouldn't ya say?
Thank you!
I have a problem with this sentence
One by one, each of the Disney villains failed to resist the darkness in their hearts and each met their demise at the end of Sora's Keyblade, with the following exceptions: Pete, (whom Sora did not encounter at this time), Hades (who is immortal and merely gave into his anger), Jafar (who turned into a Genie and was sealed in his lamp) and Captain Hook (who merely fled).
The number of exceptions (Pete, Hades, Jafar, Hook) is greater than the number that actually "meets their demise" and fail to resist the darkness (Oogie Boogie and Ursula). This should be simplified to "defeated". Xerruy 19:08, July 25, 2010 (UTC)
This is true. It's actually a very useless sentence. I vote for it to be edited.Lying Memories 06:22, July 26, 2010 (UTC)
Disneyvillainman - I'm what you might call an expert in the art of Darkness. TALK - Rather a stubborn ol' goat, wouldn't ya say?
Is it worth mentioning that Maleficent in Birth by Sleep is the first time someone speaks a curse word in the Kingdom Hearts series. Yes, I realize that Axel said it in Chain of Memories, but that was only in a text bubble. Susan Blakslee actually spoke this particular line.
"If you want light to rule over all, then you must rid the world of everything else."
Yeah, I think it's mention-worthy.
Disneyvillainman - I'm what you might call an expert in the art of Darkness. TALK - Rather a stubborn ol' goat, wouldn't ya say?
Then I'll go ahead with it if no one else has already.
Since when was "hell" a curse-word?GloriousCHAOS! 00:19, September 10, 2010 (UTC)
The definition of a "curse word" is subjective. Different people are offended by different things. Opinionated statements shouldn't be on the wiki (including that bit about Axel if it's still in his article).LapisLazuliScarab00:23, September 10, 2010 (UTC)
By Disney standards, any word that has a strong negative connotation that is known by the majority of people is considered a curse, such as the word Hell. --Evnyofdeath 01:36, September 10, 2010 (UTC)