The Deserter is an Emblem Heartless from Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days. A large group of these Heartless are fought when Roxas challenges a tournament at the Olympus Coliseum.

Worlds Fought


Small Heartless with little HP, the Deserter has blood-red claws that it only uses when pressed in a tight situation. It is similar to the Stealth Soldier, yet is less offensive and lacks invisibility powers. Deserters bear the Heartless emblem on their chest, dangerous yellow eyes gleaming underneath its silver helmet.


While Deserters are not particularly offensive, they are quite the annoyance. Appearing in large groups, they run around the battlefield at high speeds, making attacks hard to land. Once you corner one, brace for a small attack, and hammer it with the Keyblade until its short HP bar is depleted.


  • The Deserter is one of the few new Heartless from 358/2 Days added to its Heartless family, along with the Sergeant.

See Also