Talk:Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

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TGS 2009 trailer...

Ok, from what I see, there is a video for the 2008 Jump Fiesta, the 2008 TGS, but there's no video for the 2009 TGS? Odd...are you sure that Square-Enix released a 2009 TGS trailer for Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep?--Pkthis 21:21, October 19, 2009 (UTC)

KrspaceT; Where is that trailer!!!!! Call in the bloodhounds, the search satelittes and a turkey sandwitch ( searching make me famished)

every trailer square has had so far was in a closed theater. apparently someone couldn't smuggle in a camera this time.

(and yes there was a bloody trailer there were at least two other trailer summary's on this page removed because some Jack@$$ was to lazy to search you tube or just trust the crack news team who could get to japan)


i've noticed all the birth by sleep articles have already been "Dated" and it all seems a little fishy to me (who says the gathering place is at the end or enchanted kingdom is first, or maybe you have to revisit a world.)

Where are the articles "dated"? I can't find that anywhere. Remember; this game has three storylines. Terra's story, Ven's story and Aqua's story. It is confirmed that all the characters begin their story in the Land of Departure, but they will apparently go their separate ways as the story goes on. Their stories will probably end in The Gathering Place.
I am pretty positive that is the currently confirmed timeline:
  • Land of Departure
    • This is the beginning World!
    • Master Eraqus is seen presenting the Master Qualification exam to Terra and Aqua. Ven is apparently not ready for it/old enough/trained enough for it.
    • Terra receives advice from Master Xehanort, about controlling the darkness in his heart, rather than getting rid of it.
    • Ven encounters Vanitas and he tells Ven that Terra will change in the future (fall into Darkness?). He also tell Ven to follow him, to see it for himself.
    • Aqua gives her friends charms, as a promise that they'll meet again. She is also seen talking to Eraqus, saying that Terra won't fall into Darkness.
    • Aqua and Eraqus are seen asking Ven to stop while looking into the air (Ven is most likely "teleporting"). From this, we can assume that Terra went away first, and Ven follows Vanitas' advice and decided to follow him. Aqua then goes away, to look for both of them.
    • Anyway, the characters all leave this world at some point and go their separate ways to find Master Xehanort (and Vanitas) who have mysteriously disappeared.
  • Enchanted Dominion
    • I am pretty sure this is Terra's first world, since this is where he meets Maleficent and she tells him of the 7 princesses of light, and it's after that that he starts searching for them.
    • Someone arrives before Terra, since Aurora is asleep when he's there, but she has also been shown awake. Whether it is Ven or Aqua is unknown.
    • Ven and Aqua meet in this world, but that must be a 2nd visit (maybe only for either of them), since Maleficent has already spoken to Terra before she speaks to them.
    • Aqua encounters Maleficent again sometime later, without Ven, and asks her if what she said to Ven was a lie. Maleficent claims that it was the truth, and Terra now uses the darkness to gain power. Aqua is later seen battling her along with Philip.
    • Ven has also been shown to meet Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather in Aurora's "sleeping room".
  • Castle of Dreams
    • I'm guessing Ven comes here first and perhaps this is his first world.
    • Terra and Aqua meet in this world, so we can assume that they arrive around the same time. Aqua is also seen asking Jaq if he knows Ven, which he apparently does.
  • Dwarf Woodlands
    • Ven and Terra definitely arrive before Aqua, since Snow White hasn't eaten the poisoned apple when they're there, but she has been put in the glass coffin when Aqua first arrives.
    • I guess Terra arrives before Ven, because the Dwarfs are shown talking to him about another man being there before (possibly Terra). Another hint about that is that Terra is seen talking to the Queen in her normal form, while Ven encounters her in her "old hag" form.
  • Deep Space
    • Ven definitely arrives the last, since he asks 626 is he knows Terra and Aqua and he responds by saying they're his friends.
    • Aqua is the one to beat up Gantu, so I guess she comes first, but who knows...
  • Neverland
    • Not enough info to guess in which order they arrive, but we do know that Mickey apparently arrived before Ven, and left something there (a "star fragment").
    • Ven has only been seen encountering Tink and Peter in friendly conversation, and he also meets Hook, who is seen holding the Star fragment and Tinker Bell.
    • Aqua has been shown along with Peter, Tink and the Lost Boys and she seems to be giving them help with a map (treasure hunt?).
    • Terra has been shown in battle stance facing Peter at Skull Rock, but he also seems to have a friendly chat with the lost boys at the same place. Terra also encounters Hook, but they seem to be talking, rather than arguing.
  • Olympus Coliseum
    • Only Ven has been shown in this world, and there, he encounters Master Xehanort. he seems to give Ven quite a scare, and it looks like he is about to attack him as well.
    • It is unknown if the other will come to this world as well, thought I find it rather likely that there will be some kind of Games held there.
  • Yen Sid's Tower
    • Only Mickey, Donald and Goofy have been shown to appear here, along with Master Yen Sid, who is training Mickey.
    • It is unknown if the playable characters will arrive to this world.
  • Radiant Garden
    • We only have Ven and Terra confirmed, but I am 100% sure that Aqua will show up as well, as Braig has been confirmed to meet them all at some point.
    • Ven has been shown trying to access the castle, but being stopped by Dilan and Aeleus. Even is also seen talking to someone, about having a connection to that someone in the future.
    • Ven and Terra have also been seen "hanging" atop the Great Maw, and talking. There, Terra thanks Ven for saving him. Terra has also been shown holding Ven while Summoning his Keyblade in the Great Maw, talking to an unknown character (most likely Master Xehanort or Vanitas, but it could also be one of the apprentices).
  • Destiny Islands
    • Who knows when this one comes in... I'm guessing this is quite late in the game, at least in Ven and Aqua's story, since this is the place where he asks her to "erase" him (on the mainland).
    • It is unknown when Terra arrives to this world, but he is seen standing on the island shore and watching the young Sora and Riku fight with their toy swords. Perhaps he chose Riku that time, and that might be what the Lingering sentiment (Terra in KHIIFM) is blabbing about.
  • The Gathering Place
    • This world will definitely appear in the end (most likely the last world) and all the character's stories will cross here. This will be at the Keyblade War area.
    • Another area of this world will appear at least twice during the story of Terra and Ven;
      • Terra is seen meeting Master Xehanort there, and he seems to be telling Terra to "cross over to his origin" and that he's tired of waiting for him. It is unknown if this is in the same conversation, but Master Xehanort also talks about Vanitas' fall into darkness, and he asks Terra to "undo his mistake". it is also unknown in which of their conversation Terra says that he doesn't care about being a Master, and asks what Xehanort has done to "his firend's" Heart. This all takes place in "the gathering place", where the lingering sentiment is fought in KHIIFM.
      • Ven has been shown to encounter Vanitas here, asking about the meaning of his worlds back in the Land of Departure. They are later seen clash there, and even alter, Ven is seen lying on the ground. Mickey then comes to his aid. This is either at the same place as Terra and Xehanort meet, or in a new area that looks similar...
I hope that helps someone... - IceboySvalur! 19:17, October 29, 2009 (UTC)

FF characters that would be in BbS

Has nobody brought this up? i was just sitting here in class thinking "i wonder what ff characters would go well in this game..." i was thinkin Cloud and Zack, but the timing doesnt really fit seeing that BbS is 10 years befor KH n the time befor Crisis Core to FF7 is about 5 years right? itd also be ok to include onion night or worrior of light maby? what do you guys think?

High School Musical

I know it's probably impossible, but I kinda have a small hope that HSM would be involved in this game. If not in this, then perhaps the next one.

--Charmed-Jay 21:02, October 29, 2009 (UTC)

Not a chance.--NinjaSheik 21:06, October 29, 2009 (UTC)

maggosh Strike backwards... "That's a nice expression."

You're terrified, aren't you?

People, if you really think Square is gonna put that Disney Channel crap in KH, go stick your head in a bucket of ice water. If that doesn't work, a lobotomy is also recommended.

Okay, hey! That's not very nice. You don't have to be rude, even if it's the truth.--NinjaSheik 21:16, October 29, 2009 (UTC)