Most users use the basic TTT2 Template. It should have stuff like...
|image= (This line is optional)
|color= (This line is optional. If not included, the color will be white)
|color2= (This line is optional. If not included, the color field will be used)
|color3= (This line is optional. If not included, the color2 field will be used)
|top-section=(This line is optional*)
|namecolor= (This line is optional. If not included, the textcolor field will be used)
|namefonttype= (This line is optional. If not included, the fonttype field will be used)
|textcolor= (This line is optional. If not included the textcolor will be black)
|textcolor2= (This line is optional. If not included, the textcolor field will be used)
|line= (This line is optional. If not included, there will be no line)
|line2= (This line is optional. Only needed if color3 is used. If not used, color3 will be)
|border= (This line is optional. If not included, the border will be gray)
|border2= (This line is optional. If not included, the border field will be used)
|border3= (This line is optional. If not included, the border2 field will be used)
|fonttype= (This line is optional. If not included, the font will be Arial)
|nick= (This line is optional, and only need filled in if you wish to use a nickname, rather than your user name.)
|sig= (This line is optional. If not included no dash or sig will be displayed)
... That. Some bits that say optional don't really need paying attention to, in my opinion. So let's say you wanted a Hooded Riku-styled talk box, with the nickname "Ansem" and without the color3, top-section, line2, border2 and border3. You'd fill out here...
|fonttype=Trebuchet MS
|name=Super Sword-chucks
|sig=No... I guess I'm just sad.
Piece of cake on my part. Here's the part I say what goes where in order if you're still going "WTF is this, it doesn't make sense to me at all".
Image, obviously, is the little picture to the left of your Talk Bubble. When using the TTT2 Talk Bubble, you have a certain size limit (50px). Color is the color on the upper part. I enter black there and it shows black. Color2 is the color that goes on the bottom. I enter gray there and it shows gray on the bottom. Namecolor is one of the optional but nice ones. Filling this out with a certain color changes your name text color from textcolor to what you picked. Textcolor is what you fill out to choose the color of the text on the top half of the box. Texcolor2 is much like Textcolor and Color2. It determines the bottom text color. Line is an optional one. Filling this out with a color will give you a line with that color cutting straight through the middle of the Talk Bubble. Border is another optional one. Filling this out with a color will give you a border with the color you chose surrounding the Talk Bubble. Not filling it out will give you a gray one. Fonttype determines the font of the Talk Bubble. Not filling it out will give you Arial. Most people pick Trebuchet MS, though.
Name, obviously, is your User Name. Nick is the nickname. It will replace your name. Sig is like a quote that goes next to your name.
With this much, you should have a pretty decent Talk Bubble like the one above.
Emotions (TTT2)
|image=Roxas Keyblades.PNG
|name=Super Sword-chucks
|sig= "Is it dark, or bright? I don't feel anything. What's going on?" - Riku (KH:CoM Manga 1)
|name=Super Sword-chucks
|sig=”Ha ha ha! You had me going for a second...” - Axel (KHII Manga 2)
|name=Super Sword-chucks
|sig=”Strangers? You mean you don’t remember us either?” - Sora (KH:CoM Manga 1)
}} }}}}}}</includeonly>
Also, at the end, there's three sets of }}. The more emotions you have, the more of this you should have at the end. Also, there's one bit that can't be forgotten; the <includeonly></includonly>. If you have this, you should also have <noinlcude></noinclude> and enter your Template name as shown below.
That was with the TTT2. If you want to go advanced... It'll just mess with your head. But if you really wish to see it, I'll show it through requests. ¬¬;; It's not like it's not needed. It'll just confuse you.
Well, you see everything is all over the place, right? You see the bit that stretches out REALLY far? That's where the text on the top go.
Name comes first. You have to manually link your template to your page by [[User:Your Name Here]]. But be aware that you have to add a nickname. Otherwise, it'll show the link as "User:Your Name Here". So you do: [[User:Your Name Here|Your Name Here]]. Doing that will show it as "Your Name Here."
Talk Page link comes next. You'll, again, have to manually link your template to, not your user page, but to your talk page by [[User talk:Your Name Here]]. Again, be aware that the link will show it as "User talk:Your Name Here". Come up with something that will tell other users that they're welcome/allowed to talk on your page with something like [[User talk:Your Name Here|Talk to me!]]. It'll show the link as "Talk to me!"
The sig comes third. You will not need a link. Just enter any sig you want. You can have multiple signatures like in the TTT2.
The quote under the name is last. It can vary among emotions.
Just a note, but you can only have one color scheme for the entire template if you choose to use this.
I noticed before when making emotions, the emotion may not show up. If this does happen, I suggest "Edit this page", check "Minor edit", "Preview" then "Save page." If this doesn't work, see what's wrong if you're using: