
""Don't underestimate the power of both Light and Darkness.""

Roxas-X-Namine's real name is Nexus. He knows almost everything about Kingdom Hearts. His favorite pair is Roxas and Namine.


"Forgotten memories doesn't mean lost memories."

"We don't only stand in a small island, we stand in a whole world."

"Don't underestimate the power of both Light and Darkness."

What am I doing now?

I've a lot of things to do now, here are the Kingdom Hearts related:

  1. Helping at the Wikia.
  2. Playing Kingdom Hearts II and finishing it 100%.


  • Roxas-X-Namine have a friendster account, add him if you can.
  • The user of this page don't usually talk to someone he doesn't know or not yet befriended with.