Name VonFrank
Title Unknown Member
Homeworld Hollow Bastion
Weapon Keyblade (Kingdom Key)
Spells Thunder, Areo, Cure


Hi everybody...

I have been a huge fan of Kingdom Hearts since it was first released for PS2 in 2002. At the time I considered it the best game I had ever played. Due to the amazing sequals and the exiting in-depth storyline, it is still on the top of my list of Best games of all time!

I have completely beaten Kingdom Hearts 1 and Kingdom Hearts 2 on all game modes. I have also recently beaten Re: Chain of Memories, and 358/2 Days. Now that i have finished all KH games currently available, I like the series even more :)

I really cant wait untill Birth by Sleep! Unfortunately I dont have a PSP (and I dont really want to buy one) so I wont be able to play it. However, I will end up playing it somehow.... maybe Ill borrow a friend's PSP.

Likes and Dislikes

Kingom Hearts Likes

Game Story

- Kingdom Hearts 1. You can't beat the origional, but my opinion on that may change once I play Re: Chain of Memories and 358/2 Days.


- Kingdom Hearts 2. The forms, the gummi travel, and the crazy abilities.

Game Features

- Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days. From what i've seen, it looks like the game with the best features. 20 playable characters and multiplayer make Kingdom Hearts amazing!


-Sora, Merlin, Goofy, Leon, Yuffie, Hades, Roxas, Axel, Xion.


-Olympus Coliseum, Neverland, Hollow Bastion, End of the World, Twilight Town, The World that Never Was.

Boss Battles

-Opposite Armour, Antisora, Dragon, Riku II, Barbossa, Demyx II, Sephiroth.


-Black Fungus, Angel Star, Devestator.


-Beserker, Assasin.


-Kingdom Key, Oathkeeper, Oblivion, Ultima Weapon 1, Bond of Flame, Ultima Weapon 2, Fenrir.

Kingom Hearts Dislikes

Game Story

- None. They are all great.


- Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories. I really dont like the Cards. If it wasn't a Kingdom Hearts Game I would never play it.

Game Features

- Kingdom Hearts 1. It is the first game, so it is expected to be light on features.


-Donald, Selphie, Daisy, Areith, Phil, Tarzan, Pinocchio, Ursula, Sally, Seifer, Yen Sid.


-Agrabah, Atlantica, Halloween Town, Land of the Dragons.

Boss Battles

-Cave of Wonders Guardian, Ursula II, Oogies Mannor, Chernabog, Hydra, Volcanic Lord, Blizzard Lord, Storm Rider, Jafar.


-Air Soldier, Blue Rhapsody, Areal Knocker, Areoplane, Bookmaster, Creeper Plant, Crescendo, Driller Mole, Graveyard, Hammer Frame, Hook Bat, Hot Rod, Rabid Dog, Toy Soldier.


-Sorcerer, Dancer.


-Crabclaw, Lady Luck, Divine Rose, Sweet Memories, Gull Wing, Mysterious Abyss, Fatal Crest, Circle of Life, Rumbling Rose, Decisive Pumpkin.