
Flotsam and Jetsam are Boss Enemies from Kingdom Hearts that appear in Atlantica. They fight as a pair, aiding Ursula in her first form.


Kingdom Hearts

Floatsam and Jetsam mainly glide around Ursula's room attacking by biting periodically. Sora must focus on putting Magic into Ursula's cauldran. This mainly using Fire, Blizzard, and Thunder. Floatsam and Jetsam are neverending spawning, they wilil be knocked out temporarily when defeated but will revive soon. Allow your party members prefrebly Ariel and Goofy take care of them while you focus on Ursula.

Kingdom Hearts II

In Ursula's Revenge Floatsam and Jetsam briefly appear but are both destroyed by Magic from Sora's Keyblade.

Notes and References