End of the World is a world from Kingdom Hearts.
End of the World is product of the Heartless taking a world, it is artificial and pure alike. Part of it is based on Fantasia.
A depressing world with music similar to the Awakening, End of the World opens on a sea of darkness in the process of collapsing. Along the snowy fragments of landscape are a few battles against Behemoths (Arch Behemoths in Kingdom Hearts: Final Mix). Following the empty void is a colourful, quiet canyon that is called Giant Crevasse with spiderweb-like formations. At the bottom of the canyon is a passage to the World Terminus. The World Terminus leads to Bald Mountain, and then to the door first seen in the Awakening.
The boss of End of the World is Chernabog (not including the final boss, which is Ansem and the Guardian, Darkside, and the World of Chaos).