Hey, can I have another talkbubble?
Can it be:
All Red with Axel's 'angry' sprite from days and it reading: "I'm just saying. I ordered a cheeseburger happymeal, large fries, a diet coke and an Oreo McFlurry. OK, O-R-E-O M-C-F-L-U-R-R-Y. Got it memorized?" and can the font be purple. and the bit where it says 'Talk' can that say: "The guy who kidnapped Kairi. Saïx. He's a member of Orginization XIII. Saïx. He's a complete douche."
hi, ive got a question about kari if u r not to busy , thnks
so do u want me to send the pic?so that u can compareAvataring 02:16, January 7, 2010 (UTC)avataring
I would like a talkbubble. I would like it to be red with a scarlet tango heartless if it's not too muc trouble. I would like it to say "I'd love to dance the tango with you, but only if you stop lighting me on fire." And could the little talk section say "Attacking me while I'm dancing won't do you any good. I'll still set you on fire." Black text is fine with me. Thank you. Shixoh 20:45, January 9, 2010 (UTC)Shixoh