Darkside is a boss from Kingdom Hearts. It was a colossal pureblood Heartless that Sora encountered numerous times. Instances included in the mysterious Awakening, the Destiny Islands, and in the End of the World. The Darkside is Riku when he oppened the DTD (door to darkness)but Riku not knowing of his actions attacked Sora

Darkside can spawn Shadows and its theme song is Destati. It has a heart-shaped hole in it's stomach. It creates Shadows by creating an orb which it puts in the hole in it's stomach. The monster can also fire these orbs from its stomach as offensive weapons. It's also the very first boss that is battled in the series.

The Darkside will be a boss battle in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days.


see:Darkside (Enemy Card)

Nobody Counterpart

Twilight Thorn
