Yes, the untapped power that lies within you. Now, child, it's time you awakened that power and realized your full potential.
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You will encounter Miss Lockheart three times in the Hades Paradox Cup. The First time with Yuffie, the second with cloud, the third with three other Bruisers from Final Fantasy. Tifa's battle style is very direct. She always rushes you, never giving you a moment to breathe. She will get up to you and try and force you to block her fist with your face. The fact that Yuffie is teleporting around hurling shuriken at you like a demented fly doesn't help either. but you also have donald and goofy so they can be helpful. You have the luxury of Final Form here, so use it! Yuffie seems to be more annoying here than she is in Round 49, because she'll interrupt you when you're trying to fight Tifa. Try to bait Tifa into attacking you, and do whatever you can to get behind her, but do not stay out in front. Final Heaven HURTS, and she can use it as a combo finisher whenever she wants. Let her spend her energy and punish her when she's through, but watch out for Yuffie. Of course, if you enter this round with enough Drive Gauge to go into Final Form, then go nuts on the both of them.) When Tifa comes up close and starts her punch combo, if you don't hit up Reflega immediately, your gonna pay for it. Tifa is VERY weak against Refleaga, and mashing it repeatedly will chip her health away. However if you are interrupted in Reflegapalooza by Yuffie or in any other way, Glide, Run or Swim away immediately, as with a cry of "Here we Go!" or "Don't Say I Didn't Warn You!" she will jump high in the air (you can't stop her) and yell "Final Heaven!" which will launch several explosions in front of her, and all of them are dying to meet Sora. The second time around, Tifa is with Cloud, Leon and Yuffie, which makes this even harder. Reflega is still your main weapon of choice for her in this round BUT NEVER stay in one place. If you remain stationary in round 49 for even one second, either Yuffie will get you, Leon will shoot at you, or Cloud will try and cut you in half. A good strategy iis to glide away from Tifa and use Thundaga, but only two or three strikes, then you must, must, must get moving again or one of the other three will get you, and they all hit like freight trains. Tifa should be defeated without much bother if you use Reflega and Thundaga together, but watch out for the others, cause (unfortunately) she doesn't fight alone.
Battle Quotes
"Don't say I didn't warn you!"
"'Final Heaven!"
"Here we go!"
Tifa is met as both an enemy and an ally. Tifa can be fought as an enemy in the Hades Paradox Cup, in Round 10 with Yuffie, Round 30 with Cloud, and Round 49 with Leon, Cloud and Yuffie. Tifa fights alongside you as the 3rd Ally on the Ravine Trail, using the same tactics as in her battles in the Hades Paradox Cup.
Leon, Yuffie, Cloud and Tifa - Hades Paradox cup | Yuffie, leon, Tifa and Cloud - ally battle - Ravine Trail |
<youtube width="320" height="240"> j95RcYIWDKI </youtube> | <youtube width="320" height="240">ZMfCID5Dm5U</youtube> |