Game:Captain Hook

Revision as of 01:27, 5 January 2009 by Guardian Soul (talk | contribs) (Added a strategy.)
This article is about the enemy.
You may be looking for the character.


Journal Entry

Kingdom Hearts

The pirate who is working with the Heartless to pay revenge to Peter Pan, who caused him to lose his left hand. He is as arrogant as a pirate can be, but hides away when the crocodile comes close. With the Heartless's powers, he can travel to many other worlds. He hooked us in "Peter Pan" (1953).

Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories

A pirate who holds a grudge against Peter Pan.

Hook kidnapped Wendy to lure Peter out.

Normally proud, Hook falls to pieces the moment the crocodile that took his hand shows up.





Kingdom Hearts

If you're flying when the battle starts, descend to the ground and land on the deck. Lock onto Captain Hook and make sure not to lose him. If you're flying in the air, Hook won't stay in one place, so it would be wise to keep your feet planted on the ground. Ignore the Battleship Heartless, because even if you destroy one, another one will take It's place.

Fight Captain Hook head-on, and make sure that you have Aero casted while doing so. If your HP meter gets too low, fly away and heal yourself before continuing.

If you cast Fira on Captain Hook, his pants will catch on fire and he'll run around the deck. If he runs into you while on fire, it can damage you, so fly into the air to protect yourself. With a good balance of Cura and Aero, you should be successful. After winning the fight, you'll gain Ansem's Report 9 and the Ars Arcanum ability.