He is the Xheanort we know

Look at it this way, "Xheanort" has a habit of stealing his master's names, his "Heartless" armor is also passed down from Xheanort's heartless to Riku, his new apprentice, he even took his master's clothes when he turned into a heartless, also, it is never stated that his name is "Xheanort" It's just the only name he remembers, this makes sense to me, seeing as how Master Xheanort would have been a very powerful figure in his memory.

Xiggie Buy / Sell Welcome! What do you wanna do?

Just because we're kids doesn't mean we can't run a business— {{{time}}}

Untitled-1.png Well, it could be him, OR Terra (See my blog about this, and please comment)

I was the one who made that theory NO JOKE visit my home page all that u need to know about that theory is there

Trailer Info

Some of the Birth by Sleep Trailers Have been leaked. in one Master Xehanort Says "Those who Submit to darkness are not qualified to Wield the keyblade. already that man" Cuts to apprentice as he says this "has become a monster consumed by Darkness. use your power to defeat the darkness and correct my mistake." these trailers are on youtube. you might have to dig around a bit but it's there. should be mentioned in a article edit for link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fuoA5DL_oM0&feature=related

i wonder why xehanort actually says that when in the final mix secret ending he seems to be fighting together with his apprentice and not against him --Darksoldier 12:47, 21 March 2009 (UTC)

maybe he changed his mind or that scene happens before this one

Heartless Possibility

Has anyone considered the possibilty that the aprentice isn't an aprentice at all, but is in fact Master Xhanort's heartless? After all, in the birth by sleep video they seemed to spit from one being, with one (Master Xehanort) keeping the phisical shape of the original the way that a powerful Nobody does, and the other (the apprentice) becoming more heartless like. Another thing is that the "Apprentice" finished Master Xeanort's sentence in one of the trailers. This did not seem to suprise Master Xehanort or Ven, as if the apprentice should know what his master is about to say. --Hulon2 14:35, 30 April 2009 (UTC)

  If that is so, then MX is a Nobody... which seems rather impossible as he is able to wield the Keyblade. Right ? MX looks like anyone who would have a heart, through and through, even if he's the antagonist in the game, and even if he wants to acquire Kingdom Hearts.

Helping others always comes before asking others for help. TroisNyxÉtienne

He would be able to use a Keyblade because, as it says in the article on Keyblades, they are connected to your soul, not your heart. So a Nobody can use a Keyblade because they still have souls. For example, both Roxas and Xion use Keyblades, even though they are Nobodies. As for looking as if he has a heart, who can tell. Axel seemed very heartful to me, but he's a Nobody.--Hulon2 13:34, 4 May 2009 (UTC)

  It's connected to the soul of the wielder, who himself has to have a strong heart.

Helping others always comes before asking others for help. TroisNyxÉtienne

Well, Roxas was able to weild a Keyblade, two in fact, and he didn't have a heart, so maybe it's the same case with this guy. Keyblader 22:48, 30 April 2009 (UTC)

  The only reason why Roxas was able was because of Sora.

And then, if you think about it, those two didn't act instinctively, did they ? They seemed to have planned every single attack of theirs. Heartless act by instinct alone.

There are some things even the stars cannot tell me. TroisNyxÉtienne

Yes, MX fought like he had a plan, but the "Apprentice" just leapt out and started bashing away. Later, he noticed the tornado of blades and leapt on to it without stopping at all to think.--Hulon2 13:34, 4 May 2009 (UTC)

  And he did it well, didn't he ? Tacticians don't always hesitate during battle. Think Sephiroth.

Helping others always comes before asking others for help. TroisNyxÉtienne

I guess we'll know when the game comes out. After all it could be something that none of us have even thought of. After all, if people could figure out they big secret from just watching the trailers, the game wouldn't sell well. They want people to wonder so they make the trailers purposefully vague. Seriously, who could guess that Roxas was Sora's Nobody using only the Another Side Another Story video?--Hulon2 14:31, 4 May 2009 (UTC)

  True. Let's wait and see...

Helping others always comes before asking others for help. TroisNyxÉtienne

I think MX apprentice is really the xehanort that we know --KHF 19:53, 10 June 2009 (UTC)

Eh, it really could go either way, couldn't it? I personally doubt that the Apprentice is a Heartless, but you never do know. After all, he uses a keyblade - wethether the blade's attatched to the soul or the heart, it doesn't matter, because then they couldn't both use a keyblade. Then agian, it might have something to do with those chains...or rather, lack therof. No, wait, The Apprentice and MX both have chains. Okay, I'm lost. But, since Roxas did use a keyblade, despite being a Nobody, I don't think it's fair to just shoot down his theroy. The only problem is whether or not a heartless can use a keyblade, which is, obviously, unlikey. But then agian... Yeah, I don't know. Keyblade Mage 13:45, 23 June 2009 (UTC)Keyblade Mage


TALK - {{{time}}}
There is a lot of speculation in the Trivia, should we add a special part for theories or leave it where it is? (Some of those theories sound like nonsense tho...

like what?--KHF 19:54, 10 June 2009 (UTC)


Is it possible that Master Xehanorts Apprentice is Xigbar because of how he talked about seeing them before and how he saw xion as ven?